DUI & Criminal Division


To protect our clients privacy, incomplete case numbers are provided.

Case Summary

Date: 11/05/2008
Charge: DUI
The defendant was seen pulling out of a bar parking lot at about 12:30 am. She was stopped for failing to maintain a single lane after the Deputy saw her passenger side rear wheel touch the outer edge of the outermost lane 3 times. Upon contact with the Defendant, the Deputy noticed slurred speech and difficulty maintaining her balance. A DUI investigator was called to the scene. The DUI investigator noted an odor of an alcoholic beverage on the Defendant’s breath, bloodshot and glassy eyes and slurred speech. The Defendant performed field sobriety exercises unsatisfactorily and was arrested. The Defendant was taken to Central Breath Testing where her breath test results were .175/.174. The firm filed a motion to suppress the results of the field sobriety and breath tests. The Judge, based on the testimony and legal argument by the firm at the motion hearing, granted the motion and dismissed the DUI charge.

Case Summary

Date: 10/28/2008
Charge: DUI
The defendant was driving down the road without it’s headlights on and swerving within his lane and to the other lane almost striking a car. The defendant did this multiple times. While approaching the car, the officer saw the defendant in the drivers seat of the vehicle and he reached into his pocket and through something in the backseat of the car. The officer smelled an odor of alcoholic beverages and the defendant’s eyes were glassy, red and bloodshot. After performing poorly on the roadsides, the defendant was arrested for DUI. The officer went back to the car and found the bag in the back seat which contained valtox tested positive marijuana. The officer then asked the defendant what he had to say about the marijuana while he was handcuffed in the back seat of the patrol car to which the defendant admitted it was his and he had smoked it earlier. The firm took the officer’s deposition where he stated he did not read the defendant his rights before asking him “what he had to say about the marijuana”. The defendant was taken to the breath alcohol testing facility where he blew a .056 and .058. He then refused to take a urine test after being asked to do so by the officer. Result: Stated dropped the DUI charge on the day of trial.

Case Summary

Date: 10/20/2008
Case #: 48-2005-CT-2047 NO CONVICTION AS CHARGED
Charge: DUI
Client is stopped for doing 93 in a 50 M.P.H. zone. The officer noticed that the client's speech was slurred, he smelled alcohol, his eyes were bloodshot, he was staggering while walking and he could not maintain his balance. Client performed poorly on the field sobriety exercises, but he weighed almost 300 pounds. Client was arrested and refused to provide a breath sample to the police. The State dropped the DUI.

Case Summary

Date: 10/17/2008
Case #: 20XX-CX-7XX No Conviction As Charged
Charge: DUI
Client was sitting behind the wheel of her car acting very strange according to an eye witness. The witness felt obligated to approach the vehicle and remove the keys from the ignition. The witness then called 911. Officers arrived and saw our client behind the wheel. They notice an odor of alcohol, bloodshot eyes, slurred speech, and a white powdery substance in her possession. Our client told the officers that she consumed the white substance for pain. The officers requested that she perform field sobriety exercises, but then said she was too impaired to perform them. She was transported to the hospital and asked to submit a blood sample. She refused and was later arrested for DUI. Our firm filed a motion stating all elements of the DUI were not witnessed by the officer and the State dismissed the charge.

Case Summary

Date: 10/13/2008
Case #: 20XX-CX-4XXX No Conviction As Charged
Charge: Leaving the Scene of an Accident
Client rear ended another vehicle on the roadway. Because he had no insurance, he panicked and left the scene. His tag number was taken down and he was identified by a witness. Police proceeded to his home and arrested him. On the day of trial, the State dropped the criminal charge.

Case Summary

Date: 10/11/2008
Case #: 05-1039XXXXF10A , 06-0200XXXXF10A, 08-114XXXX10A NO CONVICTION AS CHARGED
Charge: DUI
The defendant was on felony probation for two separate cases for drug and weapons charges. The defendant was arrested on charges (Domestic) Battery by Strangulation which violated the two probation cases listed above. The defendant was facing 30 years in prison at the maximum and would be sentenced to prison if it was determined that he violated probation based on the new arrest. The Firm obtained evidence that the defendant was actually the victim of the Domestic Violence and that the alleged victim as named by the State lied about the events leading to the defendant’s arrest. The Firm was able to have the defendant released from a “no bond” incarceration and the State was forced to drop the (Domestic) Battery by Strangulation and dismiss all violations of probation on the cases listed above.

Case Summary

Date: 09/24/2008
Charge: DUI
Defendant was stopped for running a red light. Officers noticed the odor of alcohol, red and watery eyes, and slurred speech. Defendant performed poorly on roadside sobriety exercises, and was arrested for DUI. Defendant submitted to a breath test and the results were .109 and .111 both over the legal limit. DUI charge dropped.

Case Summary

Date: 09/23/2008
Charge: Possession of Cannabis / Drug Paraphernalia
A police officer approached the Defendant and noticed the strong smell of burnt cannabis. The Defendant admitted to possessing a small amount of marijuana, and was subsequently arrested. The attorney for the firm investigated the case, and was able to get the Defendant into a drug treatment program. Upon completion of the program, the attorney for the firm was able to get the State to drop the case completely.

Case Summary

Date: 09/14/2008
Charge: DUI
The police observed the Defendant entering the on ramp of I-95. The Defendant swerved and almost crashed into the barrier wall twice. The officer pulled her over and requested that she perform roadside exercises. The Defendant performed 5 exercises and according to the officer, she did poorly on each. The officer had to catch her from falling on numerous occasions. The Defendant agreed to submit to a breath test and blew over twice the legal limit. The attorney for the firm investigated the case and filed a motion to suppress the stop of the Defendant’s vehicle. Just prior to the motion being heard by the Judge, the State dropped the DUI charge.

Case Summary

Date: 08/20/2008
Charge: DUI
The defendant was northbound on US 19 and began accelerate extremely fast to a speed over 95 mph. The officer attempted to pace the motorcycle but it continued to pull away from him. The defendant was seen cutting in between vehicles cutting off several cars and actually passing in between cars that were directly next to one another. The defendant was arrested for Reckless Driving. On the day the case was set to go to a jury trial, the state dropped the case.

Case Summary

Date: 05/16/2008
Charge: DUI
The defendant was stopped after being observed traveling 70 mph in a 40 mph zone. An officer also witnessed the defendant accelerating rapidly and making quick turns in an apartment complex parking lot. The defendant was stopped after exiting the parking lot. Upon making contact with the defendant, the officer noticed an odor of an alcoholic beverage, bloodshot and glassy eyes, and his speech was slow. The defendant was arrested for a DUI. A search of the car revealed marijuana pieces and seeds throughout the car. A can of beer was found behind the passenger seat and a tin full of marijuana and paraphernalia were found in the center console. The defendant refused to take a breath test. The State dropped all charges after the firm convinced the Office of the State Attorney that it would be unable to prove any impairment on the part of the defendant.

Case Summary

Date: 05/15/2008
Charge: DUI
The defendant’s car was lawfully parked in a bank parking lot. An officer responded to the defendant’s vehicle as he witnessed what he thought was an assault of a female passenger in the defendant’s vehicle. The officer responded to the driver’s side of the defendant’s vehicle and witnessed the defendant receiving oral sex from the female passenger. Upon making contact with the defendant the officer noticed that the defendant had the strong odor of an alcoholic beverage; red bloodshot eyes, flushed face; slurred speech and was extremely combative and argumentative. The defendant performed poorly on roadside sobriety exercises and registered a .154/.145 on the intoxylizer and told the officer that she was going to drive to her home that was only two blocks away from the scene. The defendant was found not guilty at trial as we argued the defendant was not driving or in “actual physical control of the vehicle”.
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Rolando A. Sanchez, Esq.

Originally from Miami , grew up in Central Florida.  After high school, he joined the U.S. Air Force where he worked on F-15E fighter jets as an Avionics Technician.  He was Honorably Discharged. Afterwards, he attended University of Central Florida and received a BSBA Finance Degree, cum laude.  Next, he attended Barry University for law school and among other things, served as V.P. of the Veterans Legal Society.  Since graduating in 2016, Mr. Sanchez has dedicated his career to helping those charged with criminal matters.  These cases include traffic, misdemeanors and felonies, including trials and post-conviction relief. Mr. Sanchez is the lead attorney in Ticket Clinic’s Kissimmee office, handling cases in Osceola, Polk, Hardee and Desoto Counties.