DUI & Criminal Division


To protect our clients privacy, incomplete case numbers are provided.

Case Summary

Date: 02/11/2025
Case #: 24Ct43xxx
Charge: DUI
On 03/ 16/ 2024 at approximately 0025 hours, a TPD officer was behind a silver 2007 Toyota Camry with Florida tag KDAG44 as it was traveling southbound on 1- 275 approaching the exit for Memorial Hwy. The vehicle was unable to maintain a single travel lane, appeared to be traveling above the posted speed limit, and as it took the exit was following another vehicle too closely. As the vehicle traveled northbound on Memorial Hwy, the officer paced it at speeds of approximately 88 MPH in a posted 50 MPH confirmed via properly calibrated TPD vehicle # 5055.  A traffic stop was conducted at the intersection of George Rd and Memorial Hwy with the vehicle pulling into the 7- Eleven Gas Station parking lot at the northwest corner of the intersection.
The officer made contact with the vehicle on the driver's side which was operated by the Defendant. Upon making contact with the vehicle the officer observed the odor of an alcoholic beverage coming from the interior of the vehicle and there was a open can of beer in plain view in the center cup holder. The Defendant had bloodshot/ glassy eyes and he appeared to have a dazed look upon his face. The officer explained to him the reason for the traffic stop to which he advised he did not realize he was driving that fast and observed that his speech appeared slurred. He advised that they had just left a comedy club in Ybor City and was on the way back to his residence. The officer asked if he had anything to drink tonight to which he confirmed he had been drinking at the comedy club.
Based on the indicators of impairment observed at roadside the officer asked the Defendant to exit the vehicle to which he complied and immediately advised that he would not participate in a DUI investigation. After explaining to him the legal circumstances around a DUI investigation he again declined to participate in a DUI investigation and SFSTs were not administered.
Based on the observed driving pattern, the indicators of impairment observed at roadside, and his admission to consumption prior to driving;the Defendant was placed under arrest for DUI. The Defendant then refused to submit to a breath test after being read Florida Implied Consent law.
Result: the case was set for trial, but before the trial, the State dropped the DUI charge.

Case Summary

Date: 02/11/2025
Case #: 24-cm-0064xxxx
Charge: Battery
On June 13, 2024, the defendant and victim were involved in a verbal altercation. The verbal altercation turned into physical violence when the defendant knowingly and intentionally pushed the victim once, utilizing both of his hands. The push caused the victim to fall back onto a door. Due to the physical altercation, the victim suffered minor injury redness to her front shoulder area(s) and redness to middle of back) to which she ultimately denied emergency medical services( EMS) for. The aforementioned battery was done against the will of the victim. The defendant and victim have been in a dating relationship for approximately one and a half years, and had lived together for approximately eight( 8) months. The Defendant was arrested for Domestic Violence Battery.
Result: The case was set for trial, but before the trial began, the State dismissed the charge against the Defendant.

Case Summary

Date: 02/10/2025
Case #: 24CT6XXX
Charge: Reckless Driving

24CT6964 - Reckless Driving - Lake County - Client was driving over 100 mph at night without his headlights on.  When he was pulled over, he told the officer that somebody was following him and he was trying to get away.

Our firm convinced the prosecutor that not only was our client’s story true, he never affected other traffic or property, making it impossible to prove Reckless Driving.  The prosecutor dropped the criminal charge.

Case Summary

Date: 02/10/2025
Case #: 2024-CT-**6***
Charge: Reckless Driving
Our client was stopped by the Brevard County Sherrif’s Office after he was allegedly observed going in excess of 100 mph and weaving in and out of traffic on the highway. He was charged with Reckless Driving – a willful or wanton disregard for the safety of others, punishable by up to 90 days in jail and/or a $500 fine for a first offense. Upon receiving the case, our attorney immediately went to work reviewing the alleged facts to see what the State could prove at trial. Based on the allegations in the arrest report, our client had a very defendable case if it went to trial. Using the relationships that our attorney has with the prosecutors in the Brevard County State Attorney’s Office, we were able to convince the State to agree to amend the charge from Reckless Driving, a criminal offense, to Careless Driving, a civil ticket. Our client resolved his case with no criminal conviction and no points on his driving record. The only thing that will appear on his driving record is a simple ticket.

Case Summary

Date: 02/04/2025
Case #: 2024MM000XXX
Charge: Retail Theft
Our Client was arrested for retail theft, which was recorded on the store's surveillance camera.  While the person on the video had a familiar resemblance to our client, the person was at least 40 or 50 pounds heavier than our Client.  Our Client provided us with 3 alibi witnesses who would testify that they were with our Client miles from the store at the time of the theft.  Additionally, they would all testify that our client was never the weight of the person on video.  Our Client even came to the courthouse to have the prosecutor take her picture to compare to the video.  Nonetheless, the State refused to drop the charge until we set the case for a trial.  At that point, the prosecutor, the third one to be handling the case, finally saw the light and dropped the case outright.

Case Summary

Date: 01/29/2025
Case #: 2024CT06XX
Charge: DUI
Our client a commercial driver was involved in an accident in a parking lot in Bradford County.  The Deputy who arrived at the scene of the accident completed an accident investigation. The deputy also had suspicion that our client was impaired and began a DUI investigation. Our client made incriminating statements during this criminal investigation. However, the deputy never switched hats from the accident investigation to the criminal investigation. He was required to notify our client that the accident investigation was over, and the criminal investigation had begun. He was also required to read Miranda. Because he failed to do so the statements couldn't be used against our client. Our client refused both the breath test and field sobriety exercises providing the State with no evidence to prosecute him. Due to the lack of evidence, we were able to negotiate with the State and a deal was reached to reduce the DUI.

Case Summary

Date: 01/29/2025
Case #: 2024CT8xxx
Charge: DUI
DUI reduced to disorderly intoxication
Our client was heading home from work when his car became disabled. He was able to pull into a store parking lot. His car was not running. Keys were inside the vehicle. After falling asleep he was awoken by Deputies who requested he perform Field sobriety exercises. There was empty containers of alcohol in his vehicle. Client performed Field sobriety exercises and was still arrested. Our client refused to provide a breath sample. After review of the evidence, it became apparent that the state would have a problem proving the elements of DUI. Specifically, that he was in immediate control of an automobile. You cannot operate a television if you are asleep in your recliner with the remote on your lap and the television unplugged. After negotiations with the State a resolution was reached which allowed our client to plea to disorderly intoxication with no criminal Drivers License Suspension.

Case Summary

Date: 01/29/2025
Case #: 2024MM-****
Charge: Battery
An officer of the Orlando Police Department charged our client with battery after a verbal altercation escalated between our client and her son. The alleged victim and his significant other claimed that our client grabbed his arm multiple times to prevent him from ending their conversation. Eventually, the alleged victim pulled away and sat in the passenger seat of the car. Things escalated further when the victim’s girlfriend started driving away while our client was threatening them through the open window with her hands on the car door. The girlfriend drove away as the client continued to hang onto the vehicle door and window. The girlfriend claims our client threatened to break the window if she did not stop. After some time, our client let go of the vehicle and the car drove away. The officer charged our client with 1st degree misdemeanor battery. We demanded a trial by jury for our client, intending to show that our client was not the primary aggressor as the State witnesses claimed. The State dropped the charges against our client before trial and she was never required to attend any court hearings.

Case Summary

Date: 01/28/2025
Case #: 2024-MM-****5
Charge: Trespassing
Our client was charged with Trespassing after he was accused of fishing in a protected area. He was facing maximum penalties of up to 1 year in jail and up to a $1,000 fine. Our attorney, upon receiving and reviewing the case, immediately went to work to secure a favorable outcome. Based upon the relationships built within the Office of the State Attorney, and our Brevard County Attorney, our client was able to secure a dismissal of his charges in exchange for making a donation to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission. Our client walked away with no other penalties, and no conviction on his record.

Case Summary

Date: 01/28/2025
Case #: 22********0
Charge: DUI
Our client was stopped by officers for allegedly failing to maintain his lane of travel multiple times. Once stopped, the Officer stated that our client was unable to provide his registration and insurance documents. She also mentioned in her report that our client had a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage coming from his breath and that his eyes were watery, blood shot, and his eyelids were droopy. The Officer also stated our client admitted to consuming 3 beers. The Officer later noted that our client was unsteady on his feet and appeared confused. After discussions with the State Attorney regarding some of the legal issues in the case as well as some mitigation evidence on behalf of our client, we were able to get the DUI charged dismissed and our client received a favorable outcome.

Case Summary

Date: 01/27/2025
Case #: 2024CT-****9
Charge: DUI
Our client was arrested and charged with DUI after he remained stopped at a green light straddling two lanes of travel. After the vehicle remained stop, the officer approached and observed the driver staring out the front window. He stated he was waiting on his friend to return to the vehicle. The officer smelled the odor of an alcoholic beverage on the driver’s breath. He noticed the driver’s eyes were glossy and bloodshot. The officer ordered him out of the vehicle and read Miranda to him. Post Miranda, the driver stated he did not drink any alcohol within the last 12 hours. He performed FSEs and blew .102. After negotiating with the prosecutors, the State amended the charge to Reckless Driving alcohol related. Our client accepted the offer, and he received no license suspension and no points against his license.  

Case Summary

Date: 01/27/2025
Case #: 24CT5XXX
Charge: Reckless Driving
Client was observed accelerating from a red light with a second vehicle. The vehicles reached speeds of over 85 mph in a 50 mph zone. They also made aggressive lane changes, cutting off multiple vehicles. Our client was ultimately charged with reckless driving.
After reviewing the video, the officer only mentioned excessive speed on the video and did not mention the lane changes. This was inconsistent with the arrest report. Based on the inconsistency, our firm got the criminal case dropped.
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Rolando A. Sanchez, Esq.

Originally from Miami , grew up in Central Florida.  After high school, he joined the U.S. Air Force where he worked on F-15E fighter jets as an Avionics Technician.  He was Honorably Discharged. Afterwards, he attended University of Central Florida and received a BSBA Finance Degree, cum laude.  Next, he attended Barry University for law school and among other things, served as V.P. of the Veterans Legal Society.  Since graduating in 2016, Mr. Sanchez has dedicated his career to helping those charged with criminal matters.  These cases include traffic, misdemeanors and felonies, including trials and post-conviction relief. Mr. Sanchez is the lead attorney in Ticket Clinic’s Kissimmee office, handling cases in Osceola, Polk, Hardee and Desoto Counties.