DUI & Criminal Division


To protect our clients privacy, incomplete case numbers are provided.

Case Summary

Date: 10/16/2017
Case #: 2017CT00*********
Charge: DUI
The Client was stopped because he had passed out with his vehicle in the roadway. Police were called to the scene where they were able to determine that the Client seemed impaired. They ordered the Client to perform filed sobriety exercises and then arrested him based upon the same. Once at the jail the client refused to give a breath sample. The Firm investigated the case and discovered that law enforcement improperly ordered the Client to do the sobriety exercises. The Firm filed a motion to suppress the sobriety exercises from evidence. However, before the motion could be argued the State agreed to dismiss the DUI charge against the Client.

Case Summary

Date: 10/13/2017
Case #: 2017-CT-0***93-A-W
Charge: DUI
The client was involved in a verbal altercation with her husband in the parking lot of a bar. The client called 911 to have the police come to the scene. When they arrived the client was seated in the driver’s seat of a running vehicle. The police detected signs of impairment and requested that she perform sobriety exercises. After the sobriety exercises the client was arrested for DUI and blew just over the legal limit. During the early stages of the case the State attorney assigned to the case was unwilling to negotiate a good resolution. The case was set for trial. On the morning of trial we came prepared to fight, at the very last minute the State agreed to drop the DUI charge.

Case Summary

Date: 10/13/2017
Case #: 2017-CT-0***01-A-W
Charge: DUI
Client rear ended another vehicle on a desolate stretch of roadway. The investigating officer suspected that the driver was under the influence and had the client perform roadside sobriety tests. Despite performing well on the sobriety exercises the client was arrested and charged with DUI. After the arrest the client was transported to the DUI Center and requested to submit to a breath test, he blew .117 / .130. The Ticket Clinic attorney reviewed the case and discovered inconsistencies in the video and the police report. Based upon the inconsistencies the Ticket Clinic attorney filed a motion to suppress. The matter was set for a hearing, the State called two witnesses, both were officers. The testimony was very favorable to the client, the judge reserved ruling on the motion because he wanted to review the videos in chambers. After the hearing, but before the judge ruled on the motion, the State dropped the DUI charge.

Case Summary

Date: 10/13/2017
Case #: 2017-CT-0***01-A-W
Charge: DUI
Client rear ended another vehicle on a desolate stretch of roadway. The investigating officer suspected that the driver was under the influence and had the client perform roadside sobriety tests. Despite performing well on the sobriety exercises the client was arrested and charged with DUI. After the arrest the client was transported to the DUI Center and requested to submit to a breath test, he blew .117 / .130. The Ticket Clinic attorney reviewed the case and discovered inconsistencies in the video and the police report. Based upon the inconsistencies the Ticket Clinic attorney filed a motion to suppress. The matter was set for a hearing, the State called two witnesses, both were officers. The testimony was very favorable to the client, the judge reserved ruling on the motion because he wanted to review the videos in chambers. After the hearing, but before the judge ruled on the motion, the State dropped the DUI charge.

Case Summary

Date: 10/12/2017
Case #: 2017-CT-05***7-A-O
Charge: Driving While License Suspended
The Client was stopped and a check of the computer revealed his license was suspended. The client admitted to knowing that his license was suspended. With the help of the Ticket Clinic the client was able to get his license back to a valid status and the state dismissed the criminal charge.

Case Summary

Date: 10/12/2017
Case #: 2017CT00***7
Charge: Leaving the Scene of an Accident
Client was caught on camera backing up at a toll booth into another vehicle, then fleeing the scene. He was later found and arrested. The Ticket Clinic Attorneys were able to negotiate with the State Attorney’s Office to have all charges dropped, without the client ever having to attend court.

Case Summary

Date: 10/12/2017
Case #: 2017-CT-03***3-A-O
Charge: DUI
Client was pulled over for unusual driving behavior, during the stop the client refused to do the roadside sobriety exercises and was subsequently arrested for DUI. After the arrest the client submitted to a breath test and blew .231 and .217. The Ticket Clinic attorney filed a motion to suppress and scheduled hearing time. Prior to the hearing the State Attorney’s Office contacted the Ticket Clinic attorney and dropped the DUI charge.

Case Summary

Date: 10/10/2017
Case #: 160#########10A
Charge: Resisting an Officer or Arrest
Two police officers observed our client in a verbal argument with his girlfriend. The officers approached the client and his girlfriend to investigate what they described as a "possible domestic violence incident." The client and his companion observed the officers and both got into the client's car. The police ordered our client out of the car, and the client refused, asking the officers if he was under arrest. The police then physically pulled the client from the car, threw him to the floor and arrested him for resisting an officer. The prosecutors filed charges and refused to drop the case, so the lawyers at the firm prepared for trial. After a day long trial, the jury found our client not guilty on all counts.

Case Summary

Date: 10/09/2017
Case #: 2017-CT-005***1-A-*
Charge: DUI
The client was charged with DUI Property Damage after hitting a vehicle 5 times in a parking lot. Two witnesses approached the client and took his keys and called 911. The police responded, the client performed poorly on roadside sobriety exercises and was arrested for DUI. After the arrest the client blew almost 3 times the legal limit (.215 .211). The trial was scheduled for Monday, the attorney and the client went into court prepared for trial. As we walked into the courtroom the State Attorney flagged the Ticket Clinic attorney down and informed him that the State wasn’t prepared for trial and intended on dismissing the charge. In addition to the criminal case being dismissed, we also won the formal review hearing – this means the client kept his driver’s license, and has no DUI on his driving record.

Case Summary

Date: 10/09/2017
Case #: 2017-CT-00****-A-W
Charge: DUI
The client was charged with DUI after she was found seated in a running car in the parking lot of a bar. She performed poorly on the field sobriety exercises was arrested and blew over the limit, .090 and .088. The case was set for trial on Monday. On Sunday the prosecutor reached out to the ticket clinic attorney and offered a reckless driving alcohol related with all the DUI penalties. The Ticket Clinic attorney discussed the offer with the client and we elected to reject the offer due to probation. The Ticket Clinic attorney went back to negotiations with the State Attorney, we go them to amend the DUI to reckless driving with a $500 fine, no other requirements.

Case Summary

Date: 10/06/2017
Charge: DUI
The Defendant was stopped for running a stop sign. After she was stopped she was asked for her license, registration and insurance. She handed the Officer her Social Security Card as her insurance. She smelled like alcohol, her eyes were bloodshot and glassy was and she was slurring her speech. Initially she said she had nothing to drink, then changed it to one beer. During the investigation, the Defendant fell over onto the floor after stumbling. She refused to submit to roadside exercises and was taken to jail. After being requested to submit to a breath test, she gave two samples of .184 and .173. The Firm hired a Private Investigator after reviewing the videotape of the alleged traffic infraction. The Officer gave inconsistent statements regarding the Defendant running the stop sign. After filing a motion to suppress arguing that the Officer was being less than truthful about what he saw, the judge granted the motion and suppressed all the evidence flowing from the stop. The State of Florida then dropped the charges for Driving Under the Influence.

Case Summary

Date: 10/05/2017
Case #: 2017MM0****08A
Charge: Leaving the Scene of an Accident
Client was involved in her first traffic crash, she was scared and fled the scene driving back home. The police put out a BOLO “Be On The Lookout” for her vehicle. A supervisor with the police department located her vehicle just prior to pulling into her neighborhood. He conducted a traffic stop on the vehicle, the client was identified as the driver of the hit and run vehicle, and she admitted that she was the driver the officers. After several weeks of back and forth negotiation with the State Attorney we came to agreement. The criminal charge of Leaving the Scene was dismissed and she was only responsible for a non-moving infraction of failing to provide information. The Client happily paid the $116 – no criminal charge and no points on her license.
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Rolando A. Sanchez, Esq.

Originally from Miami , grew up in Central Florida.  After high school, he joined the U.S. Air Force where he worked on F-15E fighter jets as an Avionics Technician.  He was Honorably Discharged. Afterwards, he attended University of Central Florida and received a BSBA Finance Degree, cum laude.  Next, he attended Barry University for law school and among other things, served as V.P. of the Veterans Legal Society.  Since graduating in 2016, Mr. Sanchez has dedicated his career to helping those charged with criminal matters.  These cases include traffic, misdemeanors and felonies, including trials and post-conviction relief. Mr. Sanchez is the lead attorney in Ticket Clinic’s Kissimmee office, handling cases in Osceola, Polk, Hardee and Desoto Counties.