Our client was stopped along with another vehicle for racing on US-19. Both cars were traveling well in excess of the posted speed limit. Both drivers were charged with racing, which carries a mandatory driver license suspension if convicted. Ticket Clinic lawyers set the case for trial, as we intended to establish that the facts could not be proved beyond all reasonable doubt. The state conceded and dropped the criminal case.
Our client, a CDL holder was charged with LSA after a traffic crash. Ticket Clinic lawyers had significant discussions with the State regarding the case and the effect that a conviction would have on his commercial driver license. Unable to resolve the case successfully, Ticket Clinic lawyers announced "ready for trial." Finally, the State announced that it would dismiss the criminal case before the trial.
Police responded to a 2 vehicle crash. Our client was identified as the "at-fault" driver. Our client had 2 kids in the car at the time of the crash. Our client was taken to the hospital due to complaints of injury. When the police arrived at the hospital, they noticed our client to have slurred speech, fumbling with her belongings, and she seemed lethargic. A blood test was requested and our client agreed. The results showed the presence of Alprazolam. Ticket Clinic lawyers provided the state with valid prescriptions and pointed out issues relating to the use of the medication prior to the crash. Prior to the trial date, the state dropped the DUI.
Our client was charged with LSA and driving on the wrong side of the road. The citations were issued more than 20 days after the crash. Ticket Clinic lawyers pointed out weaknesses with the case and convinced the State to drop the criminal charge and dismiss the traffic infraction.
The Client was stopped by law enforcement for driving 70mph in a 45mph zone. Once stopped, the Officer noticed that the Client had been drinking. A DUI investigation was conducted where the Client performed poorly and was subsequently arrested. Once arrested the Client gave a breath sample that was almost twice the legal limit. The Client retained the Firm to handle the case. The Firm then investigated the case and discovered that the Client had fully cooperated with law enforcement and did not have a prior criminal history. The Firm discussed these issues with the Assistant State Attorney. The State then agreed to dismiss the DUI charge.
The Client was stopped for failing to maintain a single lane and not stopping for a stop sign in a darkly lit intersection. The Officer suspected the Client to be under the influence of alcohol and requested the Client to perform some roadside exercises, which she did poorly on. Once arrested for DUI the Client refused to give a breath sample. During the investigation the Officer claimed that the Client resisted arrest, but once the Firm investigated the case it was determined that there was no resisting of any kind. These new facts combined with the fact that the probable cause for the stop of the Client was slightly weak, the State Attorney agreed to dismiss the DUI and the resisting arrest charge.
Our client was a passenger in a car that was in an apartment complex known for drug use. The passenger in the car (our client) ran out of the car into an apartment and then returned to the car minutes later. The car exited the complex and failed to stop at the stop sign and without using a turn signal. The police stopped the vehicle for the stop sign violation and for failing to use a turn signal. The driver and passenger (our client) were acting nervous, so both were removed from the car. Both occupants denied that drugs were in the car. A K-9 officer was called to the scene. According to our client, the K-9 took 45 minutes to arrive. This was verified by the CAD report. Upon arrival, the K-9 alerted, and drugs and paraphernalia (needle, spoon, pill box and Xanex) were fund. Our client admitted to possessing them. Ticket Clinic lawyers requested certification credentials for the K-9 (dog) which indicated that the dog was trained for certain drug detection, but not pills. We then argued that this fact, combined with the prolonged detention showed evidence of an improper search and detention. The State Attorney agreed and chose not to file the felony case. Our client was also on probation at the time of this arrest. Because we were able to get the new charged from being filed, the violation of probation was dropped as well (the initial offer was 3 years in prison for the violation of probation alone).
Our client was witnessed speeding in a residential neighborhood and hitting a mailbox with his car. Neighbors witnessed him stumble out of his car and enter a nearby backyard. Police arrived and found him asleep in the back yard. Our client was arrested, charged with DUI, LSA and Reckless. After the arrest, he submitted to a breath test, which registered .22, almost triple the legal limit. Ticket Clinic lawyers obtained pictures of the scene and were able to point out inconsistencies with the witnesses' accounts. We were also able to establish that the neighbors could not have positively identified our client, as there were obstructions in their view. We demonstrated that our client was discovered in an area not possibly seen from the street, and therefore we were able to challenge the entry based on an expectation of privacy. Lastly, based on the time that it took for police to arrive, we were able to argue that they could not establish impairment at the time of driving. On the day of the hearing, the State dropped the DUI, and the other 2 charges as well. As a result, our client was able to keep his job!
The Client was stopped by law enforcement for failing to maintain a single lane. Once stopped the officer noticed signs of impairment and then had the Client complete sobriety exercises. Once completed the Client was arrested and then refused to provide a breath sample. The Client was also driving on a suspended license and was charged for that offense as well. The Firm investigated the case and discovered the the stop of the Client by law enforcement could possibly be unlawful. In addition, the video in the case was not detrimental to the Client's case. The State agreed with the Firm's assessment of the case and agreed to dismiss the DUI charge and the driving on license suspended charge.
The client was stopped at a red light a vehicle was to his right, and a police car was two cars behind the client. When the light turned green both cars took off quickly from the light. When the client shifted from first gear to second gear the wheels on his car chirped. The officer conducted a traffic stop and issued the client a criminal citation for racing. Because the client contacted us early The Ticket Clinic attorney was able to get the prosecutor to drop the case before the first court date. Client never had to appear in court.
Our client was allegedly speeding in his boat in a no wake zone. FWC stopped his boat, and ultimately arrested our client for BUI. Our client had 8 prior DUIs. As a result, the State was seeking extensive penalties, including but not limited to significant jail time. The judge had indicated that any resolution of the case, needed to include signifcant jail time in order to be accepted by the Court. During the discovery process, we carefully analyzed the arresting officer's claims. We filed a Motion to Suppress, challenging the officer's credibility and his actions during the arrest. At the hearing, our lawyer thoroughly cross-examined the arresting officer and was able to establish that the officer acted improperly and jumped to conclusions. The Judge agreed with our position, granted the Motion to Suppress, and the BUI evidence was excluded. The state had no choice but to completely drop the BUI charge, and the judge dismissed the boating (speed) citation as well.
Early in the afternoon the client and his sister were involved in a physical altercation. Several hours later during a heated argument the sister called the police so they would force him to leave the house for a few hours. When the police came to the residence they conducted interviews and arrested the client for a minor battery that took place several hours prior. During the consultation The Ticket Clinic attorney discovered that the sister did not wish to proceed with charges against the client. The Ticket Clinic attorney ensured that proper paperwork was submitted and the charges were dismissed before the first court date.