DUI & Criminal Division

Case #2020CFXXXXX

The client was accused of trying to kill his wife by smashing a barbell into her head and trying to stab her with a knife.  Police arrested him after he tried to flee by jumping into a canal.  Counsel for the firm was able to reunite the client with his wife during preliminary matters.  The guidelines called […]

Case #105XXX MXXL | Dismissed | Resisting an Officer without Violence

Our client was charged with Resisting an officer without violence.  He was driving 85 mph in a 55 mph zone.  His radar detector alerted him to the deputy’s radar gun.  Our client suddenly braked to a stop, prior to reaching the location of the deputy.  Our client got out of his car.  The deputy told our client […]

Prostitution Case Win | 2019-MM-**** | Orange County Criminal Lawyer

Client was charged with prostitution after an investigation into a website. Charges were brought directly by the State against her. From the outset, our office attempted to show the State that they couldn’t prove the charge due to a lack of evidence. After a year of working the case, researching the issues, and conducting a […]


Our client, an elderly man living within a duplex association, was served with notice from a neighbor seeking to impose a restraining order against him, otherwise known as an injunction in Florida.  The allegation stemmed from the neighbor being upset about our client walking to the association pool by using a cut-through common area that passes […]


Possession of False ID (Felony) x2 Our client, a double major college student under the age of 21, was a passenger in a vehicle that was pulled over for speeding.  The driver admitted to police that he possessed drugs in his bag  located in the passenger compartment of the car.  The officer found the drugs […]


The Defendant was charged with Aggravated Battery after his father and another co-defendant showed up to a business and were involved in a fight with the business owner.  The alleged victim, the business owner,  fell to the ground where it was alleged that all the co defendants and the client allegedly kicked the alleged victim […]


The Client was charged with Exploitation of an Elderly Person after law enforcement believed he was stealing his parents money while living with them. The Firm was retained to help and immediately began pouring through the voluminous evidence in the case, mostly consisting of bank records and witness statements of other family members. After the […]


Police arrested our client when her husband claimed she hit him in the face during an argument. Attorneys for the firm learned there were no material injuries visible on the husband and our client in fact showed signs of injury on her body. The firm’s attorney’s set the case for trial and the prosecutor dismissed […]


Our client was arrested for Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon (Domestic Violence), and was accused of attempting to run her husband over with her vehicle. Our team of attorneys gathered significant evidence showing that the husband was not a reliable witness and that the damage to our client’s vehicle was not consistent with her […]