Osceola County. Client is a foreign national, who does not possess a license from the United States. He was pulled over for a tail light violation and subsequently arrested. The Ticket Clinic Attorneys were able to secure his foreign license and other documents, establishing to the State Attorney’s Office that no crime had been committed. […]
DE 2017-ct-###62
The facts are as follows: The client was operating her motor vehicle on her way home when she came across an accident scene where there were police directing traffic in the middle of the 2-lane road she was travelling on. In slow moving, bumper to bumper traffic, the client was attempting to make a left […]
The Client was stopped and a check of the computer revealed his license was suspended. The client admitted to knowing that his license was suspended. With the help of the Ticket Clinic the client was able to get his license back to a valid status and the state dismissed the criminal charge.
Client was involved in her first traffic crash, she was scared and fled the scene driving back home. The police put out a BOLO “Be On The Lookout” for her vehicle. A supervisor with the police department located her vehicle just prior to pulling into her neighborhood. He conducted a traffic stop on the vehicle, […]
Client was 16 year old High School Student who just got their learners’ permit. He decided to attach an old license plate to his father’s car and take it for a drive by himself. After being pulled over, he was given two criminal charges. The Ticket Clinic Attorneys were able to negotiate on his behalf, […]
Client was foreign national visiting the US and was cited with a criminal charge, when Law Enforcement mistakenly believed that the client needed to have a Florida Drivers’ License. The Ticket Clinic Attorneys were able to secure the client’s out-of-country driving license and record, resulting in the case being dismissed, all without the client ever […]
The client was cited for a criminal charge after being caught driving on a suspended license. The client then missed a court date, resulting in a warrant being issued for his arrest. Two years later, the client retained The Ticket Clinic. Ticket Clinic Attorneys were able to have the warrant recalled.
Police officer testified he pulled a car over for speeding and issued a criminal citation to the driver for not having a drivers license. Police officer further testified he then asked our client (the passenger) whether she knew the driver did not have a drivers license and whether she let him drive anyway. According to […]
Police officer testified he was driving behind our clients vehicle when he decided to do a routine computer check of the cars tag. The check revealed that the tag was valid but that the registered owner of the vehicle had a suspended drivers license. Police officer then conducted a traffic stop and issued a criminal […]
The client was stopped at a red light in a Camaro. A police officer was stopped on the adjacent roadway out of sight. The officer alleges that the client reeved the engine, punched the gas, and squealed the tires taking off from the light. The officer estimated the Camaro was traveling in excess of 80 […]