The client was charged with DUI after he was stopped for not having any lights on while driving at 2 a.m. The client performed the field sobriety exercises as requested and made several mistakes with both his balance and the alphabet and then refused a breath sample. The Firm took the case to a jury trial and argued that the Defendant was not impaired but instead he had a torn ACL, attention deficit disorder, and dyslexia. The Jury agreed and quickly returned a verdict of not guilty on the DUI charge.
The defendant was involved in an accident where he rear-ended a car stopped at a traffic light. He then jumped out of the vehicle and fled on foot. Shortly after, he was arrested by the police after he was caught in an alley less than a block away. The officers stated that he had trouble standing, had an odor of alcohol on his breath, slurred speech, and bloodshot eyes. He claimed that he was not driving and that the person that was driving had fled on foot. He claimed that he was trying to catch the real driver. The officers located surveilance video showing the defendant exiting the vehicle. The video only showed one person exiting the vehicle and that person fit the descrption of the defendant. He was charged with DUI, DUI with injuries, and DUI with property damage. After taking the depositions of all the witnesses, the state agreed that their case had holes in it and dropped the cases.
Defendant was found asleep in a car in the middle of the road. There was a question whether she was in the driver's seat or passenger seat. (officer says driver's seat) She was found partially naked and told officers that she had just had sex with her boyfriend and was "wasted". After doing a roadsides she was arrested for DUI. The defendant refused a breath test. DUI charge dropped just before trial.
The defendant was charged with DUI. The Officer in the case alleged that the defendant almost hit his vehicle and once detained, the Defendant had symptoms of alcohol impairment. The defendant then gave a breath sample that was three times in excess of the legal limit. The Firm was able to exclude the breath sample after filing a motion. The Firm also obtained the video of the defendant and he had performed excellently on the video. As a result the State dropped the DUI charge.
On August 24, 2015, on the Florida Turnpike, a Florida State Trooper alleged our client was traveling at a speed over 90 mph and aggressively weaving in and out of traffic. The Trooper stated his patrol car he reached 100 mph but he could not catch up to our client due to our client committing over 15 lane changes, cutting off other vehicles, and aggressively tailgating vehicles. After a nearly 3 mile pursuit, the Trooper pulled over our client, charged him with reckless driving and took him to jail. After presenting the State with case law and previous decisions in similar cases, as well as attacking inconsistencies in the Trooper’s report, the State agreed to drop the criminal charge.
On October 14, 2015, Florida Highway Patrol stopped our client for failing to stop at a right light. Upon further investigation, the Trooper discovered our client did not have a valid Florida Driver’s License or license from any other State. The Trooper cited our client with a criminal charge for not having a driver’s license. Once we started working on the case, we immediately found holes in the State’s evidence and pressed them to trial, choosing the first date the court had available. On the morning of trial the State was unprepared and was forced to dismiss all charges, criminal and civil, against our client.
On August 23, 2015, our client was traveling westbound on State Road 408 at approximately 10 pm. While traveling our client struck an unknown object or vehicle in the roadway and came to a complete stop, her car could not move. An unmarked Orange County Sheriff’s Deputy witnessed our client’s car coming to a stop in the middle of the highway and activated his emergency lights stopping traffic. When backup police officers arrived, they noticed our client was dazed, confused, had bloodshot eyes, slow and slurred speech, and smelled of alcohol. Our client admitted to drinking margaritas at Rocco’s Tacos earlier in the night. After performing field sobriety exercises, the deputy arrested our client and took her to jail. At the jail, our client refused to provide a breath sample. After reviewing the evidence with the State’s prosecutor, showing him the absence of evidence that our client’s driving was at all dangerous, showing they could not prove the crash was her fault, the strengths in her field sobriety exercises and the State not having a breath sample, we were able to get the DUI charge against our client dropped.
The Client was stopped for speeding and hitting a curb. Once stopped the officer asked the Client to do sobriety exercises, which he started to do, and after making a few mistakes, stated that he didn't wish to continue. After this the Client was taken to the station on the charge of DUI and was asked to give a breath sample, which he refused. The State offered to give him diversion, which would have involved an interlock device, a vehicle immobilization and at least 75 hours of community service. The Firm decided to try the case and the case was set for trial. Before the trial the State agreed to take away the previous mentioned requirements and drop the DUI charge.
The Defendant was charged with Driving While License Suspended Habitual and came to hire our services just a few days before he was scheduled for a jury trial. He had 12 prior Driving While License Suspended convictions and as a result was looking at a possible long jail sentence if convicted. After reviewing the case we filed a motion to dismiss all charges on grounds that the case was not prosecuted in the properly prescribed time limits as well as a motion to suppress the evidence in the case because of an unlawful stop of the vehicle. The Judge agreed and dismissed all charges.
The defendant was charged with maintaining a vehicle for drug use. The defendant\'s vehicle was stopped for having a cracked windshield in the middle of his field of vision. During the stop the officer asked for permission to search the vehicle, which the officer alleged was given. While searching the vehicle it was discovered that the passenger’s jacket contained methamphetamine and over $5,000.00 in cash. In addition, the officers discovered many tiny statues and items relating to “Santisima Muerte” commonly referred to as “The Death Saint”. The police were alleging that the defendant was maintaining his vehicle for selling drugs because they found drugs on a person in the car, significant amounts of cash, and that “The Death Saint” is known as the drug dealer’s saint. After we researched the issue and spoke with the State Attorney, the State Attorney agreed that the evidence in the case was not enough to continue with a case against the client for maintaining the vehicle for drug use and dismissed the case.
Our client is a Grandmother . She and her husband have been married for many years and are inseparable. On the day in question, her and her husband (to whom a disable parking permit is issued to) were driving in Florida south from visiting their son in Pittsburgh. They were on their way to Port St. Lucie to visit their daughter. After a brief stop in Port St. Lucie, they planned to drive back to Sarasota for a pending move they were going to make. In the area of Sebring, our client’s husband began to have chest pains, so they immediately drove to a local hospital there. It was determined that he had a blood clot in his lungs, apparently a very serious medical issue. The doctors determined he would need to stay in the hospital. Her daughter insisted on her driving to Port St. Lucie to stay with them while her husband was treated in the hospital. During her stay with her daughter, our client decided she would drive to the store to pick up a quilt as a gift to her daughter for the burden she felt she may be imposing on her. Our client was sick with worry about the health of her husband, the thought of burdening her daughter and the thought of having to potentially coordinate a stressful move by herself. Being that her mind was elsewhere, she parked in a handicap space, as she and her husband normally do. Her intent was not to pull a fast one, but she simply was following routine while her mind was stressed with worry. After The Ticket Clinic was hired, the Firm’s attorney was able convince the prosecutor to drop all charges.
The Client was charged with DUI after police discovered him parked the wrong way on a sidewalk and asleep in his vehicle. The officers deemed the client to be impaired and later asked him to submit to a breath test, which he passed, but then asked him to take a urine test to show if he had been taking any drugs, and he refused. Subsequently the Client then picked up a driving while license suspended charge and the State attempted to revoke his bond and was asking for jail on the suspended license charge. The firm was able to resolve the suspended license charge to no jail, and get the State to agree to drop the DUI charge.