Client was observed driving on the wrong side of the road. The officer stopped our client and asked if he had been drinking. Our client said he had 2 beers. He was asked to exit his vehicle and the officer noticed he was swaying and had a hard time maintaining his balance. The officer asked again how many beers he had and he responded with 3. Based on his driving, appearance, trouble maintaining balance, and admission to drinking, our client was asked to perform field sobriety exercises. According to the officer, he did not perform well. He was arrested and supplied a breath sample of .205 (two and a half times the legal limit). Our firm worked on the case and relentlessly negotiated with the prosecutor for 5 months. On the day of trial, the prosecutor dropped the DUI charge.
According to the police, the Defendant was driving and his tag light was out. The officer pulled him over and noticed the odor of alcohol on his breath. When he exited the vehicle, he was unsteady on his feet, his eyes were bloodshot and his speech appeared to be slurred. He admitted to drinking several beers prior to driving. Another officer came out to conduct road side exercises. The Defendant performed poorly on all of them. He eventually was arrested for DUI and provided 2 breath samples above the legal limit: .108 and .100. The attorney for the firm investigated the case and filed a motion to suppress all of the evidence gathered. Rather than argue the motion, the State dropped the DUI charge.
Client was charged with a second and third dui. He received both within two months of each other. He was involved in accident in one case and was stopped in the middle of the road asleep in the other case. During aggressive negotiations with the State, the Firm pointed out legal issues that applied to both cases. After several months of discussions the State agreed to drop all charges.
The police stopped the Defendant for not wearing a seat belt. Upon making contact with the Defendant, the officer noticed a strong odor of marijuana. The Defendant consented to a search of the vehicle. The officer found 5 baggies of what later proved to be marijuana. The attorney for the firm investigated the case, and was able to get the Defendant into a drug treatment program. Upon completion of the program, the attorney for the firm was able to get the State to drop the case completely.
The Defendant was driving at 1:30 a.m. on A1A when an officer observed his brake light out and his tag expired. After stopping the vehicle, the officer approached the defendant\'s car. The Defendant had a cooler of beers in the bed of his truck with several empty beer cans spread around. After speaking with the defendant, the officer noticed that his knuckles were red and scratched. The Defendant stated he was mad at his mother. The Defendant was asked to step out of the car where he was unsteady on his feet and needed to use his car to support himself. The officer then noticed that the Defendant had an odor of alcohol coming from his breath. He admitted that he had been drinking earlier that day. The officer then asked him to perform roadside exercises. On the Walk and Turn exercise, the Defendant stumbled on the first step, raised his arms to balance himself on the 6th step, spun around improperly, asked how he was supposed to return after the first 9 steps up and swayed throughout the exercise. During the One Leg Stand, the Defendant put his foot down on the 9th count and started over instead of counting where he left off. He also raised his arms to balance himself and swayed throughout the exercise. During the Finger to Nose, the Defendant touched his lip on several attempsts instead of his nose and used the wrong hand on one occasion. He also swayed throughout this exercise. After being arrested, the Defendant was taken to the Breath Alcohol Facility. The video of the Defendant was introduced and shown to the Jury. The Defendant was wearing a white T-Shirt with BIG BLOCK BOLD LETTERS that stated: \"I AM NOT DRUNK! I AM JUST NORMALLY A LOUD, FUNNY AND CLUMSY PERSON\" The Defendant separated his legs on the video as if to steady himself while standing. He was asked to give a breath test and refused. After a two day jury trial, the jury returned a verdict of Not Guilty.
On July 24, 2014, at approximately 3:45am, Tampa Police officers observed a green SUV parked in the Family Dollar parking lot across several parking spaces with the lights on. As they approached the vehicle, the officers were able to observe occupants inside the vehicle, not moving and the vehicle was running. While standing at the driver and passenger windows, the officers announced themselves. The passenger came to and appeared to be severely intoxicated. The driver was slumped over the center console and was unresponsive. After multiple attempts of physically moving the driver’s shoulders, he began to respond. One of the officers then looked into the back seat and observed an AK-47 rifle sitting in plain view. The officer immediately opened the vehicle door and removed the weapon. The officer then observed a black handgun on the driver floor, next to the driver’s feet. After multiple tries, the driver finally sat up and exited the vehicle along with the passenger. The driver was very unsteady while standing with a wide stance. He stumbled as he walked and one of the officers noted a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage coming from his breath. The driver also had bloodshot/watery eyes and was in a daze. The driver indicated he was coming back from his mom’s house near Ybor city. A DUI investigator was called to the scene. The driver submitted to the field sobriety exercises and exhibited clues of impairment. The driver was then arrested for DUI and refused to provide a breath sample. Results: The firm filed a motion to suppress and before the motion began, the DUI was dropped by the State.02/09/2015
Client was operating a boat at 9:30 in the evening. He was observed going too fast in a slow wake zone. When the officer approached, he noticed an open contained in the driver’s council . He spoke with the driver who smelled of alcohol, had bloodshot eyes, and slurred speech. He asked the driver to perform sobriety exercises and the driver agreed. The officer determined that the driver failed and arrested him. The officer then requested a breath sample from our client and he refused. The case proceeded to trial and our client was found NOT GUILTY!!!
Client was operating a boat at 9:30 in the evening. He was observed going too fast in a slow wake zone. When the officer approached, he noticed an open contained in the driver’s council . He spoke with the driver who smelled of alcohol, had bloodshot eyes, and slurred speech. He asked the driver to perform sobriety exercises and the driver agreed. The officer determined that the driver failed and arrested him. The officer then requested a breath sample from our client and he refused. The case proceeded to trial and our client was found NOT GUILTY!!!
Client was observed weaving in and out of his lane multiple times. He was pulled over. The officer noticed multiple signs of impairment including slurred speech, bloodshot eyes, flushed face and odor of alcohol. He requested that our client perform field sobriety exercises and our client did horrible. He was then arrested and blew a .205 at the breath testing center. After almost 2 years, the State dropped the DUI charge.
Client was operating a boat at 9:30 in the evening. He was observed going too fast in a slow wake zone. When the officer approached, he noticed an open contained in the driver’s council . He spoke with the driver who smelled of alcohol, had bloodshot eyes, and slurred speech. He asked the driver to perform sobriety exercises and the driver agreed. The officer determined that the driver failed and arrested him. The officer then requested a breath sample from our client and he refused. The case proceeded to trial and our client was found NOT GUILTY!!!!
Client was observed weaving in and out of his lane multiple times. He was pulled over. The officer noticed multiple signs of impairment including slurred speech, bloodshot eyes, flushed face and odor of alcohol. He requested that our client perform field sobriety exercises and our client did horrible. He was then arrested and blew a .205 at the breath testing center. After almost 2 years, the State dropped the DUI charge.
The Defendant entered a Walgreen’s Pharmacy and attempted to remove a pack of razor blades. The Defendant made no efforts to pay for the item and passed all points of sale. The Defendant attempted to leave the store and was apprehended by a loss prevention officer. The Defendant admitted his attempt to steal to the loss prevention officer. The State dismissed the charge for Petit Theft.