The client was arrested for the first time ever, after they were caught by police driving a car with license that had been suspended for over a year. The Ticket Clinic Attorneys investigated the cause of the suspension and found that the client’s license was suspended for failure to have car insurance, even though the […]
The client was arrested for the first time ever, after they were caught by police operating a motorcycle without having the proper endorsement on their driver’s license to do so. The Ticket Clinic Attorneys were able to negotiate with the Office of the State Attorney to get all criminal charges dropped without the client ever […]
The client was charged with their first criminal offense ever, after they forgot to pay two traffic tickets which resulted in a license suspension. The Ticket Clinic Attorneys assisted the client in getting a valid driver’s license and were able to get all criminal charges dropped without the client ever appearing in court.
Client is a minor, charged as an adult for driving without a license. The Ticket Clinic Attorneys were able to negotiate with the Office of the State Attorney, resulting in the State dropping all criminal charges, keeping the client’s record clean, and all without the client ever having to appear in court.
The Client was arrested for the first time ever for driving on a suspended license. The Ticket Clinic Attorneys were able to negotiate with the Office of the State Attorney, resulting in the State dropping all criminal charges, keeping the client’s record clean, and all without the client ever having to appear in court.
On December 5, 2018 our client was driving northbound on State Road 407 (Challenger Memorial Parkway) in Brevard County, Florida. Our client’s vehicle was alleged to have changed from its lane and into oncoming traffic. Our client’s vehicle made front end impact with the front of a vehicle in oncoming traffic causing our client’s vehicle […]
Our client holds a CDL and was driving a semi truck through Lake Mary when he was going over railroad tracks. The railroad track arms came down on the back of the client’s truck and snapped off. A driver following the truck called 911 and reported our client for leaving the scene of an accident. […]
Our client pulled into a gas station parking lot and stopped in a space designated as handicap only. As the officer from Orlando Police Department pulled up behind the client, he noticed there was no handicap placard hanging from the rear view mirror and that our client’s license plate did not have a handicap tag […]
Client was arrested after they were pulled over for speeding, because they were a foreign national visiting the United States and did not have a driver license from their home country or Florida. The client then missed their first court date and a warrant was issued for their arrest. The Ticket Clinic Attorneys were able […]
Our client, who is a commercial driver, drives trucks for a living and depends on his driver license to support his family. Our client, who was pulling a trailer, proceeded through a stop sign, and was rear-ended by another truck, which resulted in the death of the other driver. After a traffic homicide investigation, our […]