The Client’s vehicle was stopped for speeding. The Officer noticed the odor of alcohol and signs of impairment and conducted a DUI investigation. The Client performed poorly on the sobriety exercises and was arrested for DUI. Once at the jail the Defendant provided a breath sample that was double the legal limit. The Firm investigated the case and determined that the Client had no prior history and was able to get the Client accepted into a program to get her DUI dismissed.
The Client was involved in a crash and was transported to the hospital for treatment. Law enforcement followed the Client to the hospital and suspected the Client to be under the influence of alcohol. A blood sample was requested and the Client refused to provide a blood sample. The Client was charged with DUI anyways, despite the fact that no breath or blood sample was collected. The Firm filed a motion to suppress the Blood refusal and during the hearing the Officers made several contradictory statements, and changed lots of elements of their story. After the motion, the case was set for trial and the day before the trial the State agreed to drop the DUI.
Our client was involved in a single vehicle accident. His car was found in the woods and upon arrival he told the police officers that he was the driver. After the DUI investigation and arrest a breath test registered a result of .143 and .137. The police failed to Mirandize our client on scene and consequently, we were able to file a motion to exclude the admission that he was the driver of the car. After the filing of the motion and the state agreeing that it was a valid motion, the State agreed to drop the DUI charge.
The Client struck another vehicle while parking his car and then fell asleep behind the wheel. A DUI investigation was conducted by law enforcement and the Client was subsequently arrested for DUI. Once at the jail the Client provided a breath sample that was more than twice the legal limit. The Firm investigated the case and determined that the accident was extremely minor and the Client had no prior criminal history. After negotiating with the State, and citing all the mitigating factors in the case, the DUI charge was dismissed.
The Client was involved a crash and was discovered by law enforcement to be the at fault driver in the matter. Officers believed the Defendant to be impaired and conducted a DUI investigation. The Client performed poorly on the field sobriety exercises and was subsequently arrested for DUI and refused to give a breath sample. The Firm investigated the case and because the Client refused to provide a breath sample and did not have any prior record, the State agreed to dismiss the DUI Charge.
Our client was involved in a vehicle accident in an apartment complex and then continued driving about 150 feet from the scene of the crash. According to the report, the accident resulted in another parked car's rear window imploding. The police officer who arrived on scene noticed signs of impairment. Roadside exercises were offered but our client refused. After the arrest a breath sample was taken, which showed a result of .251. Due to the administrative rule requiring 2 breath samples, we pointed out to the State that the result would be inadmissible. The state agreed, dropped the DUI to reckless driving and completely dropped the leaving the scene charge as well.
Our client was found at fault in a high speed rear-end collision with a vehicle that was parked at a red light. He admitted to looking at his phone immediately prior to the crash and was driving while his license was suspended. He was issued non-criminal traffic citations for failure to use due care and failure to provide proof of insurance. He was also issued a criminal traffic citation for Driving While License Suspended. Our client was facing a maximum of 60 days in the Broward County Jail. The Ticket Clinic attorney for Broward County set the case for trial to make the State prove the allegations against our client. During the trial, our attorney was able to keep out key pieces of evidence which completely prevented the State from being able to prove that the crash occurred in Broward County and that our client knew his license was suspended. As a result of our attorney's efforts, the Judge granted a directed verdict of Not Guilty on the two non-criminal traffic infractions and granted a Judgement of Acquittal on the criminal charge of Driving While License Suspended.
Our client was on their way to a vacation when they ran into their neighbor's mailbox. The neighbors called the police reporting that our client was drunk. Our client submitted to a breath test and blew 0.00. Despite the fact that a urine sample would be practical LEOs requested a warrantless blood draw.
Using our relationships with The State Attorney's Office we were able to voice our concerns that this warrantless blood draw was unconstitutional and agreed to a reduced charge of reckless driving!
The Defendant was observed driving “side by side” with another vehicle traveling at a high rate of speed on Port St Lucie Blvd. According to the police officer, one of the vehicles was able to pull away and then change lanes in front of the other vehicle. After lengthy discussions with the Assistant State Attorney, all charges were dropped.
Our client rear ended a vehicle stopped at a red light while travelling at a high rate of speed. After the crash investigation was completed, the deputy on scene called for a DUI investigator, who advised that he was 30-45 minutes away. Rather than conduct the DUI investigation himself, the deputy recruited paramedics in a scheme to trick our client into going to the hospital for a blood draw by creating the impression that he did not have a choice in the matter and that his injuries were more serious than they actually were. Once at the hospital, deputies told our client that they would arrest him if he did not agree to provide a sample of his blood for the purpose of testing its alcohol content. Under duress, our client complied with the deputies' show of force and provided a blood sample, which revealed that his blood alcohol level was .225, nearly 3 times the legal limit. The Ticket Clinic attorney for Broward County filed a motion to suppress arguing that the deputies had illegally detained him and transported him to the hospital against his will to circumvent time limitations on a DUI investigation. Our attorney further argued that his consent to a blood test was not voluntarily given because he was threatened with arrest if he did not comply. The State Attorney's Office reviewed our attorney's motion and agreed with his arguments. Because none of the evidence against our client was lawfully obtained, the State dropped all charges.
The Client was involved in an accident where he crashed into several vehicles. Law enforcement arrived on the scene and conducted a DUI investigation. During the investigation, because of the language barrier, the Client refused to cooperate with the investigation. The Client was arrested for DUI where he subsequently refused to provide a breath sample. The Firm investigated the case and discovered there a was a lack of evidence in the case showing that the Client was impaired. The videos in the case only showed the Client standing with law enforcement. As result the Firm set the case for trial. The day before trial the State agreed to dismiss the DUI.
On July 5, 2020 our client was arrested for DUI and Driving While his License was Suspended. After failed negotiations, Ticket Clinic lawyers set the case for a jury trial. According to police, our client was leaving a bar and crashed his car and then tried to leave the scene. Our client said that his ex-girlfriend was driving at the time of the crash. When the police arrived, our client was in the driver's seat. The vehicle had become inoperable after the crash. Ticket Clinic lawyers presented several defenses during the trial. First, we argued that the car was inoperable, so he could not have been "driving it". Next, we argued a "necessity defense" as his girlfriend left the vehicle in an unsafe manner, forcing our client to try to move the car. The trial lasted 2 days and the jury deliberated for less than one hour. When they returned, the jury announced a verdict of NOT GUILTY to all charges. Needless to say, our client was very happy!