DUI & Criminal Division

You Just Got Your First DUI in Florida: Now What?

September 17, 2024

Getting your first DUI in Florida is a nerve-wracking experience. In the blink of an eye, what may have seemed like a minor mistake becomes a legal nightmare. The penalties for a DUI in Florida are severe, and they can affect your finances, your driving privileges, and even your future employment opportunities. If you’re facing a DUI charge, it’s natural to feel overwhelmed—but it’s important to understand what happens next and how a DUI lawyer can help guide you through the legal process.

Here’s a breakdown of what to expect after your first DUI in Florida and why hiring a lawyer is your best chance at minimizing the consequences.

What Happens Immediately After a DUI Arrest in Florida?

Once you’re arrested for a DUI in Florida, a series of legal procedures come into play. The first thing you’ll likely encounter is the administrative suspension of your driver’s license. This happens whether or not you refuse a breathalyzer test. If you failed the breath test or refused it, your license will be automatically suspended by the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FLHSMV).

  • Failed breath test: If your blood alcohol content (BAC) was .08 or higher, your license is suspended for six months.
  • Refusing the test: Refusal to take the breath test results in a one-year suspension.

Can I Drive After My DUI Arrest?

Yes, but with limitations. After your arrest, you will be issued a 10-day temporary permit that allows you to drive for those 10 days. During this time, you have the right to request a formal hearing with the FLHSMV to contest the suspension. This is an extremely time-sensitive issue. If you do not request the hearing within that 10-day window, the suspension will go into effect, and your ability to drive will be greatly restricted.

This is where a DUI lawyer becomes crucial. They can help you request this hearing, represent you in front of the FLHSMV, and fight for your driving privileges during this period. If successful, you may receive a hardship license, allowing you to drive for work, school, or medical needs.

Penalties for a First DUI in Florida

Florida takes DUI offenses very seriously, and even a first-time offender faces a range of penalties that can include:

  • Fines: A first DUI conviction can result in fines ranging from $500 to $1,000. If your BAC was .15 or higher, or if you had a minor in the vehicle, the fine could be as high as $2,000.
  • Jail time: You could face jail time up to 6 months for a standard DUI. If your BAC was .15 or higher or if a minor was in the car, jail time could extend to 9 months.
  • Probation: Probation is common for first-time offenders and may last up to a year.
  • Community service: Florida law requires at least 50 hours of community service for a first DUI.
  • DUI School: You’ll likely be required to attend a DUI education course, which involves learning about the dangers of impaired driving.
  • Vehicle impoundment: The court may order your vehicle to be impounded for 10 days.
  • Ignition interlock device: If your BAC was .15 or higher, you might be required to install an ignition interlock device (IID) on your vehicle for at least six months, even for a first offense.

These penalties can vary depending on the details of your case. A DUI lawyer can help you understand the specific penalties you’re facing and work to reduce them where possible.

How a DUI Lawyer Can Help Your Case

The legal process following a DUI arrest is complicated, and trying to navigate it alone can be overwhelming. Hiring a DUI lawyer gives you a fighting chance to minimize the consequences. Here are a few ways they can help:

1. Challenging the Traffic Stop

A DUI lawyer will thoroughly investigate whether the police had a valid reason to stop your vehicle in the first place. If the stop was illegal, any evidence gathered, including breathalyzer results, could be thrown out, weakening the prosecution’s case.

2. Breathalyzer and Sobriety Test Issues

Breathalyzer machines must be calibrated and maintained according to specific standards. A skilled DUI attorney will examine whether the device was working properly and whether the officer conducting the test was trained to do so. The same applies to field sobriety tests, which can be unreliable and subjective.

3. Negotiating Lesser Charges

In many cases, a DUI lawyer may be able to negotiate with the prosecutor to have the charges reduced. For example, they may argue for a “wet reckless” charge, which is a less severe charge than a DUI and carries fewer penalties.

4. Avoiding Jail Time

First-time DUI offenders often face the threat of jail time. However, an experienced lawyer may be able to help you avoid incarceration through alternative sentencing options like probation, community service, or alcohol treatment programs.

5. Protecting Your Driving Privileges

A DUI lawyer will help you fight for a hardship license, which can allow you to drive under limited conditions, such as commuting to work or school. This is especially important if your job requires you to drive.

DUI and Long-Term Consequences

A DUI conviction stays on your criminal record and driving record permanently in Florida. This can have serious long-term effects, including increased insurance rates and difficulties in finding employment, especially in jobs that require a clean driving record or a background check.

Additionally, if you’re arrested for a second DUI within five years, the penalties will be far more severe, including longer license suspensions, steeper fines, and mandatory jail time. The consequences only escalate with each subsequent offense, which is why it’s essential to fight the charges as early and aggressively as possible.

Don’t Face Your First DUI Alone

Getting your first DUI in Florida is overwhelming, but you don’t have to go through it alone. A skilled DUI lawyer can help you understand your options, challenge the evidence, and work to minimize the penalties you face. The sooner you get legal representation, the better your chances of protecting your driving privileges, reducing fines, and possibly avoiding a permanent mark on your record.

Navigating the Florida DUI process on your own is risky and often leads to harsher penalties. Hiring a DUI lawyer gives you the best opportunity to safeguard your future and avoid the lifelong consequences of a DUI conviction.

If you’ve been arrested for DUI in Florida, contact an experienced DUI lawyer today to ensure your rights are protected and to begin building a strong defense.

Rolando A. Sanchez, Esq.

Originally from Miami , grew up in Central Florida.  After high school, he joined the U.S. Air Force where he worked on F-15E fighter jets as an Avionics Technician.  He was Honorably Discharged. Afterwards, he attended University of Central Florida and received a BSBA Finance Degree, cum laude.  Next, he attended Barry University for law school and among other things, served as V.P. of the Veterans Legal Society.  Since graduating in 2016, Mr. Sanchez has dedicated his career to helping those charged with criminal matters.  These cases include traffic, misdemeanors and felonies, including trials and post-conviction relief. Mr. Sanchez is the lead attorney in Ticket Clinic’s Kissimmee office, handling cases in Osceola, Polk, Hardee and Desoto Counties.