The Defendant was the driver of a vehicle that caused a rear-end collision with 4 other vehicles. Four occupants of those vehicles as well as the Defendant were transported to the hospital for various injuries. The DUI officer responded to the hospital, as the initial officer on scene felt that the Defendant may have been impaired. The DUI officer also noticed the odor of alcohol coming from the Defendant and because the Defendant was in and out of consciousness ordered a blood draw at the hospital. The Defendant’s blood contained .17g% of alcohol, more than double the legal limit. DUI charge dropped on the day of trial.
The Defendant was on two separate felony probations for felony possession and manufacturing of cannabis (marijuana). On February 16, 2008, the defendant was arrested for Possession of Cocaine with Intent to Deliver or Sell at the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in violation of the probations listed above based on an anonymous tipster inside of the Hotel. Based on the tip, two uniformed officers approached the Defendant and grabbed him out of line as he waited in front of a nightclub and found 17 separate baggies of cocaine in his pocket after an alleged consensual search. Our firm subpoenaed the videotape that monitored the lines entering the nightclub, which clearly reflected that the manner in which the officers seized the defendant was unlawful and unconstitutional and would have caused all evidence (cocaine) to be suppressed in both the probation violation cases and the new felony cocaine case. Accordingly, the State conceded and dropped the new felony case and dismissed all warrants for the violations of probation. The defendant was facing a maximum 30 years in prison and a minimum of 4 years.
The defendant was witnessed by another motorist when her vehicle created a cloud of dust and then came to a stop. The other motorist then went to check to see if the defendant was ok and noticed she was very intoxicated. The motorist said that the defendant could barely talk, and the defendant told the motorist she was drunk. The other motorist then called 911. Police then arrived on scene and requested the defendant to perform field sobriety exercises. While police were trying to explain these exercises they had to keep holding onto the defendant to keep her from falling. Police stopped the roadside exercises because they feared for safety as she continued to sway backwards. The defendant was arrested for DUI and refused a breath test. DUI charged dropped by the State 3-20-08.
The defendant was slepping in his parked car. After several attempts the officer woke the defendant up and observed alcohol on the defendant. The defendant took the breath test and blew .137 and .124 DUI charge dropped
The defendant was stopped by police when they noticed him traveling 63 mph in a 50 mph zone. The police also noticed the defendant drifting from the inside lane to the middle lane several times. The police made contact with defendant and noticed a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage coming from his vehicle. The police also noted that defendant had difficulty in searching for his driver’s license, insurance and registration. The defendant performed poorly on field sobriety exercises and was arrested for DUI. After our firm began to work on this case and flied court pleadings, the DUI charge was dropped by the State.
The defendant’s vehicle was stopped for running past a stop bar line and for drifting within it’s lane of travel. After the stop, the officer noticed that the driver’s eyes were red and glassy and that there was an odor of alcohol coming from the driver’s breath. Once the DUI officer arrived on scene, roadside exercises were completed on video and the defendant was arrested. After the arrest, the defendant submitted to a breath test and blew .120, .120. On the day of trial, the State dropped the DUI.
The defendant was observed by officers weaving within his lane of travel and speeding and almost striking a concrete median. The defendant also failed to stop for the officer for two blocks. The officer made contact with the defendant and noticed that the defendant had an odor of an alcoholic beverage coming from his breath, his eyes were red and glassy, he appeared dazed and confused, and was sweating profusely. The defendant also had difficulty handling and identifying his vehicle documentation. The defendant performed poorly on roadside sobriety exercises and refused a breath test. The State dropped the DUI charges on the Day of trial.
Officers of the Plantation Police Department initiated a traffic stop upon the Defendant’s vehicle for going through a red light. Upon making contact, with the Defendant, the officer observed the Defendant to have the odor of an alcoholic beverage on her breath and red, bloodshot watery eyes, and slurred speech. The officers also advised that the Defendant was disoriented as to her whereabouts and location. The Defendant was asked to perform roadside sobriety tasks and did so poorly. The Defendant submitted to a breath test which resulted in a reading of .186/.187, in excess of double of the legal limit. The firm filed a Motion to Suppress the Unlawful Detention for Roadside Sobriety Exercises. The Motion was granted by the Judge and all evidence for trial was excluded. The stae dropped all charges, including the DUI
The defendant was observed weaving in and out of his lane of travel and driving with an expired tag and was stopped by an officer from the Davie Police Department. Upon making contact with the defendant, the officer noticed that the defendant had an odor of an alcoholic beverage, bloodshot watery eyes, slurred speech and a flushed face. The defendant kept stating to the officer that he was a firefighter over and over again, which he was not. The officer called the fire chief to the scene and it was proven that the defendant was definitely not a firefighter. The defendant refused to perform the roadside tasks and refused a breath test. The defendant also admitted that he said he was a firefighter in order to avoid being arrested for DUI. Acquitted by jury of all charges.
The Defendant left a bar and entered his vehicle with a female companion. The Defendant was blocked in to a parking space by a law enforcement officer and was ordered from the vehicle. The officer noticed that the Defendant had an odor of an alcoholic beverage coming from his breath and had bloodshot watery eyes. The Defendant was asked to perform roadside sobriety tasks and did so poorly. The Defendant Refused a breath test. The firm filed a Motion a Motion to Suppress the Illegal seizure of the Defendant based on the officer restricting the Defendant’s movement by use of his vehicle. The Motion was granted and the state dropped all charges.
The defendant was stopped by police for failing to maintain his lane of travel on two occasions. Police noticed the defendant to have an odor of an alcoholic beverage about his person and that his eyes were bloodshot. The defendant also admitted to drinking two or three beers. The defendant performed poorly on field sobriety exercises and was arrested for DUI. After being arrested for DUI the defendant refused to provide a sample of his breath. DUI charge dropped by State 2-19-08.
The defendant was stopped for weaving in his lane and then was found to have an open container in the vehicle once the officer stopped him. The defendant refused to do Field Sobriety Exercises and a Breath test. This would have been his second DUI in 5 yrs. On the day of trial the state finally decided to amend the charge to reckless driving after months of negotiations.