DUI & Criminal Division


To protect our clients privacy, incomplete case numbers are provided.

Case Summary

Date: 03/10/2020
Charge: DUI
The defendant was pace clocked by Officer Martin driving at a speed of 45 m.p.h. on a major highway with a 65 m.p.h. speed limit. The officer also noticed that the defendant weaved within his own lane on approximately 10 occasions. A traffic stop was initiated and the officer noticed that the defendant had an odor of alcohol, slurred speech and glassy bloodshot eyes. The defendant performed poorly on the roadside sobriety exercises and refused a breath test. Not Guilty at trial by a jury.

Case Summary

Date: 03/06/2020
Case #: 2****t******
Charge: DUI
The client was involved in an accident. Police were called to the scene and noticed that the Client smelled of alcohol and had trouble balancing and had slurred speech. The officers did a DUI investigation and noted in their report that the Client performed the roadside sobriety exercises poorly. He was arrested for DUI and transported to jail where he provided a breath sample that was more than three times the legal limit. To make matters worse this was the second time within five years that the Client had received a DUI. The Firm was retained by the Client and immediately investigated the case. The Firm discovered that while the officers stated in their report that the Client did poorly on the sobriety exercises, there was no video evidence to support this claim. If fact, the video of the Client at the jail showed the Client looking very sober, despite giving a breath sample that was very high above the legal limit. It was then discovered that the client had diabetes. The Firm hired a medical expert that was willing to testify that the Client’s breath alcohol could have been under the legal limit based upon the Clients medical condition and the false positive for alcohol that it can cause. It took more than two years of work, but the Firm finally got the State to agree to dismiss the DUI.

Case Summary

Date: 03/06/2020
Case #: 20**-**-******
Charge: Leaving the Scene of an Accident
Client, a repo driver, was involved in a minor accident in the UCF parking garage while completing a repossession. After an investigation by the UCF PD, he was charged with Leaving the Scene of an Accident. The ramifications for even a withhold of adjudication would have been a 3 year suspension of our client's repossession license based on the fact his crime could have been considered "directly related to" his license. After presenting the State will all relevant mitigation, the State agreed to a civil infraction. Based upon diligent research, and attentive lawyering, we were able to spare our client an extreme hardship of losing his means of providing for his family.

Case Summary

Date: 03/05/2020
Charge: DUI
The Police stopped the Defendant when he drove at a high rate of speed in a 25 mph zone and forced some pedestrians to run out of the way to avoid being hit. The officer noticed the smell of alcohol coming from the defendant’s breath. He also had glassy, bloodshot eyes and flushed cheeks. The defendant admitted that he had consumed 5 drinks at a friend’s house as well as some sleeping pills. The officer had the defendant perform 3 roadside exercises, and he did poorly on all 3. The defendant provided a breath sample that was almost twice the legal limit. He was arrested for DUI with a Breath over .15. The attorney for the firm filed a motion contesting the breath results. The attorney argued that the breath should not be admissible because the testing of the breathalyzer did not comply with FDLE regulations. The motion was granted. The State dropped the DUI charge.

Case Summary

Date: 03/03/2020
Case #: 20**************8
Charge: Driving While License Suspended
The client was pulled over by law enforcement for not having a center placed rear view mirror on their truck. Law enforcement discovered that the client was operating the vehicle without any valid driver license and arrested the client. The Ticket Clinic Attorneys got on the case and filed a motion to contest the Constitutionality of the police pulling over the client in the first place. As the client did have a side rear-view mirror on their truck, which is all that is required under Florida law, the Office of the State Attorney could not contest the motion and dropped all criminal charges.

Case Summary

Date: 03/02/2020
Case #: 2019*********X*
Charge: DUI
A vehicle was stopped by the Delray Police Department for having its headlights and taillights off during evening hours. Upon making contact with the driver, the officer observed that the driver appeared impaired as she had slow comprehension, slurred speech and glassy and bloodshot eyes. The driver also was unable to maintain her balance upon exiting her vehicle. After admitting to having a glass of wine and several shots, the driver was asked to perform field sobriety exercises to dispel the officer’s belief that the driver was impaired by alcohol. During the exercises, the driver swayed and used her arms for balance and did not complete some of the exercises properly. The defendant was arrested and a breath test revealed that the driver had an illegal amount of alcohol in her system to be driving. The driver turned to The Ticket Clinic for representation. The DUI charge was ultimately dismissed and the driver avoided having to place an interlock device in her car and avoided an additional license suspension.

Case Summary

Date: 03/02/2020
Case #: 2019********A**
Charge: DUI
A Deputy came upon a vehicle that was parked in the median with the motor running. Upon approaching the vehicle, the deputy observed the driver passed out in the driver’s seat. The unconscious driver was transported to the hospital by ambulance. Believing that the driver was impaired by alcohol and was unable to consent to a breath test due to being unconscious, a forced blood draw was conducted to determine the driver’s blood alcohol level. Upon examination of the blood, it was determined that the driver had a blood alcohol level that was over twice the legal limit. The driver was then charged with Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol. After retaining The Ticket Clinic to defend her on the DUI charge, the DUI charge was dismissed and she avoided an additional license suspension.

Case Summary

Date: 03/02/2020
Case #: 20********C*********
Charge: Exploitation of an Elderly Person
The Client was charged with Exploitation of an Elderly Person after law enforcement believed he was stealing his parents money while living with them. The Firm was retained to help and immediately began pouring through the voluminous evidence in the case, mostly consisting of bank records and witness statements of other family members. After the Firm’s investigation, the Defense uncovered that what appeared to be over $5,000.00 in unrecovered monies, was in fact, at most, possibly around $300.00. In addition, the Firm argued to the State that it couldn’t be established that this money wasn’t used to take care of the Client’s parents. This fact, combined with the fact that the parents had signed a very broad power of attorney in order to allow the Client to take care of them, convinced the State Attorney’s Office to drop all criminal charges.

Case Summary

Date: 02/28/2020
Case #: 2019**********X
Charge: DUI
The Florida Highway Patrol stopped a vehicle that was travelling southbound in the northbound HOV lane of Interstate 95. Upon stopping the vehicle, the trooper could detect the odor of alcohol coming from the driver and inside the vehicle. The driver was asked to perform field sobriety exercises. While performing these exercises, the driver was unsteady on his feet and nearly fell over. He also had difficulty counting and reciting the alphabet. The driver was then arrested for DUI. A breath test was conducted where the driver blew over twice the legal limit of alcohol. After hiring The Ticket Clinic, the driver’s DUI charge was eventually dismissed and he avoided an additional suspension of his license.

Case Summary

Date: 02/27/2020
Charge: DUI
The Defendant was driving over 100 miles per hour on I-95 swerving and driving erratically. The Defendant sped by one vehicle and stuck her middle finger up at the witness. The Defendant then crashed into a vehicle sending it into a concrete wall and into another vehicle. When the officer arrived he smelled an odor of alcohol coming from the Defendant as well as watery eyes and low, slurred speech. She was shaking very heavily on scene and vomited on three separate occasions in front of the officer. The Defendant agreed to perform roadsides and admitted to drinking a Corona. She performed poorly on roadside exercises and was arrested. The Defendant was brought to jail and taken to the breath alcohol testing facility where she was placed on camera. The video depicts the Defendant immediately vomiting into a garbage can. After consenting to a breath, the results showed a .062 and .064 alcohol level. She refused to submit to a urine sample after being requested to do so by the officer. The Firm was hired regarding the officer’s charging the Defendant with Driving Under the Influence. Based upon the low breath reading and the urine refusal along with problems with the BAT video, the charges for Driving Under the Influence were not filed by the State of Florida.

Case Summary

Date: 02/25/2020
Case #: 20**-**-***********
Charge: Leaving the Scene of an Accident
Client was involved in a single vehicle accident on the highway. No witnesses observed the accident, and no witnesses could place our client behind the wheel. After running the license plate, the investigating agency made contact with our client's uncle, the registered owner of the vehicle. Eventually, they tracked down our client for an interview. Our client was charged with leaving the scene of an accident. After noticing the Officer issued a citation under the wrong Florida statute, we made a counter-offer to the State of entering a plea to a civil infraction. The State declined. The morning of trial, the State buckled and agreed to a civil infraction for a resolution.

Case Summary

Date: 02/25/2020
Case #: 19C**********
Charge: DUI
A Deputy was traveling northbound in a marked patrol vehicle. As he proceeded, he noticed the tail lights of a vehicle 50 yards east. The Deputy could see the vehicle was stationary and not moving. This caught his attention, since there have been a rash of early morning convenience store robberies recently. The Deputy drove north to the first median break, made a u-turn, and headed back south. He could still see the vehicles tail lights, it was still stationary and not moving. The Deputy stopped his marked patrol vehicle approximately two car lengths behind the vehicle. He did not activate his emergency lights or siren. Though, he did flash his high beams on and off repeatedly for approximately 20 seconds, in an attempt to get the driver's attention; however, the vehicle did not move nor did the driver wave at him or move inside the vehicle. He placed his patrol vehicle in park and activated his blue/ red lights . The Deputy approached the driver' s side door and through the open emergency window observed the sole occupant and operator of the vehicle, a white male seated in the driver's seat behind the steering wheel, who was slightly reclined and sound asleep. The Deputy could hear the engine idling, so he peered inside the car through the open window and noticed the vehicles transmission was positioned in park. The male had an aluminum color watch laying on his left thigh and a cell phone, which was charging, face down on his right thigh. The Deputy observed a drinking cup of an amber, carbonated liquid in the center console; it had the appearance of beer. A backup Deputy arrived on scene and parked his marked vehicle. When the Deputy closed his car door, the sound woke the driver, who was startled and reached for the gear shifter. The Deputy announced himself, shined his flash light into the vehicle, and advised him to relax and not touch the gear shifter. The Deputy then noticed his eyes were very bloodshot and glossy. The Deputy asked the white male whether he was ok or if he was ill. He advised, he was tired, so he stopped to sleep. The Deputy asked him, if he knew where he was located. He replied, he was on his way home. Each time the white male spoke, the Deputy could smell the distinct odor of an alcoholic beverage. The Defendant was requested to perform field sobriety exercises, which he did poorly. The Defendant was placed under arrest for DUI. The Defendant refused to provide a breath sample. The firm set the case for trial and before the trial began, the State dropped the DUI charge.
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Rolando A. Sanchez, Esq.

Originally from Miami , grew up in Central Florida.  After high school, he joined the U.S. Air Force where he worked on F-15E fighter jets as an Avionics Technician.  He was Honorably Discharged. Afterwards, he attended University of Central Florida and received a BSBA Finance Degree, cum laude.  Next, he attended Barry University for law school and among other things, served as V.P. of the Veterans Legal Society.  Since graduating in 2016, Mr. Sanchez has dedicated his career to helping those charged with criminal matters.  These cases include traffic, misdemeanors and felonies, including trials and post-conviction relief. Mr. Sanchez is the lead attorney in Ticket Clinic’s Kissimmee office, handling cases in Osceola, Polk, Hardee and Desoto Counties.