DUI & Criminal Division


To protect our clients privacy, incomplete case numbers are provided.

Case Summary

Date: 02/22/2017
Charge: DUI
This case was the defendant’s second DUI within 5 years of a prior DUI conviction and requires a mandatory jail sentence and 5 year driver’s license revocation and the imposition of an interlock device (breathylizer) on the vehicle, if convicted. On June 26, 2009, the Defendant was traveling on I-595 just west of Nob Hill Road. The Defendant was driving in stop and go traffic and the vehicle in front of the Defendant’s vehicle stopped suddenly. In an attempt to avoid the collision (which he was unable to) the Defendant lost control of his vehicle; hit the vehicle in front of him; left the roadway and crashed through a fence separating I-595 and SR 84. A Florida Highway Patrol Trooper arrived on scene to investigate the crash and noticed that the Defendant had a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage, bloodshot and watery eyes and was extremely unsteady on his feet. The Defendant was identified as the driver of the vehicle and was asked to perform roadside exercises. During the roadside exercises, the Defendant almost fell several times and was arrested for DUI. The Defendant refused to submit to the breath test. All DUI charges were dropped by the State.

Case Summary

Date: 02/22/2017
Charge: DUI
The defendant was weaving and driving the wrong way on a one-way street. He was arrested after completing the road exercises. The Defendant refused the breath test. DUI charge dropped.

Case Summary

Date: 02/21/2017
Case #: 174###15
Charge: Battery
Our client was in the area visiting a friend. Our client and his friend spent the day at the beach with some of her roommates and then returned to hang out at her place. Upon returning to her place they were approached by the alleged victim. The alleged victim got into an argument with them and our client stepped in to protect his friend. When police arrived both our client and the alleged victim were detained. Law enforcement then began the investigation by interviewing anyone who would speak to them. Those at the party knew the alleged victim since he lives in the area but did not know our client since he was visiting from out of town. According to law enforcement after their quick investigation our client had thrown the first punch and he was arrested for battery. After bonding out of jail our client contacted our office to begin working on his case. We thoroughly reviewed all of the witness' statements, the State's evidence, and Law Enforcement's reports. Our office quickly noticed that witness statements were not consistent and left out portions of what happened. Using these statements and statements of witnesses who refused to speak with police our office prepared a defense strategy. Finally, we reviewed each detail of the case with the State pointing out several flaws in the statements. Soon after the State dropped all charges.

Case Summary

Date: 02/21/2017
Charge: DUI
Defendant was stopped for driving without headlights and weaving lanes. The officer approached vehicle and could smell the odor of alcohol. Defendant performed field sobriety exercises and blew a .099. The state dismissed DUI Charge on 11/7/05.

Case Summary

Date: 02/17/2017
Case #: X5-XX-X0 No Conviction As Charged
Charge: Traffic Violation
Client was passenger of car stopped for traffic violation. Brown was searched and found to have bag of marijuana in his pocket. Client provided a written confession to the charge. Was able to get diversion. Charges dropped.

Case Summary

Date: 02/16/2017
Case #: 15-######10A
Charge: DUI
Our client was pulled over for speeding. After being stopped, police observed the client exit the driver's seat and switch seats with a passenger. The client was asked to perform several DUI exercises but refused. He was placed under arrest and refused to provide a breath sample. The lawyers at The Ticket Clinic prepared the case for trial and negotiated the case with the prosecuting attorney. After negotiations, the prosecutor dropped all DUI related charges.

Case Summary

Date: 02/16/2017
Case #: 2016CT01*******
Charge: DUI
The Client was involved in an accident that caused extensive damage to both his and another vehicle. After the accident the police were called to the scene and made a determination that the Client was impaired. The Client agreed to do field sobriety exercises, performed poorly, and afterwards the Officer arrested the Client for DUI. Later the Officer requested the Client to provide a breath sample, which the Client refused to do. The Firm, after investigating the case, spoke with the Assistant State Attorney and informed them that all damages for the accident had been taken care of by the Client and that the Client intended to pursue a life in public service, and that a DUI conviction could jeopardize that future path. Based upon the discussions had with the Firm, the State then agreed to dismiss the DUI charge.

Case Summary

Date: 02/15/2017
Case #: 150############U10A
Charge: DUI
Police came into contact with our client who was passed out at the wheel in the middle of the road. Officers claimed that they smelled the odor of alcohol on his breath and had to use smelling salts to wake him up. The police had our client perform field sobriety exercises and claimed that he did poorly. The client was arrested and agreed to provide a breath sample, which revealed that the client's breath alcohol level was .06; under the legal limit. The police then demanded a urine sample to test for drugs, the client refused but admitted to having some drugs in his system. The state charged our client with DUI. The lawyers at The Ticket Clinic took the case to trial where the client was acquitted of all charges.

Case Summary

Date: 02/15/2017
Case #: 16-########A
Charge: DUI
Our client was involved in a single car accident during which he crashed his car into a telephone pole. When the police arrived, the car was tipped over onto its side. The officers claimed that the client was impaired by alcohol and arrested him for DUI. The firm's lawyers investigated the case and set it for trial where all DUI related charges were dropped.

Case Summary

Date: 02/14/2017
Charge: Driving While License Suspended
The Defendant was charged with Driving While License Suspended. Because of the numerous convictions for the same type of charge on his record the State was asking for jail time. The firm filed a motion to suppress the stop of defendant's vehicle. At the motion to suppress, the police officer who made the stop claimed that he stopped the defendant because he was obstructing traffic at a green light. The defendant took the stand and stated that there were pedestrians in the cross walk and he was waiting for them to cross and that is why he was not moving through the green light. Faced with the defendant’s word versus the police officer’s word, the Firm argued that it was quite possible the officer didn’t see the pedestrians because he was looking up the defendant’s license plate at the time on his computer and therefore not looking at the scene in front of him. The Court ruled in favor of the defendant and all charges were dismissed by the State.

Case Summary

Date: 02/08/2017
Case #: 2014-CF- XXXX No Conviction as Charged
Charge: DUI
Our client was seen driving in the wrong lane. He almost hit the officer head on. He was pulled over and asked for his paperwork. Our client had trouble locating and understanding what documents the officer wanted. He was asked to exit the vehicle. The officer then noticed he was unsteady on his feet and his speech was slurred. During the investigation, the officer also smelled alcohol on his breath, noticed he was blinking very slow, and his eyes were red. Our clients refused to perform field sobriety exercises when asked and he was arrested. He also refused to provide a breath sample at the jail. After lengthy negotiations, our firm convinced the State to drop the DUI.

Case Summary

Date: 02/07/2017
Case #: 16-CX-XX28X0
Charge: DUI
Our client was stopped by a police officer for cutting off the officer and making an improper turn at a traffic light. Next, our client allegedly changed lanes, again impeding the officer's ability to maneuver his car. After being stopped, our client admitted to drinking 5 beers and said that "he shouldn't be driving". Initially, our client refused do perform the roadside exercises as he suffered from COPD. The officer explained that he may be subject to arrest and our client asked that if he performed the exercises, "if it could help him". The officer replied "maybe". We filed a Motion to Suppress based on this dialogue between our client and te officer. Our research found Florida case law, with similar facts, finding that this dialogue made the exercises forced as opposed to conentual. During the hearing, the officer's testimony conflicted with his police report. The Judge granted our Motion to Suppress, after hearing all of the evidence. The DUI was then dropped.
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Rolando A. Sanchez, Esq.

Originally from Miami , grew up in Central Florida.  After high school, he joined the U.S. Air Force where he worked on F-15E fighter jets as an Avionics Technician.  He was Honorably Discharged. Afterwards, he attended University of Central Florida and received a BSBA Finance Degree, cum laude.  Next, he attended Barry University for law school and among other things, served as V.P. of the Veterans Legal Society.  Since graduating in 2016, Mr. Sanchez has dedicated his career to helping those charged with criminal matters.  These cases include traffic, misdemeanors and felonies, including trials and post-conviction relief. Mr. Sanchez is the lead attorney in Ticket Clinic’s Kissimmee office, handling cases in Osceola, Polk, Hardee and Desoto Counties.