DUI & Criminal Division


The Client was pulled over for a minor traffic violation in Orlando. During the stop the officer determined that the Client’s license was restricted to business purposes only. The Client attempted to explain the situation to the officer to no avail. The Ticket Clinic Attorney was able to gather proof for the Court and presented […]


The Defendant was involved in a traffic crash with a parked vehicle. After the crash the client attempted to turn around and return to the scene. In doing so her vehicle became disabled. The client called 911 and reported the traffic crash. Despite the 911 call the office still charged the client with leaving the […]


The Defendant was charged with backing into a car as she left her house in the early morning hours. After conducting an investigation and presenting the mitigating evidence to the prosecutor they agreed to drop the criminal charges against the client.


Our client was involved in an accident and allegedly left the scene without reporting the accident or exchanging information with the other driver. The driver of the other vehicle declined medical service and drove his own car home, but later claimed that he suffered serious injuries in the crash. As a result our client was […]


Client is a commercial truck driver who was stopped for a routine inspection, when officers found cannabis and drug paraphernalia in his possession. The Ticket Clinic Attorneys were able to negotiate with the State Attorney and secured a diversion program for the client, keeping the client’s record clean and avoiding a suspension of his commercial […]


Client was observed by the police in an area known for illegal street racing. The officer witnessed what he believed to be a race and conducted a traffic stop on the client’s vehicle. At the first court date the Ticket Clinic attorney attempted to get the case dismissed but the prosecutor wanted more time to […]


The Client was driving on a restricted license from a prior DUI charge. He was pulled over for a non-moving violation and the officer began to question his license status. The officer eventually issued a criminal notice to appear for “violation of business purpose only license.” The Ticket Clinic Attorney filed a motion to dismiss […]


The client was driving a car that had no motor vehicle registration and was caught by the police, and charged with a criminal offense. The Ticket Clinic Attorneys negotiated with the Office of the State Attorney resulting in all criminal charges being dismissed.


The client was caught driving a car with a suspended license. The Ticket Clinic Attorneys were able to negotiate with the Office of the State Attorney, resulting in the criminal charge being dropped, keeping the client’s record clean.


The client was driving a car with an expired license plate. Law enforcement incorrectly charged him with a criminal offense rather than the applicable civil infraction. The Ticket Clinic Attorneys contested the criminal charge, resulting in it being dropped, keeping the client’s record clean.