DUI & Criminal Division


According to the police, the Defendant was in a no parking zone at the airport. The officer advised the Defendant to keep driving. The Defendant pulled up a few feet but then parked the car again. The officer ordered the Defendant to either drive around or to go to the parking lot. According to the […]

15XXXXXXXXX0A No Conviction As Charged

According to the police, they came into contact with the Defendant and smelled the odor of cannabis. They eventually arrested the Defendant for Possession Cannabis.  The attorney for the firm investigated the case, and was able to get the Defendant into a program for first-time offenders.  Upon completion of the program, the attorney for the […]

14XXXXXXXXX0A No Conviction As Charged

According to the police, they came upon the Defendant who was passed out behind the wheel at a railroad crossing.  They made several attempts to wake him up.  When he eventually woke up, his foot came off the brake and his car rolled forward in a dangerous manner.  The officer noticed that the defendant smelled […]

2015CTXX18XX No Conviction As Charged

An officer pulled over our client for speeding.  Our client only spoke Spanish and was unable to provide the officer with a driver’s license from Florida.  The officer charged her criminally with No Valid DL. Counsel was able to determine that the client did, in fact, possess a valid Puerto Rican Driver’s License, and since […]

2014XT1XXX No Conviction As Charged

An officer conducted a “well fare check” when he observed our client pulled over on the side of the road apparently looking at his cell phone.   Our client explained to the officer he had pulled over to safely make a phone call to his friend.  The officer claimed to have observed bloodshot eyes, heard slurred […]

2015-308XX No Conviction As Charged

Our client was involved in a rear end collision and then allegedly left the scene of the accident. A criminal charge was filed and our law firm began our representation. After investigating the case, demanding all of the State’s discovery and thorough negotiations with the State Attorney’s office, all criminal charges were dropped

2015-303XXX No Conviction As Charged

Our client, who drives for a living was arrested during Bike Week for DUI. After the arrest, the Defendant submitted to a urine test, which showed the presence of Codeine. The client insisted that the results were flawed, and supporting documentation of a negative drug test was provided to the State Attorney’s office, that was […]

2015-304XXX No Conviction As Charged

After being stopped for speeding, and submitting to Field Sobriety Exercises, our client was arrested for DUI. A breath test was requested, but our client chose to refuse this test. During our investigation, we were able to establish a positive performance of the exercises and many inconsistencies between the video and the officer’s written report. […]

2015-303XXX No Conviction As Charged

While driving his motorcycle, our client was accused of cutting a vehicle off, causing an accident and leaving the scene of the accident. Our client denied that an accident had actually occurred. The accident report mentioned minor damage but included no photos of any damage. Our client was able to provide photos showing that his […]

20XXMX7XXX No Conviction As Charged

Our client was pulled over for having an obstructed tag. When the officer approached, he noticed an overwhelming odor of marijuana coming from the vehicle. He then asked our client to exit the vehicle. While searching the vehicle, the officer found a grinder, rolling papers, and marijuana. Our client was then arrested. After 9 months, […]