The Defendant was seen not wearing eye protection failing to maintain a lane. He was stopped and was unsteady on his feet and stumbled for his wallet. His movements were slow and deliberate and he kept pointing to the scooter. Additionally he had a hard time keeping his eyes open and kept scratching his face and his nose. Additionally, his speech was slow and slurred. A DUI unit arrived on scene and conducted an investigation. The Defendant said he came from a beach where he was flirting with girls. The officer then asked the Defendant to perform roadside exercises where he performed poorly. After the roadsides were completed, the Defendant was arrested for driving under the influence and taken to the jail. He gave a breath sample and blew a .000. He then refused to submit to a urine sample. He did admit after the urine refusal to taking some medications. The officer took the Defendant’s out of state license from him and noticed a 1 year suspension. The Firm requested a hearing and convinced the hearing office with the DMV that the Defendant’s license was suspended unlawfully. His license was returned to him in New Jersey. Additionally, after speaking with the Office of the State Attorney about the proof problems in the case, all criminal prosecution ceased and no formal charges were filed against the Defendant.