DUI & Criminal Division

Multiple Felonies Dismissed

Our client, an owner of multiple rental properties in Columbia County was charged with multiple felonies and misdemeanors in Columbia County, Florida. These charges all stemmed from his management of these rental properties. He was giving a bond in excess of half a million dollars. He was facing life in prison. After being retained we […]

2023CF######### DUI & Leaving Scene

The client was charged with DUI and felony leaving the scene of an accident with injuries. The DMV immediately suspended the client’s license even though the criminal charges had yet to be proven.  The Firm immediately contested the license suspension and began work on the criminal charge as well. Subsequently the DUI and the leaving […]

Violation of Probation – Case Dismissed

The client’s daughter called our office to help her mother who was arrested on a Violation of Probation stemming from 2016. Her mother was in custody in a totally different county. At that time, no one knew why there was a violation. After some digging, we discovered the issue and successfully negotiated the VOP to […]

2023mm######### – Battery Case Dismissed

The client was involved in a domestic dispute with his wife that became physical.  Both the wife and the client were charged with battery. The firm was hired for the case and immediately contacted the state attorneys office to inform them that because there was no clear aggressor in the case that both defendants could […]

2022-CF-**** Fleeing/Attempting to Elude

While conducting proactive patrol, two law enforcement officers observed a vehicle traveling approximately 40 mph over the speed limit. While stopped with the vehicle at a red light, law enforcement ran the tag, and identified the driver as the registered owner through the open windows. When the light turned green, the vehicle burned out, and […]

2022-CF-**** – Felonies Discharged

Our client was arrested and charged by the police with Possession of Cocaine, and Open Carrying of a Firearm. Upon receipt of the case, our attorney maintained contact with the client, reviewed the facts, and watched the calendar. The State failed to file charges against our client within 175 days, as required under his right […]

2022-CF-XX-9X – Multiple Charges

Our client was arrested and charged with grand theft, obtaining property by false impersonation, and extortion in Columbia County. He was given a bond in excess of a $500,000.00. Our client was adamant that he was innocent of these charges and he hired The Ticket Clinic to prove his innocence. Using our relationships with the […]

2021MMXXXXX – Battery Charge Dropped

The client committed a battery on her partner in front of law enforcement. After setting a stand your ground hearing, the State amended their original offer of the extensive Batters Intervention Program for domestic violence, to a 12 week anger management diversion which can be completed in 3 months. Upon the completion of the diversion, […]

#XXXXCT00XXX1 – Violation Of Probation Dismissed

The client was violated on his probation from over two decades ago. In looking into the case, it appears the probation and the clerks were not aware of the what the “left hand was doing from the right hand”. After researching the case, we were able to prove that our client completed all the conditions […]

XX2019CF000XX – Carrying Concealed Firearm

Our client reached out The Ticket Clinic after hearing about his success with firearms cases. He was facing a 3 year prison offer, an overreaching and illegal designation as a prison re-release offender, and a gang affiliation designation with the local law enforcement offices for carrying a concealed firearm without a license. He case was […]