The Police conducted a traffic stop of the Defendant’s vehicle for not having brake lights and noticed the strong smell of burnt cannabis within the vehicle. The Defendant admitted that he had some marijuana and a pipe on him. The officer arrested the Defendant for possession of a controlled substance. The attorney for the firm investigated the case, and was able to get the Defendant into a drug treatment program. Upon completion of the program, the attorney for the firm was able to get the prosecutor to drop the case completely.
While following the defendant’s vehicle, the officer witnessed it changing from lane to lane without signaling. The officer also witnessed the defendant\'s vehicle almost hit a post on a bridge and nearly hit a car when stopping at a red light. The defendant was stopped by the officer and admitted to taking sleeping pills. The defendant submitted to sobriety tasks and during the walk and turn she paused to regain her balance, stepped off the line 2 times and used her arms to balance. During the one leg stand she used her arms for balance and swayed from side to side. She also put her foot down on more than one occasion. When asked to recite the alphabet, she did not close her eyes as instructed several times and stated H, H, Y, U, B, Z. During the finger to nose task she did not keep her eyes closed as instructed, failed to return her arms to her side and used the wrong hand as well as the wrong finger as instructed. The defendant\'s vehicle also had yellow paint on it and when asked about it, she told the police officer that “I hit a pole”. A urine test was conducted, the sample came back positive for Cocaine and Lorazepam. Result: DUI Charge was dismissed.
The client was charged with DUI after being stopped for swerving his vehicle across the roadway and almost hitting surrounding vehicles. The officer observed an odor of alcohol and marijuana in the vehicle and found marijuana in the vehicle as well. The client was asked to submit to sobriety exercises which he performed well. The officer arrested the Client anyways and had him submit to a breath sample, which resulted in a negative reading. The client was then asked to submit to a urine test, which showed multiple drugs in the clients system. The client also admitted to being impaired at a 5 on a scale of 1 - 10. The firm set this case for trial multiple times over the course of the pandemic based on the fact that the video of the client looked good, despite the evidence that he was under the influence of drugs. The State consistently refused to dismiss the DUI on multiple instances. Finally, when the case was set to have a trial date, after almost four years, the state dismissed the DUI and the possession of marijuana charge.
The Defendant was involved in a rear end accident and allegedly did not remain at the scene after attempting to drive away. Due to traffic in the area and the other party getting her license plate number, she was located.
Upon making contact with the Defendant, a Police Officer observed signs of impairment including the strong odor of an alcoholic beverage coming from her breath. The Defendant performed field sobriety exercises poorly and was arrested for DUI. The Defendant was charged with DUI and Leaving the Scene of an Accident. The Defendant refused to submit to a breath test after the arrest.
Result: Based on information provided to the State by the firm, the State dropped both the DUI and leaving the scene charges.
Our client was arrested for Burglary, Felony Battery, and a violation of Pre-Trial Release. For these charges, our client was facing life in prison if the State could prove the case. Because of the seriousness of the charges, the client would have been incarcerated until the date of his trial. After several months of negotiating with the State to no avail, the firm's attorney had insight to file a motion to dismiss and set the case for trial seemed to move the needle. However, for a couple months the State would not budge in wanting to send the client to prison for a substantial amount of time. After realizing the State's position, we elected to Demand a Speedy Trial. This strategic decision leveraged the State in making them prove the case within 45 days of the Demand. They could not do so, and the State dropped the case on January 13, 2022 allowing our client to avoid a life sentence.
The defendant was pulled speeding and blew .079 and .064. DUI charge dropped.
Our client was found asleep in her vehicle on the side of the road near her ex-boyfriend's house after his mother called the police to report her for stalking. As officers approached the vehicle, they found her asleep in the driver's seat with the engine off and arrested her for Driving Under the Influence after our client refused to participate in a DUI investigation. The Ticket Clinic attorney filed a request for a formal review hearing with the DMV to challenge the suspension of her license. At this hearing, our attorney was able to pin the officers down on their story before their testimony could be coached. During this hearing, our attorney was able to get the officers to admit that they did not have any reason to suspect our client of DUI when they initiated what they referred to as a welfare check on the vehicle. Our attorney prepared a motion to suppress, arguing that because the officers did not have any reason to suspect our client of DUI and because she was alert in the vehicle and responded to the officers welfare check, they had no reason to continue the investigation or order her out of the car. As a result of our efforts, the State changed the charge from DUI to Reckless Driving and our client received a withhold of adjudication which will allow her to seal and expunge this case from her criminal record.
Our client was pulled over after leaving the hospital where he had sought treatment for a bad reaction to a prescription medication. During the DUI investigation, our client advised officers that he had just left the hospital and explained that he was feeling tired and "off" from the prescription medication. Despite our client's statements, he performed well on field sobriety exercises. Unfortunately, performing well on field sobriety exercises is often not enough to avoid being arrested for DUI and our client was taken into custody. The attorney for the Ticket Clinic set the case for trial and explained to the State Attorney's Office that they cannot prove DUI for prescription medication if the medication is not a controlled substance. On the morning of trial, the State agreed and offered to change the charge to Reckless Driving and withheld adjudication, which will allow our client to seal and expunge this case from his criminal record.
The Defendant was stopped for speeding 88 mph in a 45 mph zone by a member of the DUI Task Force. The Deputy approached the vehicle and noticed the Defendant to have the odor of an alcoholic beverage, slurred speech, bloodshot watery eyes, and acted in a dazed and unresponsive manner when being spoken to. The Defendant admitted to consuming 5 to 6 drinks in the hour before being stopped as well. The Defendant refused to perform roadside exercises citing that “one leg was shorter than the other” and refused the breath test. The Defendant was arrested and was seen on video passing out in the back of the police car on the way to the jail. All DUI charges were dropped by the State of Florida.
On September 11, 2021 police officers observed our client vehicle failing to maintain its lane of travel. According to the officer he noticed droopy/watery/red eyes, a flushed complexion and the odor of alcohol coming from the driver. The passenger in the car said the driver drank 1 martini while at a bar. Roadside exercises were offered and completed even though our client mentioned having a foot problem. At the conclusion, the officer decided to make an arrest for DUI and a breath test was requested. Results were .118 and .116. Ticket Clinic lawyers took over the case and reviewed Discovery and began negotiating with the State Attorney's office. After months on the case, the DUI charge was dropped.
Our client was pulled over for speeding and driving nearly twice the speed limit. Because he speaks with a heavy accent, our client was suspected of being impaired and was ordered to exit the vehicle to complete a DUI investigation. Our client performed very well on field sobriety exercises, but was still arrested for DUI. After reviewing the evidence against our client, the attorney for the Ticket Clinic immediately prepared a motion to suppress arguing that our client performed so well on field sobriety exercises, that no reasonable officer would have thought that he was impaired. Upon reviewing our argument and the body worn camera video, the State Attorney's office was convinced to change the charge from DUI to Reckless Driving and sentenced our client to a withhold and court costs. Because of our attorney's diligent efforts, our client avoided a conviction on his record and did not have to serve 1 day of probation.
On April 7, 2021, our client was stopped for speeding (85/55 mph) by local police. Police noticed bloodshot/glassy eyes, and a flushed complexion about the driver as well as an odor of an alcoholic beverage coming from the driver. When asked for documentation for the car, san empty envelope was handed to the officer. When asked about the odor, the driver said the odor was "years old". After exiting the car, the driver lost his balance as he walked to the back of the car. When asked, our client advised that he hadn't drank "that much". Roadside exercises were requested and completed. After their completion, the driver was arrested and offered a breath test. The results were .196 and .185. Ticket Clinic lawyers worked on this case for close to 8 months. After months of negotiating with the State, they agreed to drop the DUI charge.