2008CT00XXXX – Violation Of DUI Probation
The client called our office for an very unusual issue regarding his past DUI. In what appeared to be a clerical error, a warrant was issued for our client on a Violation of Probation, 13 years later. Our client was booked in on that warrant in South Florida. Surprisingly, the arresting agency issues another warrant […]
2021-MM-**35 – Battery Charge Dropped
Our client was arrested for domestic battery against his adult son. Our own investigation revealed that the son was the aggressor after a discovery of extreme bias. If we had not pursued the evidence needed to exonerate our client, and without knowing the nuances of the criminal investigation, this case could have dragged on for […]
2021CFXXXXX4 = Battery & Possession of Cocaine Case Dropped
Our client was arrested for battery and possession of cocaine. Officers were called to bar where a complaint was made against our client. It was also alleged the officer’s found cocaine during their investigation and charged our client with possession of the controlled substance. We were hired at the onset of the arrest which allowed […]
562020MM****86 – Battery Charge Dropped
Our client, who was 28 years old, got into an argument with his step-father over a car and money. Our client was accused of punching his step-father in the face and head several time by his mother, who witnessed it and tried to break it up. The mother called 911 and the step-father was able to […]
Resisting Officer Without Violence – Case 56XXXXXXXX
Client was in a heated argument outside of the Golden Corral with his cousin. The police were called and as they were approaching, they saw the client take his cousin to the ground and both men continued to fight. Port St. Lucie Police officers gave commands to stop fighting and ordered client to release his […]
Violation of Probation – Case 10-00***CXXXX
Our client was charged with an old violation of probation that was actually committed by another person with the same name. Previous counsel for the Defendant was unable to get the case dropped. Ticket Clinic lawyers took over the case and filed a Motion to Dismiss. We asked that our client’s name be erased as […]
2019cf####0 | Impersonating an officer & Reckless Driving
The client was stopped by a Florida State Trooper after he was driving over the speed limit and weaving through other traffic. Once stopped and in the back of the troopers car he allegedly stated he was a lieutenant in the fire department, which he was not. The firm was hired and immediately made contact […]
Charges: Aggravated Assault on a Law Enforcement Officer, Fleeing or Attempting to Elude, and Reckless Driving
Our client, a 19 year old, was charged with Aggravated Assault on a Law Enforcement Officer, Fleeing or Attempting to Elude, and Reckless Driving. Aggravated Assault on a Law Enforcement Officer is a charge that carries a mandatory prison sentence of 3 years. We were retained prior to the State filing charges against our client. […]
Case #2020CFXXXXX
The client was accused of trying to kill his wife by smashing a barbell into her head and trying to stab her with a knife. Police arrested him after he tried to flee by jumping into a canal. Counsel for the firm was able to reunite the client with his wife during preliminary matters. The guidelines called […]
Case #105XXX MXXL | Dismissed | Resisting an Officer without Violence
Our client was charged with Resisting an officer without violence. He was driving 85 mph in a 55 mph zone. His radar detector alerted him to the deputy’s radar gun. Our client suddenly braked to a stop, prior to reaching the location of the deputy. Our client got out of his car. The deputy told our client […]