DUI & Criminal Division


On March 20, 2024, the police observed a Toyota Tundra in the parking lot of a closed city park. The vehicle was running and occupied by our client. The police asked him why he was in the park after hours, and he replied that he was just hanging out.  There is a strong odor of […]


On July 9, 2022, an officer from the Madison County Sheriff’s Office approached a vehicle, parked on the side of the roadway pointed towards the intersection. The officer stopped and approached the vehicle to make sure that the driver did not need any assistance. When the officer made contact with the driver, he appeared to […]


July 21, 2024, the police were called in regard to an erratic driver in Franklin County. The police initiated a stop and observed the Defendant unsteady on his feet,  swaying back-and-forth on the roadway and slurring his speech. The driver was not able to perform roadside tasks but did give a blood alcohol sample a […]


On April 18, 2024, the police were called in regard to a driver that was all over the road and they called believed that he was intoxicated. The police were able to catch up with the driver and Observed the driver into several lanes, not being able to maintain control of vehicle or her speed. […]


Our client was pulled over for speeding past 2 marked police cars. She was pulled over and officers immediately suspected her of DUI. The Officers stated our client did not know where she lived and she was slurring her words. The Officers asked our client to perform Field Sobriety Tasks and she agreed. After performing […]


Our client was pulled over for speeding at 2AM in the Keys. The Officer stated he noticed an odor of alcohol and that her eyes were bloodshot, glassy, and droopy. The Officer asked our client if she had anything to drink and she admitted to drinking 2 beers. The Officer later noticed 2 16 ounce […]


Our client was out on his boat with friends when his boat was stopped for a vessel safety check. The Officer said he smelled alcohol coming from our client. The Officer then asked our client to conduct a seated battery of tasks and our client agreed to perform the tasks. The Officer later arrested our […]


While driving down the road, our client was involved in a minor car accident with a Florida Highway Patrol Trooper. Based on the Trooper’s observations, he called in a Supervisor to conduct a D.U.I. investigation. Our client was asked to perform a series of Field Sobriety Exercises and refused to do so. Our client was […]


The client was stopped for speeding and slowing down in the roadway for no reason. Once stopped, the officer observed the odor of alcohol and the client admitted to smoking marijuana. The officer had the client perform field sobriety exercises, which the client performed poorly on. The officer then arrested the client for DUI. On […]


Our client was stopped by the Seminole County Sheriff’s Office for Speeding. Upon investigation, a Deputy made alleged observations that he believed were consistent with our client being under the influence of alcohol. After a series of Field Sobriety Exercises, our client was arrested and charged with Driving Under the Influence. Upon a review of […]