DUI & Criminal Division


To protect our clients privacy, incomplete case numbers are provided.

Case Summary

Date: 11/02/2021
Case #: XX2019CF000XX – Carrying Concealed Firearm
Charge: Felony Posession of a Concealed Firearm
Our client reached out The Ticket Clinic after hearing about his success with firearms cases. He was facing a 3 year prison offer, an overreaching and illegal designation as a prison re-release offender, and a gang affiliation designation with the local law enforcement offices for carrying a concealed firearm without a license. He case was almost 3 years old before we got on board. Our attorney was able to look at the case and file a dispositive Motion to Dismiss and a Motion to Suppress. In this limited circumstance, the judge was willing to hear the motions and allow our office to take the case to trial at the same time. In less than six months, the State dropped the felony gun charge the eve of trial.

Case Summary

Date: 11/02/2021
Case #: XX2020CF0XXX7 – DUI, Refusal to Submit to Testing
Charge: DUI
Our client was facing 2 years in the department of corrections followed by a lengthy probation for his alleged 4th DUI. Without speaking to the State, we set this case for trial and we drafted a detailed Motion in Limine to prepare for our clients day in court. On the eve of trial, the State amended their offer to reduce the felony to a misdemeanor and remove the period of incarceration at the department of corrections.

Case Summary

Date: 10/29/2021
Case #: 56XXXXCT001XXX – Driving Without A Valid License
Charge: Driving While License Suspended
Our client was cited erroneously by an Officer. While roadside, the client produced the required documentation for driving on a foreign license in Florida. Despite following the law, the officer still cited our client with a criminal citation exposing him to a jail sentence. After reviewing the body cam and producing the same documents to the State with a proposed Motion to Dismiss, the case was dropped.

Case Summary

Date: 10/06/2021
Case #: 2021-MM-**35 – Battery Charge Dropped
Charge: Battery
Our client was arrested for domestic battery against his adult son.  Our own investigation revealed that the son was the aggressor after a discovery of extreme bias. If we had not pursued the evidence needed to exonerate our client, and without knowing the nuances of the criminal investigation, this case could have dragged on for months. Due to the evidence that we were able to obtain and by leveraging a bond hearing to explain the true facts of the case, Ticket Clinic lawyers were able to get the case dropped by the State Attorney's office quickly, before the first docket call!

Case Summary

Date: 10/04/2021
Case #: 20ctxxxxx – DUI Charge Dropped
Charge: DUI
On October 19, 2020, the Defendant was found sleeping in his car parked at a weigh station off I4. Deputies arrived on scene and awoke the Defendant. Florida Highway Patrol was investigating a single vehicle crash when the Trooper was advised the vehicle had entered the weigh station prior to being located by the Sheriff Deputies. The Trooper took over the investigation and took the Defendant into custody for a DUI investigation. The Defendant advised that he believed he had stopped at a rest area and was trying to return to his home in Davenport. The Defendant performed field sobriety exercises which showed indications of impairment. The Defendant was arrested for DUI. While searching the car post arrest, an open package of edible THC gummies was located. The Defendant advised he had purchased the gummies from an anonymous source and did not have a medical marijuana card. The Defendant was charged with felony possession of controlled substance and DUI. The Defendant provided a breath sample of .113 and .112. Results: The felony charge was dismissed by the State, and the DUI charge was dropped prior to a motion to suppress hearing.

Case Summary

Date: 09/21/2021
Charge: DUI
The Defendant was originally stopped for speeding. The Deputy stated he immediately smelled the odor of alcoholic beverages on the Defendant’s breath. The Defendant admitted to having 2 Vodka drinks while at a nightclub. The Defendant performed all field sobriety exercises and refused to submit to a breath test. A jury found the Defendant not guilty after deliberating for 10 minutes.

Case Summary

Date: 09/20/2021
Case #: 2021CTXXXX | DUI Charge Reduced
Charge: DUI
Without counsel, our client entered a plea to driving under the influence while incarcerated at the Duval County Jail.  English is not his first language and he was still under the affects of his night of drinking.  However, the Judge accepted his plea.  He then hired the Ticket Clinic to withdraw his previously entered plea.  The plea was withdrawn by the Judge.  The TTC Attorney argued the weaknesses of the case to the prosecutor.  The State agreed to reduce the charge to Reckless driving, no conviction, terminate probation after a month, since all conditions were completed prior to entering the plea.

Case Summary

Date: 09/20/2021
Case #: 2021CTXXXX21 | Racing Charge Dismissed
Charge: Racing
Friday night, around midnight, two juveniles, in adjacent lanes, one driving a Black Mustang, another driving a 2020 Chevy Pickup truck, rapidly accelerated from a traffic signal.  The vehicles reached speeds approaching 75mph.  Police conducted a traffic stop.  The juvenile hired the Ticket Clinic to defend his case.  After several negotiations, the prosecutor agreed to drop the case if the juvenile completed a traffic school.  The school was completed and the case was dismissed.

Case Summary

Date: 09/15/2021
Case #: 2000XXXXXXA – DUI & Reckless Driving
Charge: DUI
Our client was involved in a motor vehicle accident in which his car allegedly collided with that of an off duty Sheriff's Office 911 dispatcher. During the aftermath of the accident, our client allegedly got into a verbal altercation with witnesses and fled the scene. Officers alleged that when our client returned to the scene, he struck the vehicle of a Police Department service aide, who was on the scene completing the initial crash investigation. Witnesses on the scene alleged that our client appeared to be impaired by an unknown substance and that he was unsteady on his feet and slurred his speech. Officers arrested our client for Driving Under the Influence and transported him to the Breath Alcohol Testing center, where he performed field sobriety exercises on video for courtroom presentation. Despite the fact that our client informed officers that he was permanently disabled, officers did not permit our client to use his cane while performing the exercises and failed to offer him alternative exercises appropriate for someone with a permanent disability. Our client provided a breath sample that showed he had no alcohol in his system. Determined to pin this case on our client, officers ordered him to provide a urine sample, which tested positive for his prescription medication for arthritis and a seizure disorder as well as Benadryl. The Ticket Clinic's attorney was able to convince the prosecutors that because Benadryl is not a controlled substance and the controlled substances that were in his system would stay in his system for 2-3 days after consumption, they would be unable to eliminate Benadryl as the sole cause of impairment to show that our client was impaired by a controlled substance at the time of the crash. Our attorney set the case for trial and dared the State to prove its allegations. The State Attorney's office was forced to drop the three separate DUI charges and our client received a withhold of adjudication on the reduced charge of Reckless Driving, which will allow him to apply to FDLE to have this case sealed and expunged from his record.

Case Summary

Date: 09/14/2021
Case #: 2020ct####### – DUI Charge Dropped
Charge: DUI
The defendant was charged with DUI after he was stopped at an intersection for getting outside of his vehicle and stumbling around in the officer’s presence.  Law enforcement made contact with the defendant and asked him to perform sobriety exercises, to which the defendant, after an argument, refused to agree to participate in.  Once arrested, he was taken to the breath alcohol testing facility. There he tried to perform a breath sample, but was unable to comply with the officers instructions and was deemed as refusing to provide a breath sample.  The Firm began investigating the case, and argued to the State that there was simply not enough evidence to prove the charge of DUI.  After over a year of negotiating, partly because of the pandemic, the State agreed to dismiss the DUI charge on the morning of trial.

Case Summary

Date: 09/13/2021
Case #: XXXXXXMU10A – DUI Charge Dropped
Charge: DUI
Our client was found unconscious in a ditch on the side of US 27 in Weston facing southbound near the northbound lanes of travel. Officers testified that it appeared that he had fallen asleep while driving and veered off of the road into the grassy swale between lanes of travel. Officers were eventually able to wake our client up, at which point he appeared disoriented and attempted to leave the scene in his vehicle before officers smashed his driver's side window and physically stopped his vehicle from moving forward. Once removed from the vehicle, officers alleged that our client became combative and argumentative, refusing to cooperate with their investigation. During the incident, officers observed an open bottle of Heineken in the center cup holder and smelled an odor of alcohol on our client's breath. Officers alleged that this disruptive behavior continued at the hospital, where our client allegedly attempted to fight deputies and hospital staff while they attempted to treat him. The attorney for the Ticket Clinic was able to convince prosecutors that various underlying medical conditions caused or contributed to his behavior and that the officers actions in breaking the window to effectuate a second traffic stop violated the 4th amendment protections against unlawful search and seizure. As a result of our attorney's efforts, the State Attorney's Office dropped all DUI charges against our client and he was able to plea to the reduced charge of reckless driving and received a withhold of adjudication, allowing him to potentially seal and expunge this case from his record.

Case Summary

Date: 08/24/2021
Case #: 21-XXXXXX10A: Carrying a concealed firearm w/multiple drug felonies
Charge: Felony Posession of a Concealed Firearm
Our client was pulled over after Sheriff Deputies identified her vehicle as one reported to have been involved in a shootout on I-95 and for having a fraudulently attached license plate registered to a vehicle of a different make and model. After being stopped by law enforcement, our client spontaneously exited her vehicle, which was riddled with bullet holes, inadvertently allowing deputies to observe a loaded .380 Smith & Wesson revolver partially concealed under the driver's seat. The deputies on scene discovered that she had out of county warrants, detained her, and searched the vehicle for other contraband. During this search, deputies discovered Xanax, Amphetamine, and almost a pound of marijuana. Our client was arrested for 4 separate felony charges: Carrying a Concealed Firearm, Possession of Amphetamine, Possession of Alprazolam (Xanax), and Possession of Marijuana over 20 grams. Each of these counts carried a maximum penalty of 5 years in prison, for a grand total of 20 years. The Ticket Clinic attorney immediately began to attack these charges, arguing that the State was unable to adequately connect her to the gun or the marijuana and that they could not prove that the Xanax or Amphetamine were obtained without a valid prescription. As a result of our efforts, within two months of her arraignment, the State was forced to drop all charges against our client.
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Rolando A. Sanchez, Esq.

Originally from Miami , grew up in Central Florida.  After high school, he joined the U.S. Air Force where he worked on F-15E fighter jets as an Avionics Technician.  He was Honorably Discharged. Afterwards, he attended University of Central Florida and received a BSBA Finance Degree, cum laude.  Next, he attended Barry University for law school and among other things, served as V.P. of the Veterans Legal Society.  Since graduating in 2016, Mr. Sanchez has dedicated his career to helping those charged with criminal matters.  These cases include traffic, misdemeanors and felonies, including trials and post-conviction relief. Mr. Sanchez is the lead attorney in Ticket Clinic’s Kissimmee office, handling cases in Osceola, Polk, Hardee and Desoto Counties.