Client was pulled over by FHP for weaving within and outside of his lane. He submitted to roadside sobriety tests and was arrested for DUI. After his arrest the client refused to submit to a breath test. After hiring the Ticket Clinic the client moved back home to South America. The Ticket Clinic attorney obtained a copy of the in car video and discovered some errors made by the officer. The attorney filed a motion to suppress evidence and the case was set for a hearing. The client’s appearance was waived, and the motion to suppress was heard. The Judge agreed with the Ticket Clinic and excluded almost all of the State’s evidence. One week later, after reviewing their appeals options the State dismissed the charge. DUI Case Dismissed! Case dismissed, client never had to come to court.
The police were called to a residence regarding a domestic dispute where KE resided with his mother and step-father. KE was accused of striking his step-father in the face with a closed fist and breaking a ceramic coffee cup over his step-father's head. The alleged actions resulted from an argument between KE and the step-father over comments that KE made to his mother. KE has prior arrests for domestic violence. The incident did not present any independent witnesses as KE and the step-father were the only two individuals present at the time. KE was arrested and released to pre-trial services with a no contact order for the step-father. KE retained our services at this point and after a consultation, we decided to set the case ready for trial and, after learning of the intentions of his step-father to not testify, have the step-father indicate his lack of willingness to prosecute and also filed a motion to modify the no contact provision on 9-20-17. Our office contacted the Assistant State Attorney assigned to the case and indicated the weaknesses of their case. Unfortunately, 2 days later, on 9-22-17, KE did not heed our warnings to stay away from the step-father and was arrested on a violation of domestic violence injunction and held no bond. Upon learning of KE arrest, we contacted the assigned Assistant State Attorney who, after a recitation of the above-mentioned facts, promptly agreed to no info the domestic violence battery and drop the violation of injuction, thereby leading to KE release from custody on 9-22-17, free of any charges.
On May 06, 2017 at approximately 12: 17 a.m., a FHP Trooper responded to eastbound State Road 574 west of U. S. Highway 301 in reference to a reckless driver
B. O. L. 0). The Tampa Bay Regional Communications Center ( TBRCC) received a call of a dark in color Hyundai, traveling eastbound on Interstate 4( State
oad 400) at mile marker 1, that was driving all over the road, failing to maintain its lane of travel, driving without headlights on. The caller continued to follow the dark in color Hyundai as it exited onto State Road 574, traveling in an easterly direction.
I observed the dark in color Hyundai proceed through the intersection of State Road 574 and U. S. Highway 301 without headlights on as Trooper was traveling northbound on U. S. Highway 301 south of State Road 574. The Trooper came into contact with the dark colored Hyundai eastbound on State Road 574 west of Falkenburg Road and paced clocked the vehicle traveling at 65 mph in a posted 50 mph speed zone. The Trooper then activated her emergency equipment and conducted a traffic stop on the Hyundai for driving without headlights and speeding.
While speaking with the defendant, the Trooper observed that the driver had bloodshot watery eyes and detected an odor of an alcoholic beverage emanating from his facial area. Trooper also observed the defendant had slow and lethargic movements and at times, his words were slurred. Due to observing several signs of impairment on the
Defendant, Trooper asked if he would be willing to perform Standardized Field Sobriety Exercises ( SFEs) in order to ensure he was not impaired beyond his normal
faculties and he was okay to drive his vehicle. The defendant consented.
The Standardized Field Sobriety Exercises were performed on -scene and impairment was observed. The Defendant was then placed under arrest for DUI. The Defendant refused to provide a breath sample after Florida's Implied Consent law was read.
Results: The Firm set the case for trial and prior to the trial date, the State dropped the DUI charge.
Client was accused by his spouse of attacking them in front of their minor child. The Client was ordered out of their marital home and not permitted to have contact with the children. The Ticket Clinic Attorneys began preparing a defense, while keeping pressure on the State Attorney’s Office, resulting in no formal charges being filed against the client.
Our client was arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol. In his police report, the officer stated that he pulled our client over for having an obscured tag (namely that the words "Sunshine State" could not be seen), failing to maintain a single lane and for not stopping quickly enough after the officer had activated his emergency lights. That same police report indicated that there was video footage of the incident, however, that footage was not turned over by the police department. Ticket Clinic attorneys filed a motion with the Court who ordered the video be turned over within 15 days. After 15 days had passed, the police department still did not turn over the footage and Ticket Clinic attorneys again filed a motion with the Court who again ordered the video be turned over threatening that certain sanctions would be imposed were the case to go to trial. After this second motion, the footage was turned over and it quickly became evident that there were glaring differences between what the police officer had written in his report and what was in the video. First off, the tag was not obscured and Ticket Clinic attorneys provided case law to the Assistant State Attorney which stated this was not a basis for a stop anyway. Secondly, our client did not fail to maintain a single lane. The video showed that our client swerved slightly within his lane but never once actually drove out of his lane. Lastly, the video showed that our client pulled over almost immediately after the officer had activated his lights. The Assistant State Attorney was so disgusted with all the inconsistencies that he agreed to dismiss the case.
The Client was stopped for doing 93mph in a 70mph zone. Once stopped the officer observed that the Client had slurred speech and seemed disoriented. The Client was then asked to sobriety exercises, which he did poorly on. The Client was then arrested for DUI and gave a breath sample almost twice the legal limit. The Firm looked into the case and discovered that the Client had an impeccable driving record and was extremely cooperative with law enforcement in their investigation. After discussing the case with the State Attorney's Office it was agreed to dismiss the DUI charge.
The Client was stopped for doing 93mph in a 70mph zone. Once stopped the officer observed that the Client had slurred speech and seemed disoriented. The Client was then asked to sobriety exercises, which he did poorly on. The Client was then arrested for DUI and gave a breath sample almost twice the legal limit. The Firm looked into the case and discovered that the Client had an impeccable driving record and was extremely cooperative with law enforcement in their investigation. After discussing the case with the State Attorney's Office it was agreed to dismiss the DUI charge.
Client was 16 year old High School Student who just got their learners’ permit. He decided to attach an old license plate to his father’s car and take it for a drive by himself. After being pulled over, he was given two criminal charges. The Ticket Clinic Attorneys were able to negotiate on his behalf, resulting in all criminal charges being dismissed.
The Client was stopped for weaving in and out of lanes, improper registration on his trailer, and having multiple brake lights out. Once stopped the Officer noticed indicators of impairment and asked the Client to conduct DUI exercises. The Client did poorly on the exercises and was then arrested for DUI. Once at the jail the Client gave a breath sample that was double of that allowed by law. The Firm investigated the case and discussed the issues of the client's clean prior history and the fact that he did everything that was asked of him by law enforcement. The State agreed to drop the DUI charge.
On 04/21/2017, at approximately 0014 hours, a Hillsborough County Deputy 7 was driving eastbound on Causeway BI in his personal vehicle when he observed a 2003 blue Acura MDX stopped approximately four to five car lengths behind the stop bar at a green light in the center lane at the intersection of Causeway BI and Providence Lakes BI. He observed the black male driver in the driver' s seat passed out behind the wheel. The vehicle was running, in drive, and impeding the flow of traffic. The driver woke up and continued eastbound on Causeway BI. The vehicle almost sideswiped two cars on the left side while merging into their lane of travel. The vehicle crossed the dotted white line with both right tires several times The vehicle got into the right hand lane and went off the roadway with both right tires several times before pulling into a parking lot at the intersection of Kings AV S / Lumsden Rd W. Upon contact with the driver, Deputy detected a strong odor of burnt marijuana emitting from the vehicle, the defendant appeared sluggish and disoriented. Standardized Field Sobriety Exercises were conducted and impairment was observed. An inventory search was
conducted on the vehicle and a plastic bag containing a green leafy substance was located under the driver' s seat of the vehicle. The green leafy substance was tested using an HCSO Quick Check Test Kit for THC ( marijuana) at which time it
tested positive. The amount of Marijuana was less than 20 grams. The defendant was arrested for DUI and transported to CBT where he provided a lawful breath sample of .000/.000. The defendant agreed to provide a lawful urine sample which
was sent to FDLE for testing.
Results: The state dropped the DUI charge.
Defendant was stopped for speeding and running a red light. After performing exercises poorly on video, the defendant submitted to a breath test. The results were .092,.095. Acquitted by Jury of D.U.I.
Client was foreign national visiting the US and was cited with a criminal charge, when Law Enforcement mistakenly believed that the client needed to have a Florida Drivers’ License. The Ticket Clinic Attorneys were able to secure the client’s out-of-country driving license and record, resulting in the case being dismissed, all without the client ever having to attend court.