Our client was charged with Reckless Driving. According to the officer, our client was driving 70 MPH in a 35 MPH zone and weaving in and out of traffic causing other drivers to slam on their breaks. The officer claimed he was chasing our client for approximately five blocks and that our client was “lucky” he wasn’t charged with fleeing and eluding a law enforcement officer. After stopping our client, the officer stated he detected the odor of alcohol coming from our clients breath and conducted field sobriety exercises. The officer again stated our client was “lucky” he passed the field sobriety exercises and “only” ticketed him for reckless driving. At the end of the officer’s interview, our attorneys asked the officer if he would be able to identify our client and the officer stated “of course”. Upon entering back into the courtroom, our attorneys asked the officer to identify the person he ticketed. The officer was unable to do so and the State Attorney was forced to dismiss the charges.