DUI & Criminal Division


To protect our clients privacy, incomplete case numbers are provided.

Case Summary

Date: 04/06/2013
Charge: DUI
The Defendant made an abrupt right turn from Federal to Dixie Highway where there was a no right turn signal. The driver then made an abrupt lane change and almost struck the edge of the sidewalk. The vehicle then continuously began to swerve to the right and on several occasions the tires traveled across the solid white lines almost striking the sidewalk. The trooper initiated a traffic stop at about 1:45 a.m. and asked the defendant where he was going. He said he was going to checkers to eat and that he was coming from his house. His eyes were bloodshot and glassy and he had an odor of alcohol coming from his breath. When asked if he had drank, he said no. The Defendant performed poorly on the first two roadsides and then refused to perform the Finger to Nose and Rhomberg Alphabet by stating “just take me to jail.” The Defendant was arrested and asked to submit to a breath test which he refused. The Firm pointed out to the State that there were many weaknesses in the case regarding the roadside video and Breath Alcohol Testing Video. After months of negotiations, the State of Florida agreed to dismiss the charges for Driving Under the Influence.

Case Summary

Date: 04/05/2013
Charge: DUI
The Defendant was clocked going 70 in a 35 mph zone. The officer witnessed him swerving in the road and slowing down rapidly and then failing to stop at a stop sign. The officer then activated his siren to conduct a welfare check on the car and the Defendant backed over a concrete block in a parking lot. After getting out of the vehicle, the officer observed that he was unsteady on his feet and stumbling around. His eyes were red and glassy and he smelled like alcohol. His face also appeared flushed. He admitted to drinking 2 beers. The Defendant performed poorly on roadside exercises and was arrested. After being arrested, the officers found a Gatorade bottle which had liquid in it that smelled like alcohol. When taken to the breath facility, he was asked to submit to a sample of his breath and he refused. The firm negotiated with the State Attorney’s office pointing out the video from the jail that depicted a person who did not look or sound like the person described in the reports. After these talks, the State of Florida agreed to dismiss the charges for Driving Under the Influence.

Case Summary

Date: 04/04/2013
Charge: DUI
The Defendant was passed out in his car at a light when an officer made contact with him. His foot was on the break and the car was on. His head was tilted down and would not respond initially to police contact. The officers had to rub his sternum to wake him up. The defendant said he just dropped his mom off and was on his way to a night club. However, he was actually traveling away from the night club he said he was going to. He had slow speech and was dazed and disoriented. His eyes were bloodshot and glassy and he smelled like alcohol. He was swaying back and forth out of the car and did not want to do the tasks initially. When asked how much he had to drink, he said “not much”. The officer who administered the HGN was a certified drug recognition expert and noticed numerous signs of impairment with the Defendant’s eyes. Additionally, he performed poorly on the remainder of the roadsides and could not finish the alphabet. When he was arrested and taken to jail, he refused to submit to a sample of his breath. The Firm filed supplemental discovery proving the Defendant had driven all around the State on during the day he was arrested for work. Additionally, the video evidence contradicted much of the police reports. After extensive negotiating over a 3 month period, the State of Florida finally agreed to dismiss the charges for Driving Under the Influence.

Case Summary

Date: 03/26/2013
Charge: DUI
The Defendant was toped going 63 in a 45 mph zone. The vehicle was driting within its lane and crossed the dotted white line to its right while negotiating a turn. The officer activated his lights and sirens and the vehicle continued several hundred feet before stopping. The Defendant appeared dazed and confused and his eyes were bloodshot and glassy. An obvious odor of alcohol was coming from him. His speech was slow and he did not believe that he was speeding. He slowly looked for his paperwork and then tried to open the door for no reason. When outside of the car, he was swaying noticeably forward and back. Initially, he denied drinking anything and then he said he had one. He performed poorly on roadsides and was arrested. When taken back to the jail, he submitted to a sample of his breath which yielded results under a .08. He then consented to a urine. The Defendant hired The Ticket Clinic and after a full review of the case, the State agreed to no file the charges for Driving Under the Influence.

Case Summary

Date: 03/25/2013
Charge: DUI
The Defendant was stopped in a crosswalk five feet past the stop bar. The light turned green and the vehicle did not move. After the light cycled through again, the officer activated his emergency lights and walked up to the car. The Defendant took a while to lower the window after the officer knocked on it. He was dazed and confused and said he was going to a city north of where he was, but he was facing south. The officer noticed his eyes were glassy and red and he had an odor of alcohol coming from him. He was asked to perform roadside exercises and performed poorly. He was even given 3 chances to say the alphabet but could not get through it. He was taken to the breath alcohol facility where he refused to submit to a sample of his breath. The firm spoke to the State Attorney’s Office before a filing decision was made and convinced them to drop the charges for Driving Under the Influence. This was based upon a closer review of the video of the roadsides and the video at the breath center.

Case Summary

Date: 03/25/2013
Charge: DUI
The Defendant was stopped in a crosswalk five feet past the stop bar. The light turned green and the vehicle did not move. After the light cycled through again, the officer activated his emergency lights and walked up to the car. The Defendant took a while to lower the window after the officer knocked on it. He was dazed and confused and said he was going to a city north of where he was, but he was facing south. The officer noticed his eyes were glassy and red and he had an odor of alcohol coming from him. He was asked to perform roadside exercises and performed poorly. He was even given 3 chances to say the alphabet but could not get through it. He was taken to the breath alcohol facility where he refused to submit to a sample of his breath. The firm spoke to the State Attorney’s Office before a filing decision was made and convinced them to drop the charges for Driving Under the Influence. This was based upon a closer review of the video of the roadsides and the video at the breath center.

Case Summary

Date: 03/24/2013
Charge: DUI
Defendant was stopped for speeding. After performing poorly on roadside exercises the defendant was arrested. The defendant blew .173 then refused to give a 2nd breath sample. DUI charge dropped.

Case Summary

Date: 03/22/2013
Charge: DUI
The Defendant was driving 30 mph over the speed limit and was stopped. The defendant fumbled in his vehicle and through his paperwork. He had an odor of alcohol coming from him and his speech was slurred and mumbled. His eyes were bloodshot, red and glassy. As the Defendant got out of the car, he was unsteady on his feet and swayed back and forth. He said he came from a Steakhouse and drank 2 glasses of wine. He agreed to roadsides and performed poorly. When he was brought back to the jail, he refused to submit to a breath test. The firm spoke to the case filing lawyer and pointed out discrepancies to the State Attorney’s office. The State of Florida agreed to dismiss the charges for DUI.

Case Summary

Date: 03/19/2013
Charge: DUI
Defendant was observed by traffic homicide investigator and other law enforcement personnel to have an odor of alcohol on their breath, glassy and bloodshot eyes and slurred speech. The defendant also had no idea where they were and had difficulty walking and performend poorly on roadside exercises. Defendant refused breath test. Case dismissed.

Case Summary

Date: 03/15/2013
Charge: Possession of Cannabis / Drug Paraphernalia
The police stopped a vehicle for a traffic violation. The Defendant was a passenger in the car. The officer informed the occupants of the vehicle that he could smell the odor of burnt cannabis. The Defendant admitted that she had smoked marijuana earlier and turned over a pipe and a small amount of cannabis. The attorney for the firm investigated the case, and was able to get the Defendant into a program for first time offenders. Upon completion of the program, the attorney for the firm was able to get the prosecutor to drop the case completely.

Case Summary

Date: 03/11/2013
Charge: DUI
The Defendant was seen by a clerk in a store walking into shelves and stumbling all over the place. He was not able to keep his balance and was heavily intoxicated. The clerk told a police officer not to let him drive and the officer tried to stop him but the Defendant ignored him and got in his car to speed away. The Defendant then ran multiple stop signs and failed to maintain a lane. The Defendant drove 2 blocks while the lights were activated. The officer finally stopped him and upon contact the Defendant smelled like alcohol and had numerous signs of impairment. The Defendant just sat there when asked for his license and looked to be in a stupor. He was argumentative and refused to submit to roadsides. After being arrested he refused to submit to a breath test. The Firm had numerous conferences with the State Attorney’s Office regarding the video evidence in the case along with the issues proving the prior refusal. After numerous conversations, the State of Florida agreed to dismiss the charges for DUI and Refusal to Submit.

Case Summary

Date: 03/08/2013
Charge: DUI
The Defendant ran a stop sign and then began turning on her signals for no apparent reason and then made a turn. The Defendant was stopped and she smelled like alcohol and her eyes were red and glassy. She had a little difficulty locating documents and her speech was slurred. She said she came from a bar and had 2 beers. She performed poorly on roadsides and was arrested for DUI. When she was brought back to the jail, she refused to give a sample of her breath. She stated at jail that she actually was at Blue Martini but then went to another restaurant. The Firm negotiated with the State Attorney’s Office upon retrieving the videos and convinced the State to dismiss the charges for Driving Under the Influence.
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Rolando A. Sanchez, Esq.

Originally from Miami , grew up in Central Florida.  After high school, he joined the U.S. Air Force where he worked on F-15E fighter jets as an Avionics Technician.  He was Honorably Discharged. Afterwards, he attended University of Central Florida and received a BSBA Finance Degree, cum laude.  Next, he attended Barry University for law school and among other things, served as V.P. of the Veterans Legal Society.  Since graduating in 2016, Mr. Sanchez has dedicated his career to helping those charged with criminal matters.  These cases include traffic, misdemeanors and felonies, including trials and post-conviction relief. Mr. Sanchez is the lead attorney in Ticket Clinic’s Kissimmee office, handling cases in Osceola, Polk, Hardee and Desoto Counties.