DUI & Criminal Division


To protect our clients privacy, incomplete case numbers are provided.

Case Summary

Date: 09/21/2017
Case #: 2016MM00********
Charge: DUI
The Defendant was stopped for speeding and failing to stop at a traffic control device. Once stopped the Officer in the case observed an odor of marijuana and asked the Client to step out of the car. Once out of the vehicle the Officer asked the Client if he was in possession of marijuana. The Client stated no. At this point the Officer noticed that the Client had a joint tucked into his ear. The Officer pointed out the joint to the Client who then threw the joint into the street and acted like he never had anything. This was all captured on the Officer's dashcam. In addition, the Officer believed that the Client was impaired by alcohol and had the Client do sobriety exercises. After the exercises the Client was arrested and transported to jail where he refused to give a breath sample. The Firm investigated the case and discovered that while the marijuana part of the case was not strong, the DUI portion of the case was actually good for the client. The Firm moved to sever the marijuana charge from the DUI trial. The State objected but the Firm introduced case law that mandated the marijuana and all other evidence relating to said charge be stricken from the DUI trial where there was no allegation of impairment of marijuana. The Court agreed with the Firm and severed the marijuana case from the DUI case. After the severance, the Firm set the case for jury trial. Before trial the State agreed to dismiss the DUI and the Possession of Marijuana charge.

Case Summary

Date: 09/21/2017
Charge: DUI
The Defendant was stopped for an expired tag. Upon contacting the Defendant, the officer noticed an odor of alcohol and an odor of burnt marijuana. The Defendant’s eyes were very watery and bloodshot and he fumbled with his documents and handed the officer an insurance card several times in lieu of other documents being requested. His clothing was wrinkled, disheveled and unknown stains were present. He was visibly nervous, bewildered at times and could not follow directions. Additionally, he had difficulty maintaining eye contact and focusing on tasks. He was difficult to understand and not making any sense. He denied drinking anything or smoking any marijuana. During the DUI investigation, instead of answering the officer that he did or did not understand the instructions on the tasks, he would simply say: “Can we just go to the beach?” He would also ask at abnormal times about the Miami Heat and Chicago Bulls basketball game even though it was not in response to any questioning and it was 4:00 a.m. He performed poorly on roadsides and was arrested for DUI. All of this interaction with the officer was captured on video and audio. A search of the Defendant’s vehicle revealed drug paraphernalia and marijuana. The Defendant was requested to submit to a breath and he refused to give a sample to determine the alcohol content. The Firm filed numerous motions arguing that certain evidence should be excluded and that certain special jury instructions should be given at the trial. The State of Florida, after the rulings from the judge, and on the day of the trial, agreed to dismiss the charge for Driving Under the Influence.

Case Summary

Date: 09/20/2017
Case #: 2015CT00***7
Charge: Driving While License Suspended
The client was cited for a criminal charge after being caught driving on a suspended license. The client then missed a court date, resulting in a warrant being issued for his arrest. Two years later, the client retained The Ticket Clinic. Ticket Clinic Attorneys were able to have the warrant recalled.

Case Summary

Date: 09/19/2017
Case #: 2017-CT-3###38
Charge: Driving While License Suspended
Client was pulled over for failing to maintain her lane. When the officer asked for her driver's license, she admitted that her license was suspended due to an issue in New York. She was arrested for driving on a suspended license. *** Through negotiations with the State, our firm was able to get the case dropped.

Case Summary

Date: 09/13/2017
Case #: 2017-CT-3**4
Charge: Racing
The client was stopped at a red light in a Camaro. A police officer was stopped on the adjacent roadway out of sight. The officer alleges that the client reeved the engine, punched the gas, and squealed the tires taking off from the light. The officer estimated the Camaro was traveling in excess of 80 miles per hour in the 45 mile per hour zone. The client was pulled over and during the stop the client admitted that he was “testing his car for the track this weekend”. After reviewing the all the evidence with the client the attorney filed a Motion to Dismiss based upon the racing statute being unconstitutional as applied to the client. Two days later the Assistant State Attorney conceded stating that the motion was likely to be granted. Client never had to appear in court.

Case Summary

Date: 09/01/2017
Case #: 193**47
Charge: Driving With an Invalid License
Police officer testified he was driving behind our clients vehicle when he decided to do a routine computer check of the cars tag. The check revealed that the tag was valid but that the registered owner of the vehicle had a suspended drivers license. Police officer then conducted a traffic stop and issued a criminal citation to our client for not having a valid drivers license. At the suppression hearing, Ticket Clinic attorneys argued that because the police officer failed to make any attempt to get a visual of the actual driver of the car they didn't have a sufficient basis to conduct a traffic stop. Essentially anyone could have been driving car and since the officer didn't get a look at the driver prior to conducting the traffic stop, he had no idea nor any reason to believe that the registered owner was the person driving. The Court agreed and the charge was dismissed.

Case Summary

Date: 08/31/2017
Case #: 192**48
Charge: Driving With an Invalid License
Police officer testified he pulled a car over for speeding and issued a criminal citation to the driver for not having a drivers license. Police officer further testified he then asked our client (the passenger) whether she knew the driver did not have a drivers license and whether she let him drive anyway. According to the police officer our client stated that she did know and that she did let him drive. Police officer then issued a criminal citation to our client for allowing an unauthorized person to drive. At the suppression hearing, Ticket Clinic attorneys argued that our client was not free to leave and basically in custody when she was questioned by the police officer which required the police officer to have read our client her Miranda rights. Since he didn't, and her statements were the only evidence against her, the State of Florida had no case. The Court agreed and the charge was dismissed.

Case Summary

Date: 08/23/2017
Case #: 2017CT00***1
Charge: Leaving the Scene of an Accident
Client was in a car accident and was cited as “at fault” by law enforcement. Later that same day, she was in a second crash, panicked, and left the scene. The Ticket Clinic Attorneys were able to negotiate on behalf of the client, resulting in all charges being dismissed.

Case Summary

Date: 08/22/2017
Charge: Battery
Our client was accused by his former girlfriend of preventing her from leaving her own home.  The girlfriend armed herself with a knife and threatened to kill our client, and claimed that he put her in a choke hold to disarm her.  Even though the girlfriend acted as the aggressor, the police and prosecutors charged our client with battery.  The lawyers at the firm prepared for trial, and at the hearing the prosecutor dropped all charges.

Case Summary

Date: 08/21/2017
Case #: 2017CT00***2
Charge: Violation of DL Class
Client permitted his unlicensed underage daughter to borrow his car and drive around with her two friends. The police are called after one of his daughter’s friends falls out of the vehicle and hits her head, requiring medical attention. Even though the client admitted to the crime, The Ticket Clinic Attorneys reviewed the case and found that the State Attorney was not prepared to prove the case. Once set for trial, the State Attorney was forced to dismiss all charges.

Case Summary

Date: 08/16/2017
Case #: 2017XXXXXX5
Charge: Driving with License Suspended with Knowledge
Our client, an international college student was arrested while driving with an international driver license, which could have resulted in a revocation of the student visa that had been issued. The client was unable to secure a new license from the home country. Ticket Clinic took quick action, obtaining a copy of the international driver license and refusing to waive speedy trial, keeping the pressure on the state. Eventually, the state dropped the charge.

Case Summary

Date: 08/15/2017
Charge: DUI
Our client was stopped for running a stop sign by a Broward Sheriff's Deputy who claimed she smelled the odor of alcohol on his breath. The police conducted a DUI investigation and had the client perform several field sobriety exercises. Our client was arrested and charged with DUI. The lawyers at the firm prepared the case and set it for trial. On the date of the hearing, the prosecutors dropped all DUI related charges.
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Rolando A. Sanchez, Esq.

Originally from Miami , grew up in Central Florida.  After high school, he joined the U.S. Air Force where he worked on F-15E fighter jets as an Avionics Technician.  He was Honorably Discharged. Afterwards, he attended University of Central Florida and received a BSBA Finance Degree, cum laude.  Next, he attended Barry University for law school and among other things, served as V.P. of the Veterans Legal Society.  Since graduating in 2016, Mr. Sanchez has dedicated his career to helping those charged with criminal matters.  These cases include traffic, misdemeanors and felonies, including trials and post-conviction relief. Mr. Sanchez is the lead attorney in Ticket Clinic’s Kissimmee office, handling cases in Osceola, Polk, Hardee and Desoto Counties.