Client was observed by the police in an area known for illegal street racing. The officer witnessed what he believed to be a race and conducted a traffic stop on the client’s vehicle. At the first court date the Ticket Clinic attorney attempted to get the case dismissed but the prosecutor wanted more time to review the case. The case was set for trial on the following Monday. On Friday, the last business day before trial the State formally dismissed the case.
Client was observed by the police in an area known for illegal street racing. The officer witnessed what he believed to be a race and conducted a traffic stop on the client’s vehicle. At the first court date the Ticket Clinic attorney attempted to get the case dismissed but the prosecutor wanted more time to review the case. The case was set for trial on the following Monday. On Friday, the last business day before trial the State formally dismissed the case.
On January 21, 2018 at approximately midnight, the Defendant was stopped for speeding on I275 and then running a steady red light at the Westshore exit. Upon making contact with the Defendant, the officer believed the Defendant to be physically impaired and a DUI investigator was called to the scene.
The DUI investigator made contact with the Defendant who had watery/bloodshot eyes, slurred speech and a distinct odor of an alcoholic beverage on his breath. The Defendant also had droopy eyelids, and a blank/dazed stare while the investigator spoke to him. The Defendant performed field sobriety exercises which indicated impairment. The Defendant was arrested for DUI and Driving While License Suspended with Knowledge. The Defendant initially agreed to submit to a breath test but became combative and wildly screamed "I do not want to take a breath test! I do not submit" when they arrived at Central Breath Testing.
Result: The firm set the case for trial and before the trial began, the State dropped the DUI charge and dismissed the Driving While License Suspended charge.
The client was involved in a heated argument with his roommates and their failure to pay rent. As a result of the argument the roommates when to the client’s mother’s house to confront the client. A fight broke out. The client was charged with Battery. The Ticket Clinic Attorney got the State to drop the battery charge but they wouldn’t dismiss the disorderly conduct. After researching the case the Ticket Clinic Attorney obtained a favorable plea offer but advised the client of a potential win in court. The client elected to reject the state’s offer and to take the case to trial. On the day of trial the State’s case began to crumble. Just minutes before the trial was about to commence the state filled a Nolle Pros dismissing the charge.
The Client was involved in a serious accident that caused injuries to the driver of the other vehicle. Once law enforcement arrived the Client was identified as the driver of the vehicle at fault and was given roadside sobriety exercises. The Client performed poorly on the exercises and was then transported to the breath alcohol testing facility where he blew over the legal limit. The Firm was hired and began investigating the case. The Firm was able to discover, through a deposition, that one of the witnesses to the Client driving the vehicle, was having a hard time remembering the Client's description. The Firm then addressed this issue with the State Attorney, who refused to dismiss the case. The Firm continued to fight the issue for the Client and after over 12 months of working on the case, the State agreed to dismiss the DUI.
Client retained the public defender on her DUI charge and was plead out as charged. She failed to comply with the terms of her probation and moved out of state to help care for an ill family member. The probation officer violated her probation and the judge issued an arrest warrant. First the Ticket Clinic Attorney got the warrant quashed without the client going to jail or coming back to Florida. After getting the client back on the right track the judge dismissed the violation of probation and her probation is now terminated
The Client was driving on a restricted license from a prior DUI charge. He was pulled over for a non-moving violation and the officer began to question his license status. The officer eventually issued a criminal notice to appear for “violation of business purpose only license.” The Ticket Clinic Attorney filed a motion to dismiss to which the state attempted to strike from the record. The Judge denied the State’s request, but also denied the motion to dismiss indicating testimony was needed before such a ruling could be made. The case was set for a bench trial. A few days before trial the State dismissed the criminal charge.
On February 22, 2018 the Defendant was stopped for driving without lights on at 11:36 pm on Channelside Drive. The Defendant was observed to have glassy eyes, slow movements, a drowsy appearance, slurred speech and the odor of an alcoholic beverage on his breath. The officer requested the Defendant to perform field sobriety exercises, which he refused. The Defendant kept repeating that he only lived a couple minutes away. The Defendant was then arrested for DUI. The Defendant was read Florida's Implied Consent Law and refused to provide a breath test.
Result: The case was set for trial and prior to the start of the trial, the State dropped the DUI charge.
On October 21, 2017, the Defendant was stopped after driving into oncoming traffic nearly striking the front of a marked patrol vehicle. Upon contact wit the Defendant, the officer noticed a very strong odor of an alcoholic beverage coming from his breath. The Defendant's eyes were bloodshot and watery. The Defendant was unsteady on her feet. The Defendant refused to submit to field sobriety exercises and a breath test.
Result: Upon review of the facts of the case with the firm, the State dropped the DUI charge.
The Client was involved in an accident at a McDonald's drive thru late at night. When law enforcement arrived they believed the Client was impaired by alcohol and asked him to submit to roadside sobriety exercises, to which the Client declined. The Client was then arrested and transported to the breath alcohol testing facility where he refused to give a breath sample. As a result he was charged with his second DUI within a period of five years and a refusal to submit to breath testing. This charge carried with it mandatory jail and a mandatory five year license suspension. The Firm immediately began conducting depositions in the case and looking into the accident at issue. Finally, the Firm discovered that the first witness involved in the crash, did not believe that the Client was impaired. This fact, combined with the fact that the Client refused to give a breath sample or do the exercises, contributed to a lack of evidence of impairment. The Firm argued that the lack of evidence would result in a not guilty verdict for the Client. The State agreed and dismissed the DUI charge.
On 12/16/17 at 5:37am a Hillsborough County Sheriff Deputy stopped a Chevy Silverado for traveling 70mph in a 45 mph zone. Upon speaking with the driver, he exhibited an odor of alcoholic beverage on his breath and an odor of burnt marijuana was coming from inside the vehicle. The Driver had bloodshot watery eyes, dilated pupils and eyelid tremors. The Driver then submitted to Field Sobriety Exercises which exhibited several signs of impairment. The Driver was then arrested for DUI and transported to Central Breath Testing. The Driver refused to submit to both a breath test and a urine test.
The client was driving a car with an expired license plate. Law enforcement incorrectly charged him with a criminal offense rather than the applicable civil infraction. The Ticket Clinic Attorneys contested the criminal charge, resulting in it being dropped, keeping the client’s record clean.