DUI & Criminal Division


To protect our clients privacy, incomplete case numbers are provided.

Case Summary

Date: 07/17/2017
Case #: 16XX124XT
Charge: DUI
Our client, pulled his vehicle into the entrance of a gated community. Police responded to a call for an elderly man who had passed out in his running vehicle with the lights on. As the officer approached, he noticed a glass of wine on the floor board. As our client exited the car do perform roadside exercises, the officer noticed that his eyes were red, his speech was slurred and that he smelled like he had consumed alcoholic beverages. During the exercises, the driver admitted that he was impaired and that he pulled over to "sleep it off". He was arrested for DUI. Our firm filed a Motion to Suppress, based on the officer's assurance that after the roadside exercises were completed our client would be "on his way." We argued that this amounted to coercion and the Judge agreed. The Judge excluded the results of the roadside exercises. Soon thereafter, the State dropped the DUI.

Case Summary

Date: 07/11/2017
Case #: 2017-0XXXXXX
Charge: Resisting an Officer or Arrest
Osceola County. Our client was pulled over by the police, during the stop the officers observed an open bottle liquor in plain view. The officers requested to search the vehicle and discovered 51grams of marijuana in a backpack. Even though the client had a prior drug related charge Ticket Clinic attorneys were able to get the client into a program and get the felony charge was completely dismissed.

Case Summary

Date: 07/11/2017
Case #: 2017-0XXXXXX4
Charge: Resisting an Officer or Arrest
Osceola County. The client received a frantic telephone call from his fiancé who was 8 months pregnant with their first child. She had just been involved in a traffic crash. When the client arrived on scene a heated argument took place between the client and the other driver involved. When the police arrived on scene they ordered our client to leave the area because he was not involved in the crash. The client refused to leave the scene and was placed under arrest for resisting an officer without violence. After the consultation Ticket Clinic attorneys reached out to the state attorney in an attempt to get the case dismissed based upon common sense. The state refused, the states offer was an adjudication of guilt, probation, and several classes. Not satisfied, the Ticket Clinic attorney filed a motion to dismiss the charge based upon the order giving by the officer being unlawful. After presenting the state with case law and laying out the facts the charges were dismissed before the motion could be heard.

Case Summary

Date: 07/10/2017
Case #: 18**101
Charge: DUI
Miami-Dade County. Police are drawn to a boat playing its music "extremely" loud. Police claim the boat had a difficult time pulling alongside the stationary docks. Upon exiting the boat, our client is said to have stumbled as he walked over and got into his pickup truck. When client arrived at the dock in his pickup truck, he exited and the police approached in order to conduct a safety inspection of the boat. Police allege client had bloodshot eyes and smelled of alcohol as he spoke. Client refused to perform the field sobriety exercises and refused to give a breath sample. Ticket Clinic attorneys managed to get the case dismissed due to an illegal stop by the police.

Case Summary

Date: 07/10/2017
Case #: 18**245
Charge: DUI
Miami-Dade County. Police claimed to have been dispatched to assist on a possible reckless driver. According to the police report, by the time the officers arrived on scene our client was already out of his vehicle. The police report further states that passing motorists had flagged down nearby police officers reference reckless driving regarding our client and that that was why our client had been pulled over. Upon interacting with out client, the police claim to have detected the typical signs of impairment and proceeded to conduct a DUI investigation which ultimately lead to the arrest of our client. On the day of trial, Ticket Clinic attorneys argued there was insufficient evidence to establish probable cause for the stop. Upon hearing this argument, the police promptly changed their entire story in contradiction of their already sworn to police report. Having been made uncomfortable by this change in position by the police, the prosecutor dismissed all charges.

Case Summary

Date: 07/10/2017
Case #: 18**280
Charge: DUI
Miami-Dade County. Our client was pulled over for swerving on the highway and having almost crashed into the median wall on multiple occasions. Upon interacting with our client, the police claimed to have detected bloodshot watery eyes and the strong odor of alcohol as he spoke. Our client agreed to perform the field sobriety exercises and according to the police he failed to perform them to their satisfaction. After having been arrested our client refused to provide a breath sample. During the investigation of this case, Ticket Clinic attorneys were made aware of the existence of video footage of our client performing the field sobriety exercises. After having watched the video with the prosecutor it was apparent that our client did not perform as badly on the exercises as the police made it seem in their reports. Ticket Clinic attorneys were able to negotiate a reduction of the DUI to reckless driving.

Case Summary

Date: 07/07/2017
Case #: 2016#######
Charge: DUI
The client was pulled over on his motorcycle for driving on US1 in the wrong direction. The officer noted that he had slurred speech, blood shot eyes, and an odor of alcohol emitting from his breath. Our client admitted to drinking 3 beers and 2 margaritas. The officer claimed our client performed poorly on the roadside tasks by failing to follow instructions, having balance problems, and being unable to lift his leg. After his arrest, our client provided a breath result of 0.175, over twice the legal limit. After hiring The Ticket Clinic, the attorney investigated the case and determined the exercises performed by the officer were unreliable based on the conditions on scene and the conditions of the client. Additionally, the attorney located evidence that suggested the breathalyzer result was unreliable. The attorney took the case to trial, cross examining the State’s witnesses and arguing to the jury why they should find reasonable doubt in the State’s case. After 45 minutes of deliberation, the jury found our client NOT GUILTY on all counts.

Case Summary

Date: 07/07/2017
Case #: 2017-CT-XXXXXXX
Charge: DUI
Orange County. Our client was involved in a traffic crash after leaving a local bar. During the crash investigation the officer observed the odor of alcohol, slurred speech, swaying, and that the client had a prior DUI. The officer requested that the client perform sobriety tests, the client politely refused. The officer arrested the client and charged him with DUI. The client was then requested to take a breath test – he refused. While the Ticket Clinic attorney was investigating the case it was discovered that the officer had turned off his body camera to have an “off the record” conversation with his supervisor. During that off the record conversation it was discovered that the supervisor suggested the officer not arrest our client. At the first court date the state offered enhanced penalties including 12 months of probation, interlock device (breath test machine) on his car, community service hours, and a $2000 fine. The Ticket Clinic attorney filed a motion to suppress evidence and set the matter for a hearing. The day before the motion the prosecutor contacted the Ticket Clinic to speak with the attorney. After pointing out the weaknesses in the State’s case the prosecutor agreed to reduce the charge to Reckless Driving. The client was given a withheld adjudication, a $750 fine, and a class. No conviction on his record, no probation, no interlock device on his car, no community service.

Case Summary

Date: 07/07/2017
Case #: 2016#########
Charge: DUI
The Client was stopped by law enforcement because he passed the stop bar on a red light and came close to striking the officer's patrol car. The Client then admitted that he was drunk and that he took various controlled substances regularly. He performed poorly on the field sobriety exercises and was arrested for DUI. Once at the jail he provided a breath sample that was more than twice the legal limit. The Firm spoke with the State about the case and pointed out that the stop of the Defendant's vehicle seemed suspicious and the Defendant did have an otherwise clean criminal record. The State then agreed to dismiss the DUI charge before trial.

Case Summary

Date: 07/07/2017
Case #: 2016ct00******
Charge: DUI
The Defendant was involved in a serious accident and was detained for a dui investigation by law enforcement. Law enforcement had the Client do field sobriety exercises, which the Client performed poorly on, and then arrested the Client. Once at the jail the Client gave a breath sample over the legal limit.  While the State had a strong case against the Client the Firm discovered a large mitigating factor that could lead to the case resolving in the clients favor. The Firm discussed the issue with the State that hours before the Client was in the accident, the Client's child passed away. Once the Firm provided proof of this occurrence the State agreed to dismiss the DUI.

Case Summary

Date: 06/30/2017
Case #: 2016CT00####
Charge: DUI
The client's vehcile was stopped for swerving multipe times. After he was stopped the Officer smelled an odor of alcohol and the Client admitted to having a couple drinks. The Officer then requested the Client submit to roadside exercises, which he did. After doing poorly on said exercises the Client gave a breath sample over the legal limit. The Firm reviewed the video that was associated with the case and determined that the video did not appear to show as bad of a driving pattern as the Officer described. The Firm contacted the State and informed them that a motion could be filed on the legality of the stop. The State then agreed to dismiss the DUI charge.

Case Summary

Date: 06/30/2017
Case #: 2016ct00######
Charge: DUI
The Client was having a medical issue in his car that was parked in his doctor's office driveway. The Officer stated he made contact with the Client because he was improperly parked and blocking the driveway. Once the Officer made contact he noticed that the Client seemed impaired. The Client admitted to inhaling the contents of a nearby aerosol can and taking barbiturates. He performed sobriety exercises and was then transported to the hospital for a blood test. After giving the blood test he was charged with DUI and inhaling a chemical substance. The Firm thoroughly investigated the case and ultimately discovered that the detention of the Client may have been improper as well as the blood draw that showed he had chemical and controlled substances in his system. The Firm filed a motion to suppress the stop as well as the blood test. Before the motion could be argued the State agreed to dismiss the DUI charge and the inhalation charge.
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Rolando A. Sanchez, Esq.

Originally from Miami , grew up in Central Florida.  After high school, he joined the U.S. Air Force where he worked on F-15E fighter jets as an Avionics Technician.  He was Honorably Discharged. Afterwards, he attended University of Central Florida and received a BSBA Finance Degree, cum laude.  Next, he attended Barry University for law school and among other things, served as V.P. of the Veterans Legal Society.  Since graduating in 2016, Mr. Sanchez has dedicated his career to helping those charged with criminal matters.  These cases include traffic, misdemeanors and felonies, including trials and post-conviction relief. Mr. Sanchez is the lead attorney in Ticket Clinic’s Kissimmee office, handling cases in Osceola, Polk, Hardee and Desoto Counties.