DUI & Criminal Division

20XX-CX-7XX No Conviction As Charged

Client was sitting behind the wheel of her car acting very strange according to an eye witness. The witness felt obligated to approach the vehicle and remove the keys from the ignition. The witness then called 911. Officers arrived and saw our client behind the wheel. They notice an odor of alcohol, bloodshot eyes, slurred […]

20XX-CX-4XXX No Conviction As Charged

Client rear ended another vehicle on the roadway. Because he had no insurance, he panicked and left the scene. His tag number was taken down and he was identified by a witness. Police proceeded to his home and arrested him. On the day of trial, the State dropped the criminal charge.

20XX-CX-1XXX No Conviction As Charged

Client was driving at a high rate of speed through a residential neighborhood. He lost control of his vehicle and spun out causing his vehicle to run into a yard and knock down the mailbox. Two of our client’s tires popped as a result of the accident. Witnesses described the driving as too fast and […]

2015-ct-xxxxxx No Conviction As Charged

On January 1, 2015, a Hillsborough County Deputy was traveling northbound on Balm River view Road. As he approached the intersection of Balm River view and Park Drive, he noticed a truck in front of him with a taillight out. He then followed the vehicle and saw it weave outside of his lane of travel. […]

2014CTXXXXXXXXXXX No Conviction As Charged

The Client was charged with DUI after he hit some trees and police arrived on scene and did an investigation. The Client then gave a breath sample over the legal limit. The Client did not qualify for the first time offenders program that would have enabled him to plea his case out to a reckless […]


Defendant stopped for weaving and erratic driving. Defendant performed poorly on the roadside sobriety exercises and was arrested. Defendant refused a urine test. DUI case was dropped. This was the defendant’s 2nd DUI charge.


Defendant was stopped for driving 62mph in a 45mph zone. After performing poorly on the roadside exercises he was arrested for DUI. Defendant took a breath test and the results of.128 and .135. Both of the results were over the legal limit. DUI charge dropped.


Defendants vehicle was parked partially in the roadway on the entrance ramp to I-95. Defendant was observed to be asleep in the vehicle with the engine running. After performing poorly on the roadside exercises he was arrested for DUI. Defendant refused the breath test. Aquitted by a jury of DUI.