DUI & Criminal Division


To protect our clients privacy, incomplete case numbers are provided.

Case Summary

Date: 10/04/2024
Case #: XXXXX76
Charge: DUI
July 21, 2024, the police were called in regard to an erratic driver in Franklin County. The police initiated a stop and observed the Defendant unsteady on his feet,  swaying back-and-forth on the roadway and slurring his speech. The driver was not able to perform roadside tasks but did give a blood alcohol sample a .213 and .206.  After discussing the case with the Assistant State Attorney, We were able to get the DUI charges dropped.

Case Summary

Date: 09/25/2024
Case #: 2024TC000XXX
Charge: Habitual Traffic Offender Motion
Our Client was arrested for the felony of driving while license revoked as a habitual traffic offender. With our assistance, Client's declaration as a habitual traffic offender was removed from his driving record, along with the corresponding driver license revocation. With a valid license, we were able to negotiate a time-served plea on the misdemeanor of driving without a valid driver license.

Case Summary

Date: 09/20/2024
Case #: 24*******4
Charge: DUI
Our client was out on his boat with friends when his boat was stopped for a vessel safety check. The Officer said he smelled alcohol coming from our client. The Officer then asked our client to conduct a seated battery of tasks and our client agreed to perform the tasks. The Officer later arrested our client for Boating Under the Influence (BUI). This client had 2 prior DUI's and the State wanted him to go to jail for 60 days in this case. Our client could not afford to do that — he had a job and a family, and most importantly, learned from his past mistakes and felt he did not do anything wrong in this case. Despite that, the State persisted with seeking 60 days jail so we set the case for trial. We worked on the case for months to demonstrate that our client was innocent, presenting the State with video evidence as well as evidence from the police reports tending to show that our client was not guilty of BUI. Finally, at the last court date before trial, the State conceded and dropped the Boating Under the Influence charge and our client did no additional jail time.

Case Summary

Date: 09/18/2024
Case #: 23*******4 
Charge: DUI
Our client was pulled over for speeding past 2 marked police cars. She was pulled over and officers immediately suspected her of DUI. The Officers stated our client did not know where she lived and she was slurring her words. The Officers asked our client to perform Field Sobriety Tasks and she agreed. After performing the Field Sobriety Tasks, the Officers arrested our client for DUI. Frustrated, our client began acting out and resisting officers' efforts to bring her to jail. The State refused to drop the case as they believed they could prove that our client was guilty of DUI to a jury. Our client refused to take a plea, insisting that she was not DUI. We took the case to trial and vigorously cross examined officers on the video evidence, their statements, and their reports. In the end, the jury agreed with us and found our client not guilty of DUI and one count of resisting an officer without violence.

Case Summary

Date: 09/03/2024
Case #: 2024-CT-******-A
Charge: DUI
While driving down the road, our client was involved in a minor car accident with a Florida Highway Patrol Trooper. Based on the Trooper’s observations, he called in a Supervisor to conduct a D.U.I. investigation. Our client was asked to perform a series of Field Sobriety Exercises and refused to do so. Our client was asked to provide a breath sample and refused to do so. Our client was arrested and charged with two (2) counts of D.U.I. Upon receipt of the evidence from the Office of the State Attorney, our attorney filed a Motion to Suppress our client’s arrest based on how he appeared on video. The alleged “indicators of impairment” were not present on video as the Troopers claimed they were on scene. Upon review of the Motion that was filed, the Office of the State Attorney agreed to reduce the charge. Our client resolved his case with no conviction, no points, and no DUI on his record.

Case Summary

Date: 08/26/2024
Case #: 24******9
Charge: DUI
Our client was pulled over for speeding at 2AM in the Keys. The Officer stated he noticed an odor of alcohol and that her eyes were bloodshot, glassy, and droopy. The Officer asked our client if she had anything to drink and she admitted to drinking 2 beers. The Officer later noticed 2 16 ounce cans of Corona in the driver's seat area of our client's vehicle. The Officer asked our client to conduct Field Sobriety Exercises and she agreed. Despite performing well on the exercises, the Officer arrested our client for DUI. Our client was a professional and was devastated at the thought of what this could do to her career. We quickly began working on the case and presented arguments about why our client was not guilty of DUI. We pointed out legal issues with the manner in which the Officer conducted the investigation and presented those to the State Attorney. The State agreed and dropped the DUI case completely before the Arraignment hearing.

Case Summary

Date: 08/02/2024
Case #: CT 0030XX
Charge: Driving With an Invalid License
Our Client was charged with driving without a valid driver license.  The Client was stopped because the registered owner of the vehicle did not have a Florida driver license, not for any improper driving, The officer did not state in the probable cause affidavit if the registered owner was licensed in any other state or not.  As such, we filed a motion to suppress all evidence obtained as the result of our Client being unlawfully seized (stopped) by the officer.  Upon reviewing the motion, the prosecutor dropped the charge, as the prosecutor recognized the merits in our motion.

Case Summary

Date: 08/01/2024
Case #: 2023ct######4
Charge: DUI
The client was stopped for speeding and slowing down in the roadway for no reason. Once stopped, the officer observed the odor of alcohol and the client admitted to smoking marijuana. The officer had the client perform field sobriety exercises, which the client performed poorly on. The officer then arrested the client for DUI. On the way to the jail the client stated he wasn’t that drunk and cried for 20 minutes straight. Once at the jail the client refused a breath sample.  The Firm was retained and reviewed the video footage of the case. It was determined that the client simply was nervous and didn’t look that bad on the video. The Firm told the State that the case was a good case for trial and requested a dismissal.  The State refused and the case was set for trial. Once the trial was complete the jury returned a not guilty verdict in under 5 minutes!! Sent from my iPhone

Case Summary

Date: 07/18/2024
Case #: 2024-CT-****
Charge: DUI
Our client was stopped by the Seminole County Sheriff’s Office for Speeding. Upon investigation, a Deputy made alleged observations that he believed were consistent with our client being under the influence of alcohol. After a series of Field Sobriety Exercises, our client was arrested and charged with Driving Under the Influence. Upon a review of the case, our attorney noticed that the video did not match the report when it came to our client’s performance on the Field Sobriety Exercises. In fact, on video, our client did not look impaired. Our attorney filed a Motion to Suppress the evidence against our client for the DUI. Once the Motion was filed, our attorney, using the years of relationships and reputation cultivated in the County, suggested to the Prosecutor that they watch the video prior to a hearing on the Motion. Once the Prosecutor watched the video, they dismissed the DUI against our client.

Case Summary

Date: 07/10/2024
Case #: 2024MMXX4
Charge: DUI
Client was referred to DUI deferred diversion program which would reduce charge to reckless driving. While in this program he picked up two criminal charges that would normally have gotten him kicked him out of the program. We were able to negotiate an agreement with the State to still keep him in the program.

Case Summary

Date: 07/10/2024
Case #: 2023CTXX4
Charge: DUI
Client was pulled over for suspicion of DUI. Our Client was asked to perform FSEs, which are voluntary exercises. Our client reasonably requested that his family who were on scene be present during the performance of these exercises, however the troopers refused this request and moved him to an alternate site to complete these exercises. When are client protested about this, he was not allowed to perform the exercises and was arrested. After review of the discovery we brough this to the State's attention along with a mitigation packet noting the good character and copious amounts of community service our client performed in his local community. The State agreed to reduce the charge.

Case Summary

Date: 07/03/2024
Case #: 2023CTXX4
Charge: DUI
Client was pulled over for suspicion of DUI. Our Client was asked to perform FSEs, which are voluntary exercises. Our client reasonably requested that his family who were on scene be present during the performance of these exercises, however the troopers refused this request and moved him to an alternate site to complete these exercises. When are client protested about this, he was not allowed to perform the exercises and was arrested. After review of the discovery we brough this to the State's attention along with a mitigation packet noting the good character and copious amounts of community service our client performed in his local community. The State agreed to reduce the charge.
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Rolando A. Sanchez, Esq.

Originally from Miami , grew up in Central Florida.  After high school, he joined the U.S. Air Force where he worked on F-15E fighter jets as an Avionics Technician.  He was Honorably Discharged. Afterwards, he attended University of Central Florida and received a BSBA Finance Degree, cum laude.  Next, he attended Barry University for law school and among other things, served as V.P. of the Veterans Legal Society.  Since graduating in 2016, Mr. Sanchez has dedicated his career to helping those charged with criminal matters.  These cases include traffic, misdemeanors and felonies, including trials and post-conviction relief. Mr. Sanchez is the lead attorney in Ticket Clinic’s Kissimmee office, handling cases in Osceola, Polk, Hardee and Desoto Counties.