A police officer responded to a call from a manager of a restaurant that one if its customers, had driven away from the restaurant and was intoxicated. Upon locating seeing the car, the officer conducted a traffic stop. The officer noticed that the client had slurred speech, an odor of alcohol on his breath, and glassy and bloodshot eyes. While performing the roadside exercises, the officer noted the client was swaying, lost his balance and failed to complete the exercises as instructed. The Client was arrested and submitted a breath sample that was over twice the legal limit. The DUI was ultimately dropped after The Ticket Clinic worked out a reduced charge of Reckless Driving, which prevented the client from receiving criminal conviction for DUI and avoided the mandatory driver’s license suspension that occurs with a DUI conviction.
The client was charged with attaching a license plate to his trailer which was assigned to a different trailer, when they accidentally provided law enforcement with the wrong trailer registration. The Ticket Clinic Attorneys were able to establish that the client possessed two trailers, both of which were validly registered and licensed at the time of the alleged offense and all criminal charges against the client were dropped without the client ever having to come to court.
The Client was charged with DUI after being stopped by law enforcement for an unknown reason. Once stopped, law enforcement stated they noticed signs of impairment. The Client agreed to do roadside sobriety exercises and performed well, but was still arrested for DUI. Once at the jail the Client refused to give a breath sample. After the State reviewed the facts and saw our initial filings in the case, the State dismissed the DUI.
Client was stopped for running a red light and drifting within his lane. Upon speaking to the client, the officer observed indicators of impairment that included the odor of alcohol and glassy bloodshot eyes. The officer asked the client to perform road side exercises. After exiting the vehicle to perform the exercises, the officer noted that the client was swaying and his speech was mumbled. The client showed several indicators of impairment during the roadside exercises and the exercises had to be stopped because the client was unable to maintain his balance. The client was arrested and charged with Driving Under the Influence and refused to take a breath test. Upon discussions with the State Attorney assigned to the case, the Driving Under the Influence charge was reduced to Reckless Driving and the client avoided a further license suspension and criminal conviction on his record.
Law enforcement responded to a call about a person sleeping in their car in a parking lot. While attempting to wake the driver, a vape pen was discovered in the drivers' side door. A field test revealed the presence of cannabis oil, which was later confirmed by the lab. After being retained, Ticket Clinic lawyers filed a Motion, challenging the actions of the police. After fierce negotiations, the State agreed that their officers' action violated certain constitutional rights of our client. All charges were dropped, without our client ever having to appear in court!
The defendant was stopped for an expired tag and for making an improper left turn. After being slow to pull his car over, the officer noticed signs of impairment. According to the officer, there was an overpowering odor of alcohol, the defendant's eyes were very red and glassy, the Defendant's speech was so slurred that it was difficult to understand him at times. The defendant was unsteady on his feet as well. The officer had the defendant perform roadside exercises, and he believed the defendant had performed poorly. The defendant refused to take the breath test. Aquitted of DUI by jury.
An Officer stopped the client after she was observed driving well-below the speed limit and weaving in and out of her lane. Upon exiting her car, the officer noticed that the client had bloodshot and watery eyes and an odor of alcohol coming from her breath. The client swayed from side to side and had difficulty steadying herself. After performing poorly on the roadside exercises, the client was arrested and charged with DUI and submitted to a breath test where she blew well-over twice the legal limit. The Ticket Clinic was able to obtain a dismissal of the DUI charge, which avoided a lengthy driver’s license suspension and criminal conviction for DUI.
Our client, who is a commercial driver (CDL) was rear ended, which resulted in the death of the other driver. After being retained, Ticket Clinic lawyers went to work on the case, investigating the details of the crash. Our client insisted that he was slowing for traffic ahead, and had no choice but to slow his tractor-trailer. Police disagreed and charged him with being the "at fault" driver for the fatal crash. Rejecting any plea agreements or resolutions of the case, we proceeded to trial. After a 1.5 hour-long trial, our client was found to be "not guilty". This win saved our client from receiving substantial fines, and more importantly a mandatory suspension of his commercial driver license, which directly impacted his ability to maintain his livelihood.
Our client was observed by Florida Highway Patrol traveling 110 mph and weaving in/out of traffic. The speed was confirmed by a Stalker Laser measuring device. After being retained, Ticket Clinic lawyers got to work on the case. We were able to demonstrate and convince the State Attorney assigned to the case that the speed and weaving did not rise to the level of a criminal charge. The State agreed and the criminal charge was dismissed.
Our client was arrested for DUI, after coming into contact with a Police Officer who was a DRE (Drug Recognition Expert). The DRE concluded that our client was high on drugs. In reality, our client suffers from severe anxiety, in which symptoms mimic those of someone impaired by controlled substances. The State Attorney's office offered to reduce the DUI charge to a Reckless Driving charge, which was declined. Armed with a negative urine test, Ticket Clinic attorneys aggressively pushed forward with preparing the case for trial. On the eve of trial, the State dropped all charges.
The Client hired the firm after she was charged with DUI. The Client had been involved in one crash and then left the scene of that crash and then got involved in another crash. The Client did not provide a breath sample that was over the legal limit, however she did have several different combinations of controlled substances and/or drugs in her vehicle and admitted to taking some as well. The Firm investigated the case and determined that the State could not properly establish that she had any drugs in her system in order to prove the charge of DUI. The State Attorney in the matter agreed with the Firm and dismissed the DUI charge.
Our client was already on probation for a criminal case, where he was represented by another law firm. While on probation, he was involved in an accident. Our client was unresponsive and slumped over the steering wheel. EMS was called, our client was transported to the hospital and he submitted to a urine test which showed the presence of drugs in his system. Originally, the State was seeking 9 months in jail for the Violation of Probation. Ticket Clinic attorneys filed a Motion for Speedy Trial on the DUI, which forced the State to drop the DUI charge. Then, the State agreed to drop their request for jail for the Violation of Probation, and our client was given "time served" for the VOP.