DUI & Criminal Division
While conducting proactive patrol, two law enforcement officers observed a vehicle traveling approximately 40 mph over the speed limit. While stopped with the vehicle at a red light, law enforcement ran the tag, and identified the driver as the registered owner through the open windows. When the light turned green, the vehicle burned out, and sped away at a high rate of speed (approximately 45 mph over the speed limit). Law enforcement activated their lights and sirens, and the vehicle sped away at an even high rate of speed. A warrant was issued for our client, the driver of the vehicle observed charging our client with Fleeing/Attempting to Elude Law Enforcement – a felony that carries a mandatory felony conviction on someone’s record, as well as a mandatory Driver’s License suspension upon conviction.
After receiving the case, our attorneys went to work reviewing the evidence. Of particular importance was the Body Worn Camera that was provided by the State. This video created more questions than it did give answers as to what actually happened. Based on the questions created by the State’s own evdience, our attorneys were successfully able to negotiate this case to resolve to a misdemeanor offense, sparing our client from becoming a convicted felon and avoiding a license suspension.