The Client worked at an iPhone repair store. A woman brought in her device to have it repaired. The Client was the employee who then handled the repair. After the phone was repaired and the woman picked up the phone, a man came to the iPhone repair store claiming to be the woman’s boyfriend. The […]
The client was involved in a heated argument with his roommates and their failure to pay rent. As a result of the argument the roommates when to the client’s mother’s house to confront the client. A fight broke out. The client was charged with Battery. The Ticket Clinic Attorney got the State to drop the […]
The client was pulled over after an officer alleged that he was nearly hit by the client’s car. The officer alleged that the client refused to obey his commands to provide his license, insurance, and registration, and refused to exit his vehicle when ordered to do so by the officer. The client was subsequently arrested […]
The Client was charged with Child Abuse after officers alleged numerous allegations of abuse that stemmed from the Child informing authorities of various levels of abuse. The Firm immediately began an investigation into the case and determined that the Child was not improperly cared for but did have several extreme mental health issues, which caused […]
Law enforcement responded to a residence based on a report of a domestic disturbance. The client was subsequently arrested for Aggravated Battery Intentionally or Knowingly Cause Great Bodily Harm, Permanent Disability, or Permanent Disfigurement. After speaking with the prosecutor charged with reviewing the case, the client’s felony charge was dropped. The Client showed trust and […]
Osceola County. The Client failed to notice a police officer directing traffic around a roadblock set-up after a fatal accident, drove through the roadblock, and was subsequently arrested for failing to obey the lawful order of a law enforcement officer. The Ticket Clinic Attorneys were able to keep pressure on the State Attorney and were […]
Our client was arrested by the Longwood Police Department in Seminole County on 3 counts of aggravated battery with a deadly weapon, a second degree felony. Our client was alleged to have hit three people over the head with a shovel during a domestic disturbance. Our client’s initial offer was 3 years in prison in […]
Our client was from out of town, visiting friends. A female guest called police saying that she had been attacked and threatened with a gun by our client’s friend. After police surrounded the house and an hour-long standoff, both the friend and our client were arrested. Our firm filed a Motion to Dismiss, which forced […]
Our client had a lengthy criminal record which included prison time and was looking at another long sentence if convicted. Our client was the passenger in a vehicle which was exiting a congested commercial parking lot when his vehicle was struck by another vehicle. The mannerisms of the other vehicle’s driver indicated that they were […]
Officers were dispatched to a residence regarding a physical altercation between residents of shared household. The officers located the alleged victim outside of the reported residence. The victim stated that our client attacked him and that he wished to press charges. The officers approached our client, who was in the front yard and upon observing […]