DUI & Criminal Division

2021CT######## DUI Dismissed

The Client’s vehicle was stopped for speeding and failure to maintain a single lane.  Once the law enforcement stopped the vehicle they noticed the Client smelled of alcohol and had a difficult time balancing.  A DUI investigation was conducted and the Client did not perform well on all the exercises.  The Client was arrested for […]

2020CT###### DUI Dismissed

The Client was involved in a serious traffic accident.  When law enforcement arrived on scene they noticed that the Client seemed impaired, but did not observe an odor of alcohol.  The Officers requested the Client perform sobriety exercises, which the Client performed poorly on.  The Client was then transported to the hospital where the officers […]

2022CT******* DUI Dismissed

The Client was stopped for cutting off an Officer in traffic.  Once stopped the Officer realized the Client was under the influence of alcohol and requested the Client submit to field sobriety exercises.  The Client agreed and performed poorly on said exercises. The Client was then arrested for DUI and once at the jail gave […]

2021-CT-****35AXX – DUI Case Dropped

On October 8, 2020 officers arrived at the hospital regarding a possible DUI accident case. An investigation revealed that our client’s car went into a ditch and upon police arrival the driver was still inside the car. After getting out of the car, signs on impairment were noticed. Apparently the driver fell asleep and flipped over […]

2022-CT-002***AXXX – DUI Charge Dropped

Local police responded to a call regarding a sick/impaired driver who was slumped over the steering wheel. Upon arrival, the police witnesses bystanders knocking on the driver’s side windows.  Fire rescue was there as well trying to wake the occupant of the car. Eventually, the driver awoke and appeared to be confused. Officers noticed the […]

2021-CT-****8AXXX – DUI Dropped

Police responded to a parked car outside of a bar. The occupant was rummaging through her purse as the officers approached. The keys to the car were in between the seat and center console. As the driver exited a car there was an open IPA car in her possession. The driver admitted to drinking. Roadside exercises […]

202X1CTXX8 – DUI Case Dismissed

Our client was arrested and charged with driving under the influence(DUI) with accident or property damage. On the night of the incident our client and was enjoying an evening out when she took a sip of a drink offered to her. After taking only one sip of this drink our client started to lose balance […]

DUI Palm beach 2022ct********* Case Dismissed

The Client struck another vehicle while parking his car and then fell asleep behind the wheel.  A DUI investigation was conducted by law enforcement and the Client was subsequently arrested for DUI.  Once at the jail the Client provided a breath sample that was more than twice the legal limit.  The Firm investigated the case […]

2021ct####### DUI Dismissed

The Client was involved a crash and was discovered by law enforcement to be the at fault driver in the matter.  Officers believed the Defendant to be impaired and conducted a DUI investigation.  The Client performed poorly on the field sobriety exercises and was subsequently arrested for DUI and refused to give a breath sample.  […]

Monroe County 2020Ct#######  DUI Dismissed

The Client’s vehicle was stopped for speeding.  The Officer noticed the odor of alcohol and signs of impairment and conducted a DUI investigation.  The Client performed poorly on the sobriety exercises and was arrested for DUI.  Once at the jail the Defendant provided a breath sample that was double the legal limit.  The Firm investigated […]