Our client, an UBER driver, was involved in an accident while transporting a customer. After the accident, our client left the scene to drop off the customer, then returned to the scene of the crash. She was charged with a criminal violation, for Leaving the Scene of an Accident with property damage. Ticket Clinic lawyers […]
The client was charged for the first time ever, after they were caught by police operating a car that was not registered. The Ticket Clinic Attorneys were able to negotiate with the Office of the State Attorney to get all criminal charges dropped without the client ever appearing in court.
The Client was driving on his way home from a night out when an animal ran in front of his vehicle. The Client swerved to miss the animal and as a result hit a utility pole. The collision caused significant damage to his truck and the pole. The power to the entire area was knocked […]
Law Enforcement found the client asleep in the driver seat of their car with the keys ignition. After observing that the client showed signs of impairment by alcohol, law enforcement proceeded to investigate the client for a DUI. After performing badly on field sobriety exercises the client was arrested and submitted to a breath alcohol […]
The client was charged with attaching a license plate to his trailer which was assigned to a different trailer, when they accidentally provided law enforcement with the wrong trailer registration. The Ticket Clinic Attorneys were able to establish that the client possessed two trailers, both of which were validly registered and licensed at the time […]
Our client, who is a commercial driver (CDL) was rear ended, which resulted in the death of the other driver. After being retained, Ticket Clinic lawyers went to work on the case, investigating the details of the crash. Our client insisted that he was slowing for traffic ahead, and had no choice but to slow […]
Our client was observed by Florida Highway Patrol traveling 110 mph and weaving in/out of traffic. The speed was confirmed by a Stalker Laser measuring device. After being retained, Ticket Clinic lawyers got to work on the case. We were able to demonstrate and convince the State Attorney assigned to the case that the speed […]
On February 26, 2019 Florida Highway Patrol Trooper arrived at an accident scene. Upon speaking with the parties involved in the accident, it was determined that the Defendant had traveled from the eastbound turn lane into the already occupied eastbound left lane causing the accident. The Defendant denied changing lanes, however dash camera from another […]
Our client was stopped for careless driving and failure to maintain a single lane. After performing the field sobriety exercises, he was arrested for Driving Under the Influence. We were able to negotiate with the State Attorney’s office and our client received a withhold of adjudication on the amended charge of Reckless Driving and our […]
Our client was pulled over for “failure to maintain a single lane,” and eventually arrested for Driving Under the Influence with a breath alcohol level over .150. Our client provided two valid breath samples of .151/.151. The State was forced to drop all of the charges after the Court granted our Motion to Suppress the […]