Law enforcement stopped the Client's vehicle as a result of the Client swerving within his own lane and hitting the solid white lane line. Once stopped the Officer observed signs of impairment by alcohol and had the Client submit to roadside exercises. The Client agreed but did poorly on said exercises. The Client was arrested for DUI and once at the jail submitted to a breath sample that was almost twice the legal limit. The Firm began looking into the case and found that the stop by law enforcement could be considered weak. In addition, the Client had no prior criminal history and was extremely cooperative with the Officers that stopped him. Based on these factors the State agreed to dismiss the DUI charge.
A stop was conducted on our client's vehicle for traveling 70 mph in a 50 mph zone. The Deputy observed an odor of alcoholic beverage coming from the driver and observed signs of impairment. A DUI investigator was called to the scene. The DUI Deputy requested the Defendant perform field sobriety exercises, which the Defendant agreed to do. During the exercises, multiple indicators of impairment were observed and the Defendant was arrested for DUI. The Defendant refused to submit to a breath test after being arrested. The Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles issued a 12 month suspension of the Defendant's license based on the refusal.
Results: The firm filed a formal review request with the DHSMV and after the review hearing, the 12 month suspension was set aside based on insufficient evidence to support the suspension.
Officers discovered the Client's vehicle sitting at a green light for a period of time that required other vehicles to go around him. Law enforcement made a traffic stop because the Client was obstructing traffic. As a result they discovered that the Client smelled of alcohol and they then observed marijuana in the car within plain view. The Officer asked the Client to submit to sobriety exercises, which he refused to do. After refusing to do said exercises, the Client was arrested and taken to jail where he refused to give a breath sample. The Firm argued to the State that they may have evidence of marijuana, but no real evidence of DUI. The State eventually agreed and dismissed the DUI charge completely. In addition, the State agreed not to convict the Client on the Marijuana count, which saved the Client's license.
Our client and her family, visiting Fort Lauderdale on vacation, were involved in an altercation at a local bar. Police claimed that our client struck a bartender in the head without provocation and then attempted to flee from police. The lawyers at the firm presented evidence that our client acted in defense of others after the bartender threw the first blows. The prosecution decided to dismiss the battery charges but continued to prosecute our client for resisting an officer. The lawyers at the firm proceeded to trial where our client was found Not Guilty.
Our client and her family, visiting Fort Lauderdale on vacation, were involved in an altercation at a local bar. Police claimed that our client struck a bartender in the head without provocation and then attempted to flee from police. The lawyers at the firm presented evidence that our client acted in defense of others after the bartender threw the first blows. The prosecution decided to dismiss the battery charges but continued to prosecute our client for resisting an officer. The lawyers at the firm proceeded to trial where our client was found Not Guilty.
The Client was found asleep in his vehicle while stopped at the intersection. Once the Officer began speaking with him he noticed that he seemed impaired by alcohol and noticed a bottle of vodka in the center cup holder. The Client admitted to drinking and also to taking some pain medication. The Officer had the Client perform field sobriety exercises and determined that the Client was DUI and arrested him. Once the Client was at the jail he refused to give a breath sample. The Firm investigated the case and determined that the Client had a long standing military career and had a mostly clean record with the exception of a prior DUI over 30 years ago. The Firm was able convince the State to dismiss the DUI charge as a result.
Our client was allegedly driving on Interstate 4 merging on to the 528 Expressway. While entering on to the 528 it was alleged that our client sideswiped another vehicle. The other driver called the police and reported to them that our client immediately fled after impact. When questioned by the Florida Highway Patrol, our client stated that both parties agreed there was no damage and didn't need to contact authorities. The Florida Highway Patrol cited our client for careless driving and a criminal charge of leaving the scene of an accident without providing information. After hiring The Ticket Clinic, our attorneys began reviewing the witness statements and found critical information about the witnesses and their likelihood not to appear for a trial. The Office of the State Attorney announced prepared for trial and the Defendant, along with his attorney from The Ticket Clinic also announced ready. After calling up a jury, the State realized the what our attorney knew the entire time, and after announcing prepared for trial, could not ask the Judge for a continuance. The State dismissed the criminal charge against our client and the Judge dismissed the traffic ticket for careless driving.
Our client was caught in the act of breaking a window of a shed in someone's back yard. Witnesses caught our client and detained him while police responded. Our client was arrested. Due to his prior criminal history, our client was facing a lengthy prison sentence. Ticket Clinic lawyers began investigating the case and discussing the case in detail with the prosecutors. In the end, the State agreed to completely drop the felony, avoiding any jail time for our client.
Our client was stopped for allegedly driving the wrong way at 3 am. After being stopped, the officer noticed that our client seemed lethargic, and confused. The officer requested that our client participate in roadside exercises, and our client agreed. After the conclusion of the exercises, our client was arrested. A breath test was not provided by our client. Ticket Clinic lawyers began investigating and defending the case. We entered into negotiations/discussions with the State Atorney's office, pointing out the lack of evidence and the strength of our case. The State agreed with our assessment of the case and agreed to drop the DUI charge.
Our client, who is a commercial driver, drives trucks for a living and depends on his driver license to support his family. Our client, who was pulling a trailer, proceeded through a stop sign, and was rear-ended by another truck, which resulted in the death of the other driver. After a traffic homicide investigation, our client was issued a citation for violating the stop sign, resulting in the death of the other driver. If convicted, our client would have lost his driver license, and his ability to work. Ticket Clinic lawyers contested the citation in a non-jury trial. The verdict was NOT GUILTY, and no penalties were assessed against our client.
The Defendant was observed by a member of the Broward Sheriff’s Office DUI Task Force making a left turn at 3:28 a.m. from Sunrise Boulevard onto Northbound Federal Highway. When the Defendant made that turn he left his lane of travel to the right and then veered to the left coming within an inch of putting the driver’s side tires on the curb. The Deputy continued to follow the Defendant and noticed the Defendant repeatedly weaving within his lane, leaving his lane on more than 3 occasions, and changing speeds from 40-55 mph in a 45 mph zone. The Deputy initiated a traffic stop and noticed the Defendant to have the odor of an alcoholic beverage on his breath; bloodshot and glassy eyes and a flushed face, all indicators of alcohol impairment. The Defendant also admitted to consuming alcohol at the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino prior to driving. The Defendant was asked to do roadside sobriety exercises, to which he agreed. The Defendant lost his balance on the walk and turn, used his arms for balance, repeatedly missed heel to toe, turned improperly and took 11 instead of 9 steps as instructed. The Defendant also performed poorly on the finger to nose exercise as he failed to keep his eyes closed, missed his nose on every attempt, used the wrong form, and stepped out of the instructional stance. The Defendant was arrested for DUI and he refused to submit to the breath test. The Defendant was found not guilty after a jury trial. The driving pattern and the roadside exercises were all captured on the Deputy's in car video camera.
Our client was charged with a 2nd DUI after witnesses saw the the Defendant driving all over the roadway, into the bike lane, and then crossing into opposing traffic. The Defendant smelled of alcoholic beverages and admitted to drinking alcohol. According to the police officer, roadside exercises were performed poorly and a breath test was provided after the arrest. Ticket Clinic lawyers set the case for trial. On the day of trial, the State agreed to drop the DUI charge.