DUI & Criminal Division


The Client, a 19 year old, was driving his dirt bike on the sidewalk. When he saw an officer’s vehicle he immediately turned around and headed the opposite direction. The Officer gave chase and turned on his lights and sirens. Eventually, much further down the road, the Client was stopped. The firm investigated the case […]


The Client was in a car accident, and was in an ambulance when the police arrived. The client’s vehicle had two different VIN numbers on it, and when the police ran the information, the vehicle came back as uninsured and unregistered, however the client had insured the vehicle and registered it under the other VIN […]


Our clients were observed by police officers driving side by side in a drag race on a isolated stretch or road in Orange County. The officers conducted a traffic stop on both of the vehicles. One of our client’s has a commercial license and this racing charge (includes a mandatory license revocation) was going to […]


Client was arrested for the first time ever while driving on a suspended license. The Ticket Clinic Attorneys were able to negotiate with the Office of the State Attorney, resulting in no criminal conviction, keeping the client’s record clean, all without the client ever having to appear in court.


The client issued a criminal charge after they were driving on their driver license from a foreign country, even though they were lawfully permitted to do so. Unfortunately, the client missed their court date and the Judge issued a warrant for their arrest. The Ticket Clinic Attorneys were not only able to have the warrant […]


The client was driving on Interstate 4, when they fell asleep, left their lane of travel and crashed into another car. The client did not stop their car and continued to travel home. The driver of the other vehicle got the client’s license plate number and reported it to the police. The client then admitted […]


Our client, was arrested for 2 DUIs within one year. Other lawyers/firms handled each of these DUIs. While on probation for the DUI charges, our client was arrested for Driving While his License was Suspended (DUS), which resulted in a violation of each of his probation cases. The Ticket Clinic was retained for the DUS […]


The client was caught driving on a suspended drivers’ license. When the police asked for their identification the client provided the police with their sibling’s information. After the police discovered the client’s true identity, they were arrested and booked into jail. The Ticket Clinic Attorneys were able to negotiate with the Prosecution, resulting in the […]


The client was arrested after they were caught by the police driving an unregistered car. The Ticket Clinic Attorneys were able to negotiate with the Prosecution, resulting in the criminal charge being amended to a traffic ticket. The client was able to keep a clean criminal record, all without ever having to appear in court.


The client was pulled over for speeding while they were driving on a suspended license. The State Attorney charged the client with a higher level offense due to the client’s prior conviction. The Ticket Clinic Attorneys were able to prove to the Prosecutor that the client never received notice of their license suspension. Not only […]