An Officer responded to a call of a driver who was passed out behind the wheel of his pickup truck in the drive through lane of a fast food restaurant. Upon awakening the driver, the officer noticed that he had glassy and bloodshot eyes and that there were beer cans in the bed of the pickup truck. The driver initially made vague statements about where he was coming from and said he drank a few beers at a friend’s house. The officer also noted that the driver seemed sluggish and uncoordinated. Based on the officer’s observations, the officer asked the driver to perform roadside exercises to determine if he was impaired by alcohol. Upon exiting the vehicle to perform the exercises, the officer noted that the driver was unsteady on his feet and swaying. After performing poorly on the roadside exercises, including swaying and losing his balance, the driver was arrested for Driving Under the Influence. The driver submitted to a breath test, which showed that he was well-over the legal limit to drive. The driver then retained The Ticket Clinic to defend him on the DUI charge. Upon discussions with the State Attorney assigned to the case, the Driving Under the Influence charge was reduced to Reckless Driving and the client avoided a further license suspension and criminal conviction on his record.
A trooper with the Florida Highway Patrol observed a vehicle occupied by our client facing in the wrong direction of traffic and pushed up against another car. Upon approaching our client, the trooper noticed that he seemed dazed and confused and his speech was mumbled and slurred. The trooper could also detect an odor alcohol and noted that our client’s eyes were glassy and bloodshot. The trooper subsequently arrested our client and charged him with Driving Under the Influence, Willful Refusal to Sign a Citation and Careless Driving. After hiring The Ticket Clinic, the DUI charge and Willful Refusal to Sign Citation charges were dismissed by the State Attorney. The Careless Driving citation proceeded to a trial date where the court ultimately dismissed it.
The Client was charged with Driving Under the Influence above a .15 with property damage after he drove his beautiful Camaro into a telephone poll. The driver of the vehicle walked up hill to improve his cellphone service to call for help. A trooper arrived on scene and located the driver 1/2 mile up the road. The trooper observed all of the signs of impairment. Our client performed Field Sobriety Exercises, that were captured on video. The Client consented to a breath test. The client was taken to the hospital and cleared. Six hours after the accident, the client submitted a sample of his breath, .195 and .184 BAC. The Ticket Clinic Attorney fought the case by filing a motion to suppress based upon corpus delicti and staleness of the breath sample. The State’s evidence was successfully attacked and they were forced to reduce the charge to reckless driving with property damage, not-alcohol related.
A concerned motorist contacted the police to report a driver of a pickup truck driving all over the road and unable to maintain his lane of travel on Interstate 95. An officer who happened to be driving on Interstate 95 observed the pickup truck failing to maintain his lane and, at one point, the pickup truck cut the officer off. After initiating a stop of the pickup truck on Interstate 95, a trooper with the Florida Highway Patrol was called to the scene to conduct an investigation. Upon approaching the vehicle, the trooper noticed a strong odor of alcohol on the driver’s breath and that the driver had glassy and bloodshot eyes and his speech was slurred. The driver admitted to drinking two alcoholic beverages. Believing that the driver may be impaired by alcohol, the trooper asked the driver to perform roadside exercises to determine if he was impaired. The driver performed poorly on the exercises including one exercise that had to be stopped because the driver was extremely unsteady on his feet. The trooper subsequently arrested the driver and requested that he submit to a breath test to which the driver refused. The driver was subsequently charged with Driving Under the Influence. After hiring The Ticket Clinic, the DUI charge was dismissed by the State Attorney and resolved to a Reckless Driving, which prevented the client from receiving a DUI conviction on his record and a further license suspension.
A concerned motorist contacted the police to report a driver of a pickup truck driving all over the road and unable to maintain his lane of travel on Interstate 95. An officer who happened to be driving on Interstate 95 observed the pickup truck failing to maintain his lane and, at one point, the pickup truck cut the officer off. After initiating a stop of the pickup truck on Interstate 95, a trooper with the Florida Highway Patrol was called to the scene to conduct an investigation. Upon approaching the vehicle, the trooper noticed a strong odor of alcohol on the driver’s breath and that the driver had glassy and bloodshot eyes and his speech was slurred. The driver admitted to drinking two alcoholic beverages. Believing that the driver may be impaired by alcohol, the trooper asked the driver to perform roadside exercises to determine if he was impaired. The driver performed poorly on the exercises including one exercise that had to be stopped because the driver was extremely unsteady on his feet. The trooper subsequently arrested the driver and requested that he submit to a breath test to which the driver refused. The driver was subsequently charged with Driving Under the Influence. After hiring The Ticket Clinic, the DUI charge was dismissed by the State Attorney and resolved to a Reckless Driving, which prevented the client from receiving a DUI conviction on his record and a further license suspension.
The client was found sleeping in running car in the parking lot of a liquor store. A store employee found the client and called 911 to report the incident. The police responded to the scene and found the client in the car asleep with the car running. During the encounter the client admitted to drinking vodka out of the bottle, being on probation for DUI, and he was subsequently arrested for DUI. After the arrest the client blew - a .39 and .38 (almost five times the legal limit). The attorney moved to have the breath test results suppressed as evidence – After a long battle the Court denied the motion. The attorney then filed a Motion to Suppress attempting to preclude the state from using evidence against the Client in trial. At the conclusion of the hearing the court sided with the Ticket Clinic Attorney, the state had not met their burden and the stop of the Defendant was suppressed. Three days later the State dropped the charges.
Defendant stopped for speeding and officer noticed odor of alcohol, bloodshot eyes and slurred speech. Defendant performed poorly on field sobriety exercises and was arrested for DUI. Defendant refused the breath test. DUI charge dropped.
A trooper with the Florida Highway Patrol conducted a traffic stop on Interstate 95 after he observed a vehicle failing to maintain a single lane and almost colliding with the front of the trooper’s marked police car. The driver appeared to be dazed and confused and had glassy and bloodshot eyes. The driver was also agitated at times and had an odor of alcohol on his breath. Roadside exercises were conducted and the Defendant showed several signs of impairment while performing the exercises. The trooper subsequently arrested the driver and requested that he submit to a breath test to which the driver blew well-over the legal limit of .08.. The driver was subsequently charged with Driving Under the Influence. After hiring The Ticket Clinic, the DUI charge was dismissed by the State Attorney and resolved to a Reckless Driving, which prevented the client from receiving a DUI conviction on his record and a further license suspension.
The Client was charged with Driving Under the Influence after he was involved in a crash on a divided highway. The driver of the other vehicle died at the scene. During treatment by EMTs, the trooper requested that medical blood be drawn from the Client to determine the alcoholic content and to determine the presence of any illegal substances. The Client consented to the blood draw. The submitted blood samples indicated no alcohol, but a very high level of THC. The Ticket Clinic Attorney fought the case by filing a motion to suppress evidence of the blood samples. The State’s evidence was successfully attacked and they were forced to dismiss the case.
vThe Client was charged with DUI – after he was found by the police at a traffic light asleep at the wheel. The officers indicated the client smelled of alcohol, had slurred speech, and bloodshot eyes. The client was denied entry into the first offender program because his driving pattern was too egregious. The case was scheduled for a Motion to Suppress – the day before the motion the prosecutor reached out and offered to drop the DUI to a Reckless Driving. The Client entered a plea to Reckless Driving – adjudication was withheld meaning he can have his record sealed.
Law Enforcement found the client asleep in the driver seat of their car with the keys ignition. After observing that the client showed signs of impairment by alcohol, law enforcement proceeded to investigate the client for a DUI. After performing badly on field sobriety exercises the client was arrested and submitted to a breath alcohol test, resulting in two samples of .290 and .297. The Ticket Clinic Attorneys took the case to trial and asserted a defense that the vehicle was not operable by introducing evidence that the vehicle had to be towed from the police impound, testimony from the client’s friend an amateur mechanic who inspected the car, and the client’s own testimony that the vehicle had broken down the day before and that he was drinking and waiting for a tow truck. The State failed to provide any evidence that the vehicle was working as it was never tested or inspected by law enforcement. The Jury agreed with The Ticket Clinic Attorneys that the State failed to prove their case and issued a verdict of NOT GUILTY.
The client was arrested after being caught driving on a suspended license for the third time. The Ticket Clinic Attorneys got on the case and filed a motion to contest the Constitutionality of the police pulling over the client in the first place. Though the State still tried to push the client to plea by reducing the amount of jail in their offer, The Ticket Clinic Attorneys persisted, and all criminal charges were dropped.