The Client's vehicle was detained after law enforcement found him passed out in the middle of the street. The police began a DUI investigation and discovered that the Client seemed to be impaired and arrested the Client for DUI. Once at the jail the Client provided a breath sample that was twice the legal limit. The Firm began an investigation into the case and requested that the State allow the Client into the First Time Offender's program. The State initially agreed, then discovered that the Client had a prior arrest for DUI, which disqualified him from the program. But the Firm was able to convince the State to allow him to receive a reckless driving charge instead of a DUI based upon the fact that the Client had relied upon the State's initial offer and completed several of the required terms that are needed to be accepted into the program.
Client was pulled over for speeding and law enforcement smelled the odor of marijuana coming from their vehicle. Law enforcement searched the vehicle and located 11 grams of cannabis in two locations in the vehicle’s trunk, resulting in the client receiving two separate charges for possession of cannabis. The Ticket Clinic Attorneys were hired on the cases and all charges were dropped, without the client ever having to attend court.
The Client was charged with DUI after he was stopped for speeding and swerving all over the roadway. Once stopped law enforcement conducted sobriety exercises and determined the Client was impaired after he stumbled and had some issues listening to the officer's instructions. The Client was arrested and a breath sample was requested. The Client refused to comply with the breath sample request. The Firm spoke with the State on the issues and the State refused to completely dismiss the DUI case. The Firm took the case to trial and argued that the Defendant did not drink more than one drink the entire day and was not impaired, he just didn't do the exercises perfect, which was not a crime. The jury agreed and found the Defendant not guilty.
The Client's vehicle was stopped because it was swerving all over the roadway. Once stopped the officer noticed signs of impairment by alcohol and had the Client perform field sobriety exercises, which the Client did not do well on. The Client was then arrested and provided a breath sample nearly twice the legal limit. The Firm investigated the case and spoke to the State Attorney regarding the findings. The Firm illustrated that the stop of the Client was weak, and in addition the Client was cooperative and had no previous record of criminal history. The State agreed and the DUI charge was dismissed.
On December 5, 2018 our client was driving northbound on State Road 407 (Challenger Memorial Parkway) in Brevard County, Florida. Our client's vehicle was alleged to have changed from its lane and into oncoming traffic. Our client's vehicle made front end impact with the front of a vehicle in oncoming traffic causing our client's vehicle to roll over and the other vehicle to veer off the road and into a guardrail. The driver of the other vehicle and passenger were both airlifted with injuries. A member of the Florida Highway Patrol investigated the crash and cited our client for Failure to Driving in a Single Lane causing Serious Bodily Injury carrying with it a mandatory 3 month driver's license suspension and enhanced fine. Today at a hearing, our attorney was able to obtain a not guilty verdict after hearing testimony from the Trooper and a dismissal of the citation.
The Defendant was charged with racing. The Defendant was spotted at the front of a pack of cars, late at night, at high speed on a nearly deserted road. The State’s offer to resolve the case was 20 days in jail and a 1 year Driver’s License suspension. Finding that offer unacceptable the Firm took the case to a jury trial. The Judge granted a Judgment of Acquittal before the jury even got to make a decision. As a result the criminal charges against the defendant were discharged.
The defendant was stopped for driving between 80-120 mph on I-95 and weaving from lane to lane, and unlawfully passing through a safety zone. The defendant admitted to consuming 4-5 beers, had the odor of an alcoholic beverage and bloodshot glassy eyes. The defendant performed poorly on roadside sobriety exercises and submitted to the breath test that registered .109/.106 g/210 L. The officer also found a six pack of beer with two empty beer cans in the defendant’s car. The Firm filed several Motions to Suppress Evidence in this case, each of which was granted. The State dropped all Dui charges.
On August 23, 2018, a Tampa Police officer observed the Defendant driving a blue Mazda with only one tail light operating. The Defendant was also drifting in and out of his lane. The Defendant was traveling north on Howard Ave and ran a red light. The Defendant came to a stop before the ramp to I275, but stopped past the stop bar and was blocking the pedestrian crosswalk. Upon making contact with the Defendant, the Officer noticed a distinct odor of an alcoholic beverage. The Defendant admitted to 2 beers and agreed to complete field sobriety exercises. The Defendant exhibited multiple clues of impairment on the exercises. The Defendant was then arrested for DUI. The Defendant provided breath samples which registered .080 and .081.
Results: The case was set for trial and prior to the beginning of trial, the State dropped the DUI charge.
The Client was found passed out in his vehicle in the intersection by law enforcement. It took law enforcement some time to get the Client to wake up. Once the Client awakened, the Officer noticed indicators of impairment and stated that the Client admitted to drinking an entire bottle of vodka by himself. The Client was asked to submit to sobriety exercises, which he refused. He was then arrested and taken to jail where he also refused to provide a breath sample. The Firm thoroughly investigated the case and discovered that there was no roadside video and the Client looked good on the video while at the jail. The Firm informed the State that there was simply not enough evidence to prove impairment, other than the initial contact and statements, which couldn't be shown to the jury because there was no video. The State, after several months of back and forth conversations and hearings, finally agreed to dismiss the DUI.
Law enforcement stopped the Client's vehicle because it was swerving on the roadway. Once stopped they observed that the Client appeared to be under the influence of alcohol. Officers asked the Client to perform sobriety exercises, which the Client performed poorly on. The Client was arrested for DUI and taken to jail where she refused to provide a breath sample. The Firm looked into the legality of the stop, and discovered that the Officer's vehicle camera did capture the alleged driving pattern of the Client. However, the driving pattern didn't match what the Officer stated in his report. The Client's swerving was not as pronounced as the Officer had alleged. The Firm immediately filed a motion to suppress the stop of the Client's vehicle as unconstitutional. The State eventually agreed to dismiss the DUI as a result.
On March 23, 2018 at approximately 2:30am Tampa Police Officers responded to a call of an impaired person sleeping in their car at the Thornton's gas station on Hillsborough Ave. The vehicle was running and the Defendant was asleep in the driver's seat. The officer tapped on the window in an attempt to wake the Defendant. The Defendant took several minutes to wake up. Upon waking the Defendant, the officer asked him to step out of the vehicle. The Defendant had an odor of alcoholic beverage on his breath and his speech was slurred. The Defendant was asked to perform field sobriety exercises which he complied. He was arrested after exhibiting multiple clues of impairment. The Defendant then refused to submit to a breath test.
Result: The firm provided information to the prosecutor that the initial interaction with the officer was in violation of the Defendant's constitutional rights. The State then dropped the DUI charge.
Law enforcement stopped the Client's vehicle as a result of the Client swerving within his own lane and hitting the solid white lane line. Once stopped the Officer observed signs of impairment by alcohol and had the Client submit to roadside exercises. The Client agreed but did poorly on said exercises. The Client was arrested for DUI and once at the jail submitted to a breath sample that was almost twice the legal limit. The Firm began looking into the case and found that the stop by law enforcement could be considered weak. In addition, the Client had no prior criminal history and was extremely cooperative with the Officers that stopped him. Based on these factors the State agreed to dismiss the DUI charge.