DUI & Criminal Division

2022CT######## DUI Dropped By State

The Client’s vehicle was stopped for not having a tag light.  Once stopped law enforcement noticed an odor of marijuana and alcohol.  The Officer asked the Client to conduct field sobriety exercises.  The Client performed poorly on the exercises and was arrested for DUI.  Once arrested the client gave a breath sample that was under […]

2022-CT***8 – DUI Charge Dismissed

Our client was arrested and charged by the police on Count 1-DUI, Count 2- DUI with property damage. Upon receipt of the case, our attorney maintained contact with the client, reviewed the facts. Our client complied with Field Sobriety Exercises as requested by the Officer, based on the Officer’s opinion our client was placed under […]

2021-CT-***9 – DUI Case Dismissed

Our client was located, asleep, behind the wheel of a running vehicle, that sat through two green light cycles. Law enforcement woke our client up, and immediately ordered him out of the vehicle, thus detaining him. A second officer arrived on scene and asked our client to submit to Field Sobriety Exercises based on him […]

2022ctXXXXX6 – DUI Dismissed

The client was found sleeping in front of a store in a parking lot, but not in a parking spot. The vehicle was running and in drive. The police began the investigation and determined that the client was impaired by alcohol. He was arrested for DUI. After his arrest, the client gave a breath sample […]

CT-XXXXX DUI Charge Dismissed

Our client was charged with DUI. After coming to us after hiring 2 other attorneys, we got her DUI charge dismissed. Our client provided a urine sample which reflected THC in her urine. We presented arguments to the prosecutor on the case citing why the State’s case was weak and why they would have difficulty […]

2022-CT-**1* DUI Dismissed

Our client was asleep, in a parking lot, with music playing. Law enforcement contacted him, woke him up and questioned him as to why he was there. Eventually, they requested he perform Field Sobriety Exercises. Upon the completion of those exercises, our client was arrested and charged with a DUI. He refused to give a […]

2022-CTXXX1X – DUI Charge Reduced

Client was involved in a traffic crash where he sideswiped another car. After the crash investigation, the police began a DUI investigation based on witness statements about his driving pattern, his eyes, and the odor of alcohol. Our client showed some balance issues but otherwise did well on field sobriety exercises and blew a .097. […]

2022-CT-XXX – DUI Dropped

Client was involved in an accident where he ran another car off the road. After the accident investigation, the police began a DUI investigation because our clients speech was slurred and he smelled of alcohol. Our client did poorly on the field sobriety exercises and blew a .192. Our firm filed 3 motions including a […]

2022CT#######1 DUI Dismissed

The Client was stopped for running a red light while speeding at 74 mph.  After being stopped law enforcement noticed an odor alcohol and thought the Defendant may be impaired.  A DUI investigation was then conducted and the officer noted that the Client made several mistakes.  The Client was then arrested for DUI and transported […]

2022CT-**** – DUI Dismissed

Our client was arrested and charged with DUI after he was stopped for passing a FHP Trooper at 100 mph in a 60 mph zone. The Trooper allegedly noticed an odor of alcoholic beverage coming from his breath as he talked, red and glassy eyes, pasty and dry lips, and thick tongued speech. Client admitted […]