DUI & Criminal Division


To protect our clients privacy, incomplete case numbers are provided.

Case Summary

Date: 09/12/2019
Case #: 18********1
Charge: Felony Drug Possession
Our client was driving his car and a police officer noticed that his car was swerving across the lane markers. A traffic stop was initiated based on this repeated driving pattern. The officer quickly learned that our client's driver license was suspended. Our client was arrested and during the search incident to arrest, a vape pen was discovered (felony charge). The Ticket Clinic attorney began investigating the case and deposing the officer involved. During that deposition critical information was obtained about the legality of the stop of our client's car. A Motion to Suppress was filed, and we argued that the stop of the car was unlawful. The Circuit Court Judge agreed, forcing the State to drop the entire criminal case.

Case Summary

Date: 09/05/2019
Charge: DUI
The police made contact with the defendant after receiving a tip about a vehicle in a McDonald’s parking lot in which the driver was very intoxicated. Officers made contact with the defendant and noticed a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage, that his eyes were watery and bloodshot, and that his speech was slurred and mumbled. The police also noted that his balance was so poor that he had to lean on his vehicle for support. The defendant refused roadside exercises and a breath test. The defendant was arrested and charged with DUI. The DUI charge was dropped 1-20-09.

Case Summary

Date: 08/27/2019
Case #: 19-**********A
Charge: DUI
Our client was found asleep in the driver's seat of his car with the engine running. After the officer work him up, our client put his car in drive and attempted to leave. He was stopped and asked to exit exit his car. He was arrested for DUI. Following his arrest, our client provided a breath test, which registered .142. Ticket Clinic lawyers filed a Motion to Suppress, alleging that the officer did not have reasonable suspicion of DUI necessary to stop our client. The Court granted our Motion, and all charges were dismissed.

Case Summary

Date: 08/26/2019
Case #: 2019CF********2
Charge: DUI
Client arrived at their home driving their car to find damage to the vehicle that they could not remember happening. Minutes later, law enforcement arrived at the home and accused the client of knowingly leaving the scene of an accident resulting in an injury. The client had previously been diagnosed with epilepsy and believed that they must have had a seizure while driving their car and therefore had no memory of the accident. The Ticket Clinic Attorneys were hired on the case and all criminal charges were dropped, without the client ever having to attend court.

Case Summary

Date: 08/26/2019
Case #: 19****************CT
Charge: DUI
For a DUI in Florida, in addition to impairment, the State must also prove a person was driving or in actual physical control. An officer alleged the client, who appeared intoxicated, was coming out of his truck at an apartment complex as though he had just arrived after driving. The client admitted that although he was intoxicated he did not drive and never intended to. In exploring that matter the attorney located a neighbor who told us that she knocked on the apartment door of the client to warn him to roll up his truck windows because of the pending rain moments before the police officer made contact with the client. The attorney prepared the case for trial, not accepting any possible lessors. All charges dismissed.

Case Summary

Date: 08/19/2019
Case #: 19cxxxxxxxxxxx
Charge: Traffic Violation
On February 26, 2019 Florida Highway Patrol Trooper arrived at an accident scene. Upon speaking with the parties involved in the accident, it was determined that the Defendant had traveled from the eastbound turn lane into the already occupied eastbound left lane causing the accident. The Defendant denied changing lanes, however dash camera from another vehicle captured the accident. The dash camera showed the Defendant merging into the occupied lane causing the accident. Based on the dash camera footage, the Defendant was charged with Giving false information during a crash investigation in violation of Florida Statute 316.067. The firm filed a motion to suppress and prior to the motion hearing, the State dismissed the case.

Case Summary

Date: 08/09/2019
Case #: 2***********3
Charge: DUI
Our client was stopped for speeding and eventually arrested for Driving Under the Influence. We were able to successfully negotiate with the State Attorney's office and our client's charges were reduced to Reckless Driving.

Case Summary

Date: 08/09/2019
Case #: 2**************9
Charge: Reckless Driving
Our client was stopped for careless driving and failure to maintain a single lane. After performing the field sobriety exercises, he was arrested for Driving Under the Influence. We were able to negotiate with the State Attorney's office and our client received a withhold of adjudication on the amended charge of Reckless Driving and our client is now in the process of having his criminal record sealed and expunged.

Case Summary

Date: 08/09/2019
Case #: 2*************0
Charge: Reckless Driving
Our client was pulled over for "failure to maintain a single lane," and eventually arrested for Driving Under the Influence with a breath alcohol level over .150. Our client provided two valid breath samples of .151/.151. The State was forced to drop all of the charges after the Court granted our Motion to Suppress the evidence gained as a result of the unlawful traffic stop.

Case Summary

Date: 08/09/2019
Case #: 2*********1
Charge: DUI
Our client was pulled over and arrested for Driving Under the Influence. The arresting officer, a Drug Recognition Expert, opined that our client was under the influence of a controlled substance. We successfully attacked the State's evidence until they were forced to amend the charge to Reckless Driving.

Case Summary

Date: 07/23/2019
Case #: 2017MM00******
Charge: DUI
The Client was charged with DUI after she was stopped for not having her lights on at night. As the Client rolled her window down to speak to the Officer, marijuana smoke rolled out of the vehicle. The Officer then conducted a DUI investigation where the Client performed well on her exercises. The Firm investigated the case and informed the State that while there was evidence she had consumed marijuana, there was no evidence that she was impaired by it. As a result the State agreed to dismiss the DUI.

Case Summary

Date: 07/19/2019
Case #: JE 2015CT#######
Charge: DUI
The Client was stopped for running a red light and a stop sign. Once detained the officer stated he smelled alcohol and wanted to conduct a DUI investigation. The officer claimed that during the DUI investigation, the Client had slurred speech and difficulty maintaining balance. The Firm reviewed the evidence in the case, including the DUI video. The video showed that the Client was not slurring his speech and maintained his balance. The Firm set the case for trial and on the day of trial the State agreed to dismiss the DUI charge.
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Rolando A. Sanchez, Esq.

Originally from Miami , grew up in Central Florida.  After high school, he joined the U.S. Air Force where he worked on F-15E fighter jets as an Avionics Technician.  He was Honorably Discharged. Afterwards, he attended University of Central Florida and received a BSBA Finance Degree, cum laude.  Next, he attended Barry University for law school and among other things, served as V.P. of the Veterans Legal Society.  Since graduating in 2016, Mr. Sanchez has dedicated his career to helping those charged with criminal matters.  These cases include traffic, misdemeanors and felonies, including trials and post-conviction relief. Mr. Sanchez is the lead attorney in Ticket Clinic’s Kissimmee office, handling cases in Osceola, Polk, Hardee and Desoto Counties.