DUI & Criminal Division

A Tampa police officer was traveling in the left lane of Bruce B Downs Blvd when he observed a vehicle 3 cars ahead of him drifting on and off the left lane marker. The vehicle then overcorrected back into the left lane and abruptly changed into the right lane. The vehicle was then observed following another vehicle too closely while drifting from side to side. The vehicle then drove on the left lane marker for about 10 seconds. The vehicle was stopped for suspicion of DUI. The officer upon making contact with the defendant, noticed a distinct odor of alcoholic beverages and bloodshot eyes. As the defendant exited the vehicle, it began to roll backward about 3 feet. The defendant did not realize this until it was pointed out by the officer. After speaking with the defendant, his speech appeared slurred. The defendant was requested to perform field sobriety exercises. On the walk and turn test, the defendant failed to maintain his balance prior to beginning the exercise, made an improper turn and took an incorrect number of steps before turning. On the One Leg Stand, the defendant swayed while balancing and had to hop to maintain his balance. The defendant was arrested for DUI and refused to take a breath test. Result:The State dropped the DUI charge before the trial.