DUI & Criminal Division


To protect our clients privacy, incomplete case numbers are provided.

Case Summary

Date: 03/22/2023
Case #: 2022CT######5XX
Charge: DUI
The Client was stopped for speeding and once stopped Officers smelled an odor of alcohol and believed the Client to be impaired.  A DUI investigation was conducted and the Client performed poorly on the field sobriety exercises.  The Client was arrested for DUI for the second time and subsequently gave a breath sample that was barely over the legal limit.  The Firm was hired to investigate the case and discovered that not only was the Client's breath sample just above a .08, but the breath machine used was found to be giving results that were not accurate.  As a result the case was set for trial.  The day before the trial the State agreed to dismiss the DUI charge.

Case Summary

Date: 03/10/2023
Case #: 2022CF*****6AK – Fleeming or Attempting to Elude Case Dismissed
Charge: Fleeing and Eluding
Our client was charged with the felony offense of Fleeing or Attempting to Elude a Marked Police Car. The vehicle the officer said our client was driving initially passed the officer going southbound into Key West. This was captured on the officer's dash cam. The Officer initiated his overhead lights and turned around to pursue the vehicle. Officers later stopped our client while searching the area for the car that was captured on the Officer's dash cam. Our client and his passenger were removed from the car, the car was searched, and they were arrested. We later viewed the dash cam, reviewed the reports, and presented legal argument and caselaw to the prosecutor arguing why the case should be dropped. The prosecutor agreed and dismissed the case.

Case Summary

Date: 03/06/2023
Case #: 2022-CT**** Racing On Highway charge Reduced
Charge: Racing
Our client was stopped and charged with Racing on the Highway after law enforcement witnessed him, and another vehicle, revving their engines at a red light. Once the light turned green, both vehicles took off at a high rate of speed. Our client was stopped, the other vehicle was not. Our client, a nursing student, was facing a $500 fine, one year Driver’s License revocation, and potential career ending consequences for having a criminal charge. Our attorneys managed to point out the weaknesses in the State’s case and negotiate a disposition of a Civil Citation, no longer a criminal offense, and no points on his license.  

Case Summary

Date: 02/15/2023
Case #: 2021-CT-***4* – Dismissed Pending DUI Diversion Completion
Charge: DUI
Law Enforcement was dispatched to the scene of a motor vehicle crash. Our client was found to be involved in the accident. Law enforcement made observations of our client including red, bloodshot, watery eyes and an overwhelming odor of alcohol from her breath. Based on these observations, plus the crash, our client was asked to participate in Field Sobriety Exercises. She performed poorly - unable to follow the instructions of the law enforcement officer. Eventually she refused to further participate in the exercises and was placed under arrest for Driving Under the Influence. After her arrest she was asked to provide a breath sample. She refused. When our attorneys received the case, we began an in-depth analysis of the facts and investigation conducted by law enforcement. Our attorneys, using their reputation in the community, were able to successfully negotiate with the State to allow our client to be admitted into Orange County's DUI Diversion Program - which she would not normally have been qualified for based on the crash involved. The State allowed her entry into the program. After the completion of the program, the charges were dismissed against our client.

Case Summary

Date: 02/15/2023
Case #: 2022-CT-***5* – DUI Dismissed
Charge: DUI
Our client was pulled over after law enforcement witnessed one of his passengers vomiting out the door of his vehicle. Our client was the designated driver in a vehicle with 5 people in it. After law enforcement made alleged observations that our client was impaired, our client was asked to perform Field Sobriety Exercises. Based upon his performance on the exercises, our client was placed under arrest for Driving Under the Influence. Our client submitted a breath sample, which was .017, well below the legal limit of .08. Law enforcmeent then requested a Drug Recognition Expert conduct an evaluation of our client. After the evaluation, our client was believed to be under the influence of "depressants". Law enforcement also collected a urine sample - which came back clean. The case was set for trial and the State wound up dismissing the charges against our client. This is a case that shows that the techniques law enforcement use to determine if someone is under the influence are greatly flawed and nothing law enforcement does should be taken at face value.

Case Summary

Date: 01/30/2023
Case #: 2022-CT-****3 DUI Reduced
Charge: DUI
On 9/22/22, our client was stopped for driving without headlights at night and drifting between lanes. After our client was stopped, law enforcement noticed a smell of alcohol coming from his breath and our client admitted drinking. Law enforcement conducted Field Sobriety Exercises and placed our client under arrest for DUI. At the jail, our client provided a breath sample of .169. During the course of the case, our attorneys reviewed all of the evidence, all videos, reports and statements. Based on the facts of the case, our attorneys were successfully able to negotiate the charge away from a DUI, to the reduced charge of Reckless Driving. Our client was able to avoid a conviction on his record and the additional license revocation that is mandatory with a DUI.

Case Summary

Date: 01/30/2023
Case #: 22CT-***23 – DUI Reduced
Charge: DUI
Our client was arrested and charged with DUI after he was stopped for running two stop signs in front of a deputy from the Sheriff’s Office. The deputy allegedly observed the driver to have glassy, blood shot, and watery eyes. He also allegedly smelled the strong odor of an alcoholic beverage coming from his breath. He noticed a yellow stain on his crotch area and the driver admitted to drinking five beers.  The deputy conducted alternatives to standard field sobriety exercises because our client was an elderly man with medical limitations. The deputy determined his normal faculties were impaired and arrested him for DUI. He submitted to a breath test and blew .076 approximately 90 minutes after the stop.  The client rejected all offers and we set his case for a motion to suppress. Ultimately, we closed his case to a dry reckless driving, no license suspension, and no points on his license.

Case Summary

Date: 01/30/2023
Case #: 22CT-**** – Racing on Highway
Charge: Racing
In an Orange County Racing case, a deputy observed a blue Mustang pull next to an orange Camaro at a red light. The Mustang honked its horn, and the Camaro rolled its windows down. The deputy observed them have a brief conversation and once the traffic light turned green, they screeched their tires and did a slight burn out and took off at a high rate of speed side by side. The deputy turned on his lights and alleged that he reached 100 mph in an attempt to catch up to them.  The Mustang kept going and the driver of the Camaro stopped.  He was charged with Racing. We closed his case to a careless driving, a driving school, no suspension and no points on his license.

Case Summary

Date: 01/25/2023
Case #: 2022ct###2### DUI Dismissed
Charge: DUI
The client was stopped for making an illegal turn. Once stopped the officers noticed an odor of alcohol but the client denied drinking.   The Officers requested the Client to submit to a DUI investigation but the client refused to do so. As a result the client was arrested for DUI.  Once the client was taken into custody he declined to provide a breath sample.   The Firm was retained and immediately began examining the evidence,  including the videos in the case. It was discovered that what little evidence the State did have simply showed the Client behaving normally.   The Firm repeatedly tried to get the State to dismiss the DUI. Finally, on the day of trial the State agreed and dismissed the DUI charge.

Case Summary

Date: 01/23/2023
Case #: 2022CT######## DUI Charges Dismissed
Charge: DUI
The Client was involved in an accident and was found by law enforcement in control of the vehicle.  The officers on scene detected an odor of alcohol and began a DUI investigation.  The Client argued with the officers at length about complying with the DUI investigation and ultimately chose not to comply with the investigation.  At this point the Officers arrested the Client for DUI and requested the Client provide a breath sample.  The Client then refused to provide a breath sample.  The Firm was hired and ordered the video in the case.  The video showed the Client arguing with the officers but did not show that the Client was impaired.  It was argued to the State that there was very little evidence in the case and the DUI charge should be dismissed.  After several hearings the State agreed and dismissed all charges.

Case Summary

Date: 01/12/2023
Case #: 2022CT#######1 DUI Dismissed
Charge: DUI
The Client was stopped for running a red light while speeding at 74 mph.  After being stopped law enforcement noticed an odor alcohol and thought the Defendant may be impaired.  A DUI investigation was then conducted and the officer noted that the Client made several mistakes.  The Client was then arrested for DUI and transported to the Breath Alcohol Testing Center where he provided a breath sample that did not indicate a presumption that the Client was not impaired.  A urine test was also collected.  The Firm immediately took the case and contacted the State Attorney's office and indicated that because the urine test was going to come back clean and the rest of the evidence was not strong for the State, that the charges should be dismissed before the case progressed past arraignment.  The State agreed and the case was dismissed.

Case Summary

Date: 12/20/2022
Case #: 2021CT######## DUI Dismissed
Charge: DUI
The Client's vehicle was stopped for speeding and failure to maintain a single lane.  Once the law enforcement stopped the vehicle they noticed the Client smelled of alcohol and had a difficult time balancing.  A DUI investigation was conducted and the Client did not perform well on all the exercises.  The Client was arrested for DUI and transported to jail.  Once at the jail the client was asked to give a breath sample, which when given showed a breath sample under the legal limit.  The arresting officer then requested the Client to submit to a urine sample to show if the Client had taken any drugs.  The Client refused to submit to a urine sample.  The Firm was hired to help the Client and immediately began investigating the case.  It was discovered that there was no other evidence that the Client was under the influence of any drug or controlled substance and as a result the urine request would be inadmissible.  The State Attorney's office agreed but still refused to dismiss the case entirely.  The Firm set the case for trial and on the morning of trial the State dismissed all charges against the Client.
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Rolando A. Sanchez, Esq.

Originally from Miami , grew up in Central Florida.  After high school, he joined the U.S. Air Force where he worked on F-15E fighter jets as an Avionics Technician.  He was Honorably Discharged. Afterwards, he attended University of Central Florida and received a BSBA Finance Degree, cum laude.  Next, he attended Barry University for law school and among other things, served as V.P. of the Veterans Legal Society.  Since graduating in 2016, Mr. Sanchez has dedicated his career to helping those charged with criminal matters.  These cases include traffic, misdemeanors and felonies, including trials and post-conviction relief. Mr. Sanchez is the lead attorney in Ticket Clinic’s Kissimmee office, handling cases in Osceola, Polk, Hardee and Desoto Counties.