23CT****8 – DUI Reduced
FHP responded to a crash involving two drivers suspected of DUI and both drivers were later charged with DUI. FHP completed the crash investigation and determined that the other driver that struck our client was at fault. Another Trooper arrived to take over the DUI investigation and he allegedly smelled the strong odor of an […]
2022CT-****7 – DUI Reduced
Our client was arrested and charged with DUI after he was stopped for striking the median and driving the wrong way into oncoming traffic. After stopping the vehicle, the officer observed no damage to the vehicle, but he noticed the driver had red eyes and slurred speech. His clothes were disheveled, and the officer believed […]
DUI Case Dropped
After our firm was hired, the office started negotiations and looking into the case. The case involved our client being pulled over for speeding and refusing everything. She told the officer she and her spouse were having issues and compiled with the officer respectfully. However, because our client did not provide any evidence of Impairment […]
2023CTXX7 – DUI Dismissed
Our client was charged with one count of driving under the influence in Bradford County. When speaking with the client he voiced concerns about the procedure the officers followed while executing the DUI investigation. Our Gainesville office filed on the case, and at the same time demanded the evidence the State possessed. The State didn’t […]
2023ct####### DUI Dismissed
The client was stopped for expired tag by law enforcement. Once stopped the officer noticed the client seemed impaired by alcohol and asked the client to perform field sobriety exercises. The client performed poorly and as a result was arrested for DUI and taken to jail. At the jail the client provided a breath sample […]
CT-****91 – DUI Dropped
Our client allegedly ran his car into a light pole and multiple mailboxes. When officers arrived, our client was in the driver’s seat. However, they neglected to check with witnesses who said that several people fled the scene after the crash. None of the witnesses identified our client as the driver. Further, no consideration was […]
22******0 DUI Dropped
Our client was arrested and charged with DUI involving a crash. He provided a breath sample at the time of his arrest and was over the legal limit. He came to us looking for a way to defend his case as he did not believe he was DUI at the time he was driving. We […]
23-XXXX DUI Case Dismissed
Our client was charged with DUI and Refusal to Submit to a Breath Test. An Officer responded to a noise complaint in an apartment complex parking lot. He observed a group of males standing next to the vehicle and he ordered them to turn down the music. Our client sat in the driver’s seat and […]
2023CT0XXX7 – DUI Reduced Charge
The client was arrested by the Indian River County Sheriffs office after allegedly almost striking a Deputy during a road stop. Upon contact, they found an open beer and our client admitted to drinking 6 beers in the course of the night. However, the officers did take into account it was over a 12 hour […]
The Client was stopped for speeding and once stopped Officers smelled an odor of alcohol and believed the Client to be impaired. A DUI investigation was conducted and the Client performed poorly on the field sobriety exercises. The Client was arrested for DUI for the second time and subsequently gave a breath sample that was […]