The Defendant was charged with backing into a car as she left her house in the early morning hours. After conducting an investigation and presenting the mitigating evidence to the prosecutor they agreed to drop the criminal charges against the client.
The Client was pulled over for a minor traffic violation in Orlando. During the stop the officer determined that the Client’s license was restricted to business purposes only. The Client attempted to explain the situation to the officer to no avail. The Ticket Clinic Attorney was able to gather proof for the Court and presented the evidence and the state dropped all the criminal charges against the client.
The client was pulled over for a traffic violation. When the officer checked the client’s license his commercial license was suspended, but not his Class E license. The Ticket Clinic Attorney addressed this issue with the prosecuting attorney and the criminal charges were dropped.
The Defendant was involved in a traffic crash with a parked vehicle. After the crash the client attempted to turn around and return to the scene. In doing so her vehicle became disabled. The client called 911 and reported the traffic crash. Despite the 911 call the office still charged the client with leaving the scene. The Ticket Clinic attorney conducted its own investigation and obtained a copy of the 911 call. When The Ticket Clinic Attorney presented the evidence to the State Attorney’s Office the charges were dismissed.
The defendant was stopped for a tag light out and no other driving pattern. The officer smelled alcohol the defendants breath, saw that he keep putting gum in his mouth and would turn his head to talk to the officer so that he could not smell his breath. The defendant did all of the Field Sobriety Exercises, but had many discrepancies that the officer noted. A civilian interpreter was used to give the instructions while he was on a ride along. The defendant had trouble understanding this interpreter and went more by what he observed than what he was told. The defendant was arrested for DUI and refused a breath test. After talking to the state and filing a motion, the DUI charge was dropped.
Our client was pulled over at 1:50 a.m. while operating his vehicle without head lights being activated and traveling at 72 mph in a 45 mph zone. When questioned about consuming alcohol, our client admitted to drinking beer at a local bar just prior to the stop of his vehicle. After arrest on suspicion of DUI the officer requested a breath test, which registered at .098 and .096.
We were able to find inconsistencies between the police report and the video, which coupled with the video evidence which illustrated our client moving around without mobility issues and engaging the officers in logical communication, provided us with enough evidence to indicate that our client's normal faculties were not impaired, despite providing a breath test which was above the legal limit. The State agreed and dismissed the DUI on 9-4-2018.
Date: 09/21/2020
Case: 2019CT00***9
Charge: Knowingly Driving While License Suspended
Osceola County. Client was charged for the first time ever while
driving on a suspended license. While the client’s case was
pending, they were arrested on new charges in a different county.
The Ticket Clinic Attorneys were not only able to keep the client
out of jail, but were able to negotiate with the Office of the State
Attorney, resulting in no criminal conviction.
The Defendant was involved in a vehicle accident. During the crash investigation, the Florida Highway Patrolman learned the Defendant was driving on a suspended license. The Defendant had 4 prior convictions for driving on a suspended license and was at risk of being categorized as a Habitual Traffic Offender and losing his license for 5 years.
Result: Based on negotiations with the Firm, the State dismissed the Driving While License Suspended charge.
The client was operating a motorcycle and was investigated for a driving under the influence and allegedly resisted their subsequent arrest. The client the refused to submit to a breath test. Law enforcement charged the client with resisting arrest and incorrectly charged them with a criminal offense of Refusing to submit to a breath test for a second time. The Ticket Clinic Attorneys contested the criminal charges, resulting in the refusal to submit to a breath test offense being dismissed and the resisting arrest charge being referred to a court diversion program, keeping the client’s record clean.
The Client's vehicle was stopped for speeding. Once stopped the Officer determined that the Client was impaired by alcohol and requested the Client perform sobriety exercises. The Client agreed to comply and did not perform well on the exercises. He was arrested and once at the jail he gave a breath sample over the legal limit. The Firm was retained and investigated the case. It was determined that the breath sample was barely over the legal limit. This fact, combined with the fact that there wasn't a bad driving pattern, allowed the Firm to argue to the State that it wasn't a bad case for trial. In addition, the Firm also argued that the Client was extremely cooperative and did not have a bad prior criminal history. The State agreed and dismissed the DUI.
The Client was pulled over after being observed drifting on the roadway and failing to accelerate to a reasonable speed. After working with the State and presenting mitigation evidence we were able to get the case into a diversion program. As a result of entering into the program the criminal case against the client were dismissed.
The Client was involved in an accident and was identified as the driver of the vehicle involved in the accident. The Officer on scene suspected that the Client was impaired by alcohol and had the Client submit to sobriety exercises. The Client performed poorly on the exercises and was subsequently arrested for DUI. Once at the jail he was asked to submit to a breath sample, however, because of his diabetic condition he was having difficulty giving a sample. The officer charged him with a refusal to give a breath sample and DUI. The Firm investigated the case and discovered that the Client's diabetic issues could be a defense in the matter and also that the Officer was extremely rude to the Client. The Firm argued to the State that these factors, along with the client's agreeable nature in the case, combined to make for a decent defense trial. The State agreed and dismissed the DUI.