Client was pulled over for failing to maintain her lane. When the officer asked for her driver’s license, she admitted that her license was suspended due to an issue in New York. She was arrested for driving on a suspended license. *** Through negotiations with the State, our firm was able to get the case […]
Client was in a car accident and was cited as “at fault” by law enforcement. Later that same day, she was in a second crash, panicked, and left the scene. The Ticket Clinic Attorneys were able to negotiate on behalf of the client, resulting in all charges being dismissed.
Client permitted his unlicensed underage daughter to borrow his car and drive around with her two friends. The police are called after one of his daughter’s friends falls out of the vehicle and hits her head, requiring medical attention. Even though the client admitted to the crime, The Ticket Clinic Attorneys reviewed the case and […]
Our client was charged with LSA and driving on the wrong side of the road. The citations were issued more than 20 days after the crash. Ticket Clinic lawyers pointed out weaknesses with the case and convinced the State to drop the criminal charge and dismiss the traffic infraction.
Our client, a CDL holder was charged with LSA after a traffic crash. Ticket Clinic lawyers had significant discussions with the State regarding the case and the effect that a conviction would have on his commercial driver license. Unable to resolve the case successfully, Ticket Clinic lawyers announced “ready for trial.” Finally, the State announced […]
Our client was stopped along with another vehicle for racing on US-19. Both cars were traveling well in excess of the posted speed limit. Both drivers were charged with racing, which carries a mandatory driver license suspension if convicted. Ticket Clinic lawyers set the case for trial, as we intended to establish that the facts […]
Our client, an international college student was arrested while driving with an international driver license, which could have resulted in a revocation of the student visa that had been issued. The client was unable to secure a new license from the home country. Ticket Clinic took quick action, obtaining a copy of the international driver […]
The client was stopped at a red light a vehicle was to his right, and a police car was two cars behind the client. When the light turned green both cars took off quickly from the light. When the client shifted from first gear to second gear the wheels on his car chirped. The officer […]
Our client was arrested and charged with Aggravated Battery, a felony, after police alleged she intentionally dumped hot soup on her fiancée causing him severe burns throughout his body. The prosecutor initially sought prison for our client. However, after the firm’s attorney worked through the case, he was able to determine weaknesses in the State’s […]
2017 CT 0XXXXXX6
Osceola County. The client was pulled over by two troopers after they observed him crossing the median of I4 near the SR417 entrance ramp. During the stop the client produced a license from Venezuela. The troopers asked if the client was living in the United States, to which he replied yes. The troopers arrested the […]