DUI & Criminal Division


To protect our clients privacy, incomplete case numbers are provided.

Case Summary

Date: 04/19/2024
Case #: Felony Controlled Substance Charge Dropped
Charge: DUI
Our client was charged with felony possession of a controlled substance, along with two misdemeanors.  We successfully negotiated a resolution where the felony was dropped outright and our client was placed on probation for the misdemeanors.

Case Summary

Date: 03/27/2024
Case #: Domestic Battery Dismissed 2024-MM-XXXX
Charge: Battery
With the assistance of our talented staff and skilled lawyers our team was able to prevent our client from being charged with Battery-Domestic Violence.  Immediately, upon being retained, our legal team attacked the case before the client was ever charged, even after he had been arrested under questionable circumstances.  Our skilled attorneys were immediately able to communicate the desires of the alleged victim to the prosecutor directly responsible for the prosecution of the case.  This quick communication by our staff resulted in the prosecutor immediately recognizing that this case should not be prosecuted despite a formal arrest being made.  The No Contact Order was immediately dissolved after the prosecutor’s dismissal of the case and this family was once again able to be reunited under the same roof.  Our team is grateful to serve the interest of the falsely accused.

Case Summary

Date: 03/13/2024
Case #: Leaving The Scene Case Dropped
Charge: Leaving the Scene of an Accident
While waiting for a red light to turn green, our client rolled forward, tapping the car in front.  Our client and the other driver exited their vehicles and examined the "damage," then went on their respective ways.  Later, the other driver called law enforcement claiming that our client left the scene of the accident without fulfilling the statutory requirements of exchanging information, etc.  The investigating officer found that there was $25 in damage to the bumper and charged our client with the hit and run crime.  Thankfully, a traffic camera caught the entire incident.  After pointing this out to the State, charges against our client were dropped outright.

Case Summary

Date: 03/08/2024
Case #: 2022CTXXX DUI Dismissed
Charge: DUI
Our client was arrested in Hamilton County and charged with DUI. After entering a plea for our client of not guilty, we asked the State Attorney's Office to provide us with all the evidence in their possession that they intended to use to prosecute this client. While reviewing this discovery we noticed that there was a problem with the breath test affidavit, and that our client's breath test should be excluded. Based on this evidentiary issue we were able to negotiate with the State Attorney's Office to accept our client into a diversion program. This diversion program resulted in a reduced charge of reckless driving. It is very important that a trained DUI attorney evaluates your case before accepting any offer from the State. Failure to do so can result in you pleading to a DUI that could have been reduced or dismissed.

Case Summary

Date: 03/08/2024
Case #: Multiple Felonies Dismissed
Charge: Felony Drug Possession

Our client, an owner of multiple rental properties in Columbia County was charged with multiple felonies and misdemeanors in Columbia County, Florida. These charges all stemmed from his management of these rental properties. He was giving a bond in excess of half a million dollars. He was facing life in prison. After being retained we immediately started investigating these serious charges. With the assistance of private investigators, we complied copious amounts of evidence that we then provided to the State Attorney's Office showing that our client was innocent of almost every charge against him. We also deposed one of the alleged victims. The testimony of the alleged victim aligned with the evidence that we had compiled proving our client's innocence. Based on the evidence provided to the State and the deposition of one of the alleged victims the State agreed to dismiss nine out of ten charges including all felonies. Our client received no jail time, no probation, and minimal court costs and fines. If you are charged with a serious life felony do not hesitate to call TTC felony division. Our team of attorneys includes board certified criminal lawyers who have years of experience litigating the most serious offenses from homicides to trafficking.

Case Summary

Date: 03/07/2024
Case #: Lee County Case – 24-CT-5006**
Charge: DUI
Client was arrested for DUI after appearing to be asleep behind the wheel and erratic driving. There was an odor of marijuana in the car and the client admitted to using marijuana. The Client was given field sobriety tests and eventually arrested. His breath result was .000. The Florida Highway Patrol Trooper requested a urine sample that would take weeks to get a result.
The client was held without bond because he was on felony probation in another jurisdiction. He was facing a long sentence if convicted of any crime.
Attorney Fritsch met with the assigned Assistant State Attorney shortly after the arrest. After pointing out the weaknesses of their case the state nolle prossed (dismissed) the charge and decided not to file an information.  This occurred very quickly and the client was able to get back to his life.

Case Summary

Date: 03/07/2024
Case #: DUI with SBI reduced to a withhold of adjudication on Reckless with SBI
Charge: DUI
Our client was arrested in Columbia County and charged with felony DUI with serious bodily injury. Our client was facing up to 5 years in State Prison. Post Miranda, our client, made very incriminating statements that the State intended to use to convict him. Our client provided a breath sample of 0.00, and also provided urine when requested.  After review of the discovery in the case, it became clear that the State was going to have a very hard time proving that our client was impaired due to a problem with the FDLE's analysis of the urine sample. Based on this big evidentiary issue the State agreed to a withhold of adjudication to the offense of reckless driving involving serious bodily injury. Our client served no jail or prison time and was spared spending the rest of his life as a convicted felon.

Case Summary

Date: 03/05/2024
Case #: 2023-CT-****** Brevard County DUI Reduced
Charge: DUI
Our client was stopped for failing to yield at a stop sign to oncoming traffic. Law enforcement claimed that another vehicle had to take evasive action to avoid a crash with our client. Upon stopping, law enforcement noticed that our client had bloodshot eyes. No other indicators of impairment were mentioned. Our client was asked to complete Field Sobriety Exercises. Prior to completion of the exercises, our client informed law enforcement that he had recently had surgery on his back, and wouldn't be able to perform the exercises appropriately. Instead of listening to this information, law enforcement had our client conduct the Standard Field Sobriety Exercises. He was then placed under arrest and charged with DUI.
After reviewing the evidence received, our attorney discussed the facts alleged by law enforcement. Our client provided information that his eyes are constantly bloodshot due to the type of contact lenses he wears, and even sent current photos to our attorney to utilize. With this information, the attorney reached out to the Office of the State Attorney to discuss a potential resolution of the case, given the weaknesses in the State's case. As a result, our client resolved his DUI to the amended charge of Careless Driving, a civil ticket, instead of a criminal charge. Our client was able to avoid a criminal conviction on his record, and keep his license intact.

Case Summary

Date: 02/26/2024
Case #: 2023-CT-**** DUI Orange County
Charge: DUI
Our client was involved in an accident at an Aston Martin dealership in Orlando, having hit a parked car. Upon law enforcement’s arrival, our client was outside of the vehicle, and walking around the scene. Law enforcement quickly questioned our client as to what happened during the accident. During the approximately 20 minute accident investigation, the lead law enforcement officer conferred with other officers on scene at least 3 times. Each time indicating that he could not tell if our client was under the influence or not. Specifically noting he did not smell any alcohol on her breath – even after she was less than a foot away from him leaning into his car door. After the crash investigation was completed, law enforcement, without the requisite suspicion, decided to conduct Field Sobriety Exercises. Based on our client’s performance on the exercises, she was placed under arrest and charged with a DUI. Upon reviewing the case and the evidence, our attorney learned that the facts did not support the arrest for a DUI. The officer’s report was directly contradicted by the evidence that was on his Body-worn Camera. Also, the officer violated our client’s rights under the Accident Report Privilege. Our attorney filed a Motion to Suppress evidence, to place the facts before a Judge and have the Judge rule that the investigation was unlawful and the case should be dismissed. Prior to the hearing on the Motion to Suppress, the State dismissed the charges against our client.

Case Summary

Date: 02/16/2024
Case #: 22C0XXXX
Charge: DUI
Client was charged with her 2nd lifetime DUI after a minor accident. She registered a .20 on the State administered test and faced a lifetime disqualification on her CDL. Despite the State having a strong case, our attorney continued to negotiate vigorously up to the morning of trial. The State capitulated the morning of trial and Client pled to a single count of Reckless Driving with the remaining charges being dismissed. The Client's CDL was saved.

Case Summary

Date: 02/13/2024
Case #: Case #2023XXXXX DUI Case Dismissed
Charge: DUI
Our client was stopped after a Deputy witnessed him stop “beyond the stop bar” at two red lights and “appearing to fight with the wheel”. Upon making contact with our client, the Deputy noticed an alleged odor of an alcoholic beverage. Our client was asked to conduct Field Sobriety Exercises, and was placed under arrest for DUI after his performance. Our client provided a breath sample of .067, below the legal limit. Upon reviewing the case, our attorney filed a Motion to Suppress Evidence against our client, to have a Judge deem the traffic stop and the request for Field Sobriety Exercises as invalid. When the State received the Motion, instead of having a hearing, the charges were dismissed completely against our client.

Case Summary

Date: 02/01/2024
Case #: Racing On The Highway (Passenger) Dismissed
Charge: Racing
Our client was issued a criminal traffic infraction for racing on a highway - knowingly as a passenger, in violation of Fl Stat 316.191 (2)(c).  We filed our notice of appearance and entered into negotiations with the state attorney's office.
Due to the client's cooperation, attitude, lack of priors and completion of a three-hour online class, the case was dismissed.
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Rolando A. Sanchez, Esq.

Originally from Miami , grew up in Central Florida.  After high school, he joined the U.S. Air Force where he worked on F-15E fighter jets as an Avionics Technician.  He was Honorably Discharged. Afterwards, he attended University of Central Florida and received a BSBA Finance Degree, cum laude.  Next, he attended Barry University for law school and among other things, served as V.P. of the Veterans Legal Society.  Since graduating in 2016, Mr. Sanchez has dedicated his career to helping those charged with criminal matters.  These cases include traffic, misdemeanors and felonies, including trials and post-conviction relief. Mr. Sanchez is the lead attorney in Ticket Clinic’s Kissimmee office, handling cases in Osceola, Polk, Hardee and Desoto Counties.