After receiving a call that the defendant had kicked his ex-girlfriend's door in, the police began to follow the defendant and pulled him over after noticing that he had an expired tag on the car. The ex-girlfriend testified that the defendant was very intoxicated when he was at her appartment, just before the police stopped his vehicle. After noticing signs of impairment, and admitting that he had come from a bar, the defendant was offered roadside exercises which he refused. He also refused to take a breath test. The defendant was found not guilty of all charges after trial.
After receiving a call that the defendant had kicked his ex-girlfriend's door in, the police began to follow the defendant and pulled him over after noticing that he had an expired tag on the car. The ex-girlfriend testified that the defendant was very intoxicated when he was at her appartment, just before the police stopped his vehicle. After noticing signs of impairment, and admitting that he had come from a bar, the defendant was offered roadside exercises which he refused. He also refused to take a breath test. The defendant was found not guilty of all charges after trial.
Defendant was stopped by police for weaving in and out of traffic. Police noticed that the Defendant’s eyes were red in color and glassy, and he had trouble producing his vehicle documentation. Defendant admitted taking Xanax, and his speech was slurred. A DUI investigation was conducted and the defendant performed poorly on field sobriety exercises. Defefendant was arrested for DUI and refused a breath test. DUI charge dropped.
Defendant was stopped by police for weaving in and out of traffic. Police noticed that the Defendant’s eyes were red in color and glassy, and he had trouble producing his vehicle documentation. Defendant admitted taking Xanax, and his speech was slurred. A DUI investigation was conducted and the defendant performed poorly on field sobriety exercises. Defefendant was arrested for DUI and refused a breath test. DUI charge dropped.
Defendant was stopped for failing to maintain lane of travel, almost striking other vehicles. The defendant was also speeding 80 mph in a 65 mph zone. After the stop, the defendant said to the officer, "I probably should not be driving", " I've had a few things to drink" and "I'm certainly not in good shape." After being arrested for DUI the defendant blew a .132, and .131. DUI charge dropped.
Defendant was involved in an accident with injuries. When the officer arrived on the scene the defendant was in the driver's seat and kept saying they were sorry and shouldn't have been driving. The defendant agreed to a blood test which registered a .28 reading. DUI charge dropped.
Defendant was involved in a domestic dispute. When the police arrived they arrested for DUI. The defendant takes the breath test and blows .124, and .137. Dui charged dropped during trial.
The Defendant was at Fort Lauderdale International Airport and was parked in front of the terminal. Officers approached the Defendant and asked him to move his vehicle to another area. The Officer then issued the Defendant a parking ticket, which the Defendant allegedly refused to sign. The Defendant was also accused of throwing the unsigned parking ticket out of the car window and was charged with littering. The firm was able to produce the original citation that reflected the Defendant’s signature on the citation. All charges were dropped by the State.
The defendant was stopped for speeding. Once he was approached there were signs of impairment that were noticed by the deputy. The defendant was arrested for DUI. He took a breath and urine test , which showed marijuana. The defendant had marijuana in his possession. Acquitted by jury of DUI.
The defendant’s girlfriend calls him to the scene where she was stopped for running a red light and does not have a valid driver’s license. He parks his car, partially obstructing the roadway, stumbles out of his car and has to hold onto his car for balance. The officer then starts speaking to him and he cannot complete sentences and has an odor of alcohol coming from his breath, red bloodshot and glassy eyes, slurred speech and trouble maintaining his balance. DUI officer called to the scene to conduct field sobriety exercises. The defendant performs poorly on sobriety exercises and is arrested for DUI. At the Breath Alcohol Testing facility, defendant admits to drinking 3 beers before he got in the car, but then denied the fact that he was driving the car. He told the officer that his friend was driving and not him. Refused Breath Test. Verdict: Not Guilty
The defendant was stopped for weaving. After roadside exercises the defendant was arrested for DUI. He blew .152 and .149. DUI charge dropped