DUI & Criminal Division


To protect our clients privacy, incomplete case numbers are provided.

Case Summary

Date: 07/24/2018
Case #: 2018CT00***9
Charge: Driving While License Suspended
The client was caught driving a car with a suspended license. The Ticket Clinic Attorneys were able to negotiate with the Office of the State Attorney, resulting in the criminal charge being dropped, keeping the client’s record clean.

Case Summary

Date: 07/23/2018
Case #: 2017CT######
Charge: DUI
The Client was charged with DUI after being stopped on a tip from his spouse that he was driving dangerously. The Client was then pulled from the vehicle where he essentially fell to the ground. Once on the ground he could not could comply with the officers' requests to conduct sobriety exercises. The Defendant admitted to taking Oxycodone shortly before driving and also smelled of alcohol. The Client was then arrested and transported to the breath alcohol testing facility where he refused to give a breath sample. The Firm investigated the case and discovered that the Client was a veteran that suffered serious injury as a result of his service to our Country. This serious injury was the reason why the Client was on the controlled substance. In addition, the Firm pointed out that there may have been an issue with respect to the stop of the Client's vehicle. The State agreed and dismissed the DUI.

Case Summary

Date: 07/20/2018
Case #: 2018CT00***1
Charge: Leaving the Scene of an Accident
The client was driving without a license, when another car ran a stop sign and hit the client’s vehicle and then ran into a telephone pole. The client and other driver both left the scene without contacting law enforcement, but a witness provided their descriptions and the client was located an subsequently arrested for two criminal charges. The Ticket Clinic Attorneys were able to negotiate with the Office of the State Attorney resulting in all criminal charges being dropped.

Case Summary

Date: 07/17/2018
Case #: 2017MM00***5
Charge: Resisting an Officer or Arrest
The client was pulled over after an officer alleged that he was nearly hit by the client’s car. The officer alleged that the client refused to obey his commands to provide his license, insurance, and registration, and refused to exit his vehicle when ordered to do so by the officer. The client was subsequently arrested and charged criminally. The Ticket Clinic Attorneys faced off against the Office of the State Attorney at a jury trial and secured a verdict from the jury of NOT GUILTY on the criminal charge.

Case Summary

Date: 07/12/2018
Case #: 20XX-MM-1XXX No Conviction As Charged
Charge: Possession of Cannabis / Drug Paraphernalia
Our client was a passenger in a car that was pulled over. The officer noticed a contained on the center council that had marijuana in it. He asked the driver if it was his. The driver said it was not. He asked our client of it was his, he denied it as well. The officer then arrested both of the occupants. We convinced the State to dismiss the charges as there was no evidence the drugs belonged to our client.

Case Summary

Date: 07/10/2018
Charge: DUI
Defendant was found stopped in the middle of the road with his emergency lights on. When police approached the vehicle they saw Defendant asleep. The car was in reverse, and the engine was running. Officers thought he was impaired and arrested the Defendant for DUI. Defendant refused a urine test. DUI charge dropped.

Case Summary

Date: 07/09/2018
Case #: 2018-MM-****
Charge: Possession of Cannabis / Drug Paraphernalia
Our client was stopped for allegedly speeding by a Deputy with the Orange County Sheriff's Office. The Deputy stated in his report that upon speaking with our client he could smell the odor of burnt cannabis coming from within the car. The Deputy had the client exit the vehicle. The Deputy wrote that he noticed a round tube consistent with a cigar tube, recognizable to him as a common place people keep illegal narcotics and reached in our client's pants and removed the tube. The tube contained approximately 3 grams of cannabis. The Deputy arrested and charged our client with both possession of cannabis and possession of drug paraphernalia. During the consult process our attorney was able to spot a legal issue with the search of our client as potentially being illegal. Additionally our attorney was able to assist our client finalize his application for a legal medical marijuana prescription card. During the life of the case, the client was able to obtain approval for the card and provide a hard copy of it to the State and Judge. Based on the combination of a potential illegal search and the valid medical marijuana card, the State agreed to dismiss all charges rather than go forward on the Defense's motion to suppress evidence.

Case Summary

Date: 07/06/2018
Case #: 2017CT0#####
Charge: DUI
The Client was involved in a small accident with another vehicle. Law enforcement arrived on scene and determined that the Client was the at fault driver but also that he seemed impaired by alcohol. A DUI investigation was conducted and the Client admitted that he shouldn't have been driving. The Client then performed poorly on the field sobriety exercises. The Client was arrested and taken to the Breath Alcohol testing facility where he blew over twice the legal limit. The Firm investigated the case and discovered that the Client's accident was a small one, where not much damage was reported, and the Client had a completely clean prior criminal history. In addition, the Client cooperated fully with law enforcement's investigation. After addressing these mitigating factors with the State, the DUI was dismissed.

Case Summary

Date: 07/06/2018
Case #: 2017CT0#####
Charge: DUI
The Client was observed swerving and then hit a sidewalk. Law enforcement attempted to stop the Client's vehicle but she ignored them and drove approximately 9 blocks before she came to a stop. The Client was then given field sobriety exercises, which law enforcement stated that she performed poorly on, and once arrested she gave a breath sample of more than twice the legal limit. The Client was charged with DUI and felony Fleeing and Eluding an Officer. The Firm investigated the case and determined that it was not reasonable to believe that the Client was actively trying to evade the Officer as she was not speeding or trying to be "evasive." The Firm also discovered that the client had zero criminal history and did not look bad on her video as the Officer had stated in his report. The State agreed to dismiss both the DUI and the felony Fleeing charge.

Case Summary

Date: 07/05/2018
Case #: 2018CT00******
Charge: DUI
The Client's vehicle blew out its tire and lost control and crashed. Seconds later law enforcement was on the scene and observed the Client leaning against the vehicle. The Client admitted he was driving and lost control of the vehicle. The Officer requested the Client perform field sobriety exercises, which the Client performed poorly on. The Client was arrested and taken to the Breath Alcohol Testing facility where he blew over the legal limit. The Firm investigated the case and discovered that there was an issue as to whether or not the State could prove that the Client was in actual physical control of the vehicle absent the Client's Statement, which could possibly be excluded. The State agreed and dismissed the DUI charge.

Case Summary

Date: 07/05/2018
Case #: 2018CT00*****
Charge: DUI
The Client was arrested for DUI after she crashed into a traffic construction arrow sign. The Client told law enforcement that she could not complete the exercise because she drank too much. She was arrested and then transported to the breath alcohol testing facility where she refused to give a breath sample. The Firm investigated the case and discovered that the Client, despite being almost 60 years of age, had a completely clean record, was cooperative, and had a history of various physical and mental health issues. After hearing all of the mitigating factors related to the case, the State agreed to dismiss the DUI charges.

Case Summary

Date: 07/03/2018
Case #: 2017MM00####
Charge: DUI
The Client was stopped for speeding and allegedly almost striking a police vehicle. Law enforcement believed the Client was impaired and had the Client perform field sobriety exercises, which he allegedly performed poorly. The Client was then arrested for DUI and was transported to the Breath Alcohol Testing facility, where he gave a breath sample that was almost three times the legal limit. The Firm investigated the case and discovered that the video for the case showed that the Client did not look as impaired as the officer alleged. In addition, the Client was extremely cooperative with law enforcement and did not have a prior criminal record. After a discussion with the State regarding the mitigating factors of the Client's case, the State agreed to dismiss the DUI charge.
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Rolando A. Sanchez, Esq.

Originally from Miami , grew up in Central Florida.  After high school, he joined the U.S. Air Force where he worked on F-15E fighter jets as an Avionics Technician.  He was Honorably Discharged. Afterwards, he attended University of Central Florida and received a BSBA Finance Degree, cum laude.  Next, he attended Barry University for law school and among other things, served as V.P. of the Veterans Legal Society.  Since graduating in 2016, Mr. Sanchez has dedicated his career to helping those charged with criminal matters.  These cases include traffic, misdemeanors and felonies, including trials and post-conviction relief. Mr. Sanchez is the lead attorney in Ticket Clinic’s Kissimmee office, handling cases in Osceola, Polk, Hardee and Desoto Counties.